Category Archives: 9 TV & Movies/Books & Entertainment



PROMO from OXYGEN’s Website: Each year, approximately 16,000 people are murdered in the United States. 7% of the killers are female.*
Who are these women and what drives them to kill? Oxygen’s hit true crime series, Snapped, in its 7th season, profiles the fascinating cases of women accused of murder. Did they really do it? And, if they did, why? Whether the motivation was revenge against a cheating husband, the promise of a hefty insurance payoff, or putting an end to years of abuse, the reasons are as varied as the women themselves. From socialites to secretaries, female killers share one thing in common: at some point, they all snapped.


I confess:  I love Snapped – The TV Show on Oxygen. 

It is fascinating viewing.  Dave has asked me if he should be worried. 

Here is a tip:

I have learned a thing or two from watching Snapped.  {1} Like, you know, don’t try to make the house look ransacked as if  a burglary has taken place if you’re going to shoot your husband while he is sleeping.  If you empty pill bottles into the sink and open every cupboard door, the smart detectives are going to be all over you like ugly on a monkey.

{2} And don’t ask the young minority kid who is friends with your teen-age daughter or cleans your pool or works for your husband to get you a gun or help you find some one to snuff your man.  Because he is just a kid.  He will turn on you like a pack of dogs during interrogation.  Don’t ruin his life too, man-killer.

{3} But the main thing I have learned is: don’t commit such a heinous crime and then call 911 crying.  That tape will be played back and analyzed and taken apart.  And you cannot pull that off.  You just can’t.  Everybody can tell there is some delirium going on and you’re practically giggling with the “crying”.  My advice would be to let some one else find the body and call in.  You can spend the time waiting by beating yourself up with a wooden spoon in an attempt to cause bruising so you can look like a victim, too,  and trying to make it look like you were duct-taped to the garage door by the “real killers” or something. It’s your only hope.  Don’t make the call.

{disclaimer} BTW ~ I AM JUST KIDDING.  Don’t kill anyone and PLEASE DO NOT use my tips.

Actually these stories are tragic.  Some say most of these women were trying to protect themselves from lives of abuse and that is sad.  That actually does happen and the pain of that has to be excruciating beyond belief.

But I am just shocked at how many women are killing, devising plans and schemes over impending divorce or custody or business disputes or just to collect insurance money and actually following through.  Oxygen can play whole, day-long marathons of these shows.  And it is my dream to spend one day of my life doing nothing but watching Snapped.  Yeah.  That’s right.  Because that’s entertainment! (???)

Help get ALTAR Published!

UPDATE, 11-13-09:  The voting process has turned out to be slightly complicated, so Dave created a PDF with step-by-step instructions and pictures!  Hope this helps!


Dave is one of 40 authors whose fiction book submission was accepted for a publishing promotional blitz by Marcher Lord Press (“The Premier Publisher of Christian Speculative Fiction”).  By vote of fans and the general public, one of the 40 manuscripts will be selected and published in the spring.

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Your vote could be the one!  It is a 3-month process that involves just a few, simple steps (and a very small amount of your time reading each month).  Each “registered voter” can only vote once each round, but there will voting in November, December, and finally January.  Don’t quote me on these details, but I think the November voting will decide the top 10 entries, the December voting will decide the top 5 and then the January voting will determine the actual winning manuscript.

My humble request:

Become a registered voter and help Dave win!  The publishing company will not be spamming you or selling your information.  We won’t personally know if and when you registered and voted.  It is private.  But we’d be ever-so-grateful if you’d do this!

HELP!  Here is how:

PRE-REGISTER to become a certified book-choosing voter!

They will email you to make sure you are legitimate and not just our family voting for Dave a gazillion times.   ALTAR is entry # 27.  This month you’ll get to read a blurb and a synopsis of the story, which is really good, by the way.

First-round VOTING IS NOVEMBER 13, 14, 15!

Once you’re registered, you can go back in and vote on any one of these three days in November.  And I believe Marcher Lord Press will notify you in December and January of voting dates.  At any rate, I am certain I will mention it again.  Because I KNOW you are going to help me help Dave win!  Tell your friends and family and everybody you know to VOTE!  I don’t even read fiction and I am going to VOTE!  It really is a cool story.  I promise.  (NOTE:  You must vote for 3 submissions or your vote will be disqualified…be random if you don’t want to read them all…is it cheating to say that??)

Help Dave make it to the next round!  Come on!

Suspenders @ The Armory


Renaissance Man

Dave-the-husband writes, paints, teaches, husbands, fathers, grandfathers and now he is acting again.  You can catch him this month in the newly renovated/restored Armory in Brighton with The Platte Valley Players.  He starts rehearsals this weekend for his next role as Daddy Warbucks in “Annie ~ The Musical” for Prairie Playhouse Productions. 

He says he is shaving his head.

I am shaking mine.  I guess I’ll be able to say, “I knew him when…”  But he still has to take out the trash.


Bag Lady



Nora Ephron in I Feel Bad About My Neck and Other Thoughts on Being a Woman:

“If you’re one of those women who think there’s something great about purses, don’t even bother reading this because there will be nothing here for you.  This is for women who hate their purses, who are bad at purses, who understand that their purses are reflections of negligent housekeeping, hopeless disorganization, a chronic inability to throw anything away and an ongoing failure to handle the obligations of a demanding and difficult accessory (the obligation, for example, that it should in some way match what you’re wearing).  This is for women whose purses are a morass of loose Tic Tacs, solitary Advils, lipsticks without tops, Chapsticks of unknown vintage…tampons that have come loose of their wrappings…leaky ballpoint pens, Kleenexes that have or have not been used but there’s no way to be sure one way or another, scratched eyeglasses, an old teabag, several crumpled personal checks that have come loose from the checkbook and are coverd with smudge marks, and an unprotected toothbrush that looks as if it has been used to polish siver.

This is for women who in mid-July realize they still haven’t bought a summer purse or who in midwinter are still carrying around a straw bag.

…This is for those of you who understand, in short, that your purse is, in some absolutely horrible way, you.”

I picked up a bag from Target the other day (on clearance) in the questionable shade of green I tend to keep revisiting. 

It is huge.  My entire laptop and accessories, 3 days worth of clothes and all the hair products I own fit in it.  It is THAT big!  I was a little embarrassed until I leafed through Stormie’s latest copy of  Vogue to discover that the current trend in bags is to have one big enough you can camp in it – if ever the weather goes bad and your clothes get wet and you are forced to cover your entire existance with it. 

When I was young, I enjoyed the whole bag thing.  It was fun to have many of them and change often.  But now?  Not so much.


pictured: left, my current bag in that “questionable” shade of green; right, Amy Jo’s bag-notapurse.  Those are not flowers in the pink and green camo on her bag-can you tell what they are?  That’s right: skulls! 

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Pictured: Vogue images from the current issue, December 2008 

Tote, carryall, pouch, pocketbook (my grandma’s term), billfold, handbag, wallet, sack…

I try to update at least seasonally now, but have been known to allow one handbag to go a little longer if it is holding up well.  And I now know, because I have compared myself to others who are better,  I am bad at purses.  Maybe it is the word “purse”?  It just sounds so – pursed.  Because as a verb it can mean to pucker, to gather or to contract into wrinkles.  I don’t like that at all.  Amy Jo says hers may be called a bag or a handbag or a satchel or whatever, but never, ever a purse!

What should we actually be carrying in these things, anyway?  What if I just quit using one?  I can’t. I carry a large personal bag AND a computer bag and I Still have other things to carry.  I am, unwillingly perhaps, yet nonetheless – a bag lady.

The yellow-green color is my guarantee that no one will ever steal it…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF: Watch the red one on clearance at Target – to hold my entire wardrobe…


UPDATE 10.09: I have since used both large and more compact in shades of teal, black, red, mimosa and back to black.  Ever on the search, though, for the ONE that will keep me organized and perfect and reflect the whole of who I am…do you have any idea where I might find such a bag?

The Convivial Occasions of October

Last year I said October is Orange.  And it still is.  My church turned orange last fall, too.  I do love my house-of-worship-advertising sweatshirt with the bum logo (thank-you, sweet Katie!).

This October is craaaaaazy-busy-fun and occasion-filled!

Like, we have three family birthdays in October (mine, Hunter’s and still-to-come: Jovan’s!).  I turned 50 (shhh…there is no need to think about this, nor mention it aloud) with dinner at Cinzzetti’s~

outside Cinzzetti’s

entrance flambe2

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Pictured: Me and my baby, Stormie;  Patrice is telling me right at this very second that she is pregnant with their 3rd child!  Me, Pearl and Marilyn.  I screamed immediately following

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DP nearly ate Cinzzetti’s out of mussels; me and the 5 grandbebes who were well-contained in our private room.

I have sweet friends (almost every single one of whom is younger than me, I noticed), and a lovely family.  Thank-you, everybody for celebrating my life even if I could have gone without noticing the new decade.  I am blessed.

Hunter and the wheels-in-motion cake and fun-on-wheels party for himself and 25 of his closest friends:

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Hunter turned “The Garage” into a speedway.  There were trikes and bikes and skateboards and more.  Kids zoomed one way and then the next.  It was crazy loud and speedy.  Hunter got the chocolate fudge cake he wanted in the shape of a “5” and when, the other day, he reminded he really, really, really wanted some lightening bolts, too, in honor of his current favorite movie, Bolt, I whipped up a strawberry cake at the last second to cut out and ice some lightening bolt shapes for flanking the main cake.

But, oh my goodness, it is what I did with the cut-off-cake crumbs that needs to be mentioned.  Into a bowl:  leftover chocolate-fudge cake, the rest of the fudge filling, a block of cream cheese, a can of cherry pie filling.  Mixed well.  Cookie-scooped onto baking sheets and thrown into the freezer until they were just firm enough to coat with melted white chocolate.  Chocolate-Cherry Cake Bites, o yeah!  To. die. for.  Yum.  Seriously!

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Poor Magoo ended up very, very sick at his own party.  He conked out, but the fun held up.

There was a Worship and the Word Movement PSTeam (prayer-support team) potluck at the MadCap Theater (a great  improv place-you should totally go!)



Last night there was a Seek and Soak with TOM EWING (a man DP called a general in worship ministry).  Here is the kick-off song featuring Tom, Sing to the King

In the video, left to right: Rocky Rhoades on guitar, Tom Ewing, Tristan on drums, Stormie on bass, DP on lead guitar (and leading the whole Seek and Soak), Lewis Brown (a.k.a. Proxy), and Lewis Brown, Sr. on sax.  It was an amazing night.  Musical worship, the Word of God, 3+ hours of encounter-worship, about 100 people entering the Presence, even Baptists! :)  Smile, Emily!  That was for you!

Let’s see…what else?

Jovan and Rocky will find out if it is a boy or a girl at their next appointment.   Goody!

There is the celebration of Amy Jo’s baby-to-be this Thursday night.

And Saturday night I get to go see the final Delirious concert in Colorado ever as they are on their farewell tour.  This band changed everything in the 90s and they are still such a class act, men of integrity who love Jesus and are soooo talented.  They changed the sound of worship and people around the world  go deeper worship via the songs of the Lord they introduced.  Got to see them at Ichthus and now here.  I love them and how they have influenced my own children to become History Makers.

Also ~ Dave will play the lead in the Platte Valley Player’s community theaters’ presentation of “Suspenders,” a musical comedy, as part of the grand opening celebration of Brighton’s newly restored/renovated armory as a community arts center/theater in Brighton’s “downtown.”  He’ll be performing in it over the next few weeks leading up to Thanksgiving.  I’ll be attending the very first performance on Monday the 19th (an event for which I bought a dress!!).  I am somewhat divided in my joy about the fact that Dave is also painting the backdrop for the show and there are 6 giant 8′ x 4′ canvases in my living room at this time.

Family Time!

I will be going to spend a week with my mama et papa in Springfield, MO, where they wrongfully and stubbornly retired a year and a half ago and now wish to leave to be closer to any of us that they know (do you know of anyone house-hunting in Springfield??  Help!).  They will spoil me rotten and my brother Joe is meeting me there, too.  We will visit Branson, about a half hour from them, for the express purpose of giving my mother her dream-come-true in visiting the Roy Rogers/Dale Evans Museum before it closes its’ doors for good this December.

harvest_fest_headerI am already working on church Christmas decor.  In October!

Upon my return, I will enjoy the grandbebes playing dress-up for the church’s annual Harvest Fest and then, as they have all requested (informing me that it is a tradition, one I must have started unknowingly), all will gather at our home for broccoli-cheese soup (because I make incredible zuppa).

Life.  It can wear you out!

Dave is sick and they are checking him for H1N1 tomorrow morning, though they have already started him on antibiotics.  What in the world??  Who has time for this?

Just trying to keep up…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Loosen up some time in November and December.  Right.

The perfect game for us

Seen on Stormie’s Facebook recently (kicked off by her sly sister, Stephanie):

Stephanie Rhoades Kelley Stephanie  Johnny Depp – nudist beach – showering – horny toad……………………………..crank calling 

Stormie Rhoades Stormie   hahahahahahahahahahaha. yeah. September 8 at 8:44am

 Pearl Fernandez Younger Pearl  Nudist beach, showering, horny toad? What are you girls watching?!??! hehehehhe September 8 at 9:15am

Stephanie Rhoades Kelley Stephanie  Hahaha – we were all playing Cranium Party Play Off the other night, and those were the 4 final parts – lots of laughing! : ) September 8 at 10:19am

Tredessa Rhoades Tredessa   Classic! That game was so fun. September 8 at 9:26pm


It’s Cranium Party Play-off (it really is not a vile game) and the way you WIN is by arguing!  Yes.  This is correct.  It is a game where you can argue your head off.  We are in heaven.

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Scenes from a good summer ~ Heaven Fest


An Ode to Summer, for I will not to acknowledge a  fall which does not truly begin until the Autumnal Equinox, on the 22nd day of this month sometime in the afternoon.  Yes,  the nights are cooler, some mornings even crisp.  And it may seem the summer is past.  But I must sing of my love for the summer until the last verse fades softly…

In summer, the song sings itself.”  ~William Carlos Williams

The evening skies are amazing.

The summer night is like a perfection of thought.”  ~Wallace Stevens

At Heaven Fest this year, we had THE perfect sunny summer morning.  Then late afternoon clouds which morphed into an electrical storm in the offing.  There was supposed to be rain, but lightening just surrounded us instead and gave us the coolest breeze and light show ever!

hf-2009-evening  Uriel!


The screen is bigger than it looks!


Early in the day.



 Skillet is so cool!



23,000 people showed up.




The hip-hop stage was so awesome!  It was packed all day long and there was amazing worship going up!



 “Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.”  ~Sam Keen.  This quote has absolutely nothing to do with Heaven Fest, not at least until it’s OVER!


Every stage had a chaplain/minister who prayed with all the bands.  John Burgess is leading it here!



We had a Kidz Area this year: petting zoo, face painting, jumpy-things and even a worship stage they could play at.  It was so much fun!


We never want to chintz on the port-a-potties, and we never shall.


Kent Henry was here!  What an honor!

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My sweet-peeps, Andy and Leah Garcia, made this shot possible right after Kent and his kids had led us into some deep worship.  Andy set it up and Leah took the shot.  Thank-you, friends!

Kent Henry is not only my all-time favorite worship leader, he was the one I raised my kids on.  Heaven Fest being what it is is due, in no small part, to the worship influence my “tribe” was nurtured on as they were growing up.  Having Kent attend, teach, lead worship and pray over my kids was the honor of a lifetime.  His influence on Heaven Fest is undeniable, whether he is here or not, but it sure was cool to have him come and see the impact his life and ministry are still making on my family and through my childrens’ lives.  Talk about legacy!

The nameless/faceless band at The Sacred Assembly – it was a breathtaking time in the Presence!


What a summer!  I get to work with 100 other people who lead this deal and it is such a privilege to get to do this thing!  In November we told the Lord yes, in February we started the fundraising, permitting and all sorts of logistical.  By the time summer comes, we are literally surrounded by the world’s most amazing people, walking it out with them.  I love Heaven Fest!  LOVE it!


Wanna see about 8000 more pictures?

Tons more photos and youtube videos we found can be seen on You’ll feel like you were there, if you weren’t, and will re-live the thrill if you were!

Tristan’s “Big Night” (because he is turning 29)

Happy Birthday, Tristan Kelley!


pictured: The sign made by Steph and Stormie with a nod to The Office, naturally.

You are at that age – you know?  The one everyone claims to be when they don’t wanna be the age they really are?  So pretty much, for the next year, everyone will think you are lying about your age.  But you’re not.  Like McCaulay Culkin, you are actually 29.  Which puts into perspective for me the little boy you were so many years ago when we watched Home Alone with our kids, and Stephanie, in particular.


When you chose Stephanie, when you decided (which in retrospect seems uncharacteristically devilish of you) to pursue Stephanie in spite of a road-bump whose name I shall not bother to mention here, you got us all, the whole loud, crazy, undone and un-in-law-tested bunch of us, lock, stock and barrel.


And we are grateful to your parents for the wonderful son they raised.  We thank God that you were nurtured and encouraged in a godly home, prepared and equipped to be the man you have become – a great husband to Steph and a true daddy to the bambinos.  Tell your mom and dad thank-you for me, will you?  Because they did really raise a courageous son, one who, in spite of the size and girth of the sum of us, is not only equal to the task, able to withstand our faults and failures and shortcomings as much as enjoy any good, but strengthens us as a family, bringing rich character and treasure to us.  Who could have known when you became one of us that one such humble young man’s presence in a family could change our course so drastically?  Tris, you brought  an increase of the favor of God upon us and I can’t remember life before you became our “son.”  We are blessed.

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pictured: he must have said something funny at the family party; a shot from the recent Kelley photo shoot taken by Tredessa; the apparent Rocky/Tristan “butt” shot…for their wives only, I am sure.


Food ~ The Glorious Timpano

As usual, we had your annually-requested-birthday fruit pizza (see recipe) instead of a cake (but I really am game to create free-standing drum set someday), which nearly drove several family members into a sugar coma.  And, much to Stormie’s delight, your celebration became an opportunity for her highly-sought-after Timpano ~ as made famous by the cinematically beautiful movie, Big Night, starring Tony Shalub and Stanley Tucci.  The movie is wonderful.  The food they prepare is inspiring.  Stormie’s version is delish!

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What a silly family we are, sometimes, huh?  But what great times celebrating each other and just being with people who’ll love you to the end!


Twenty-nine wishes for Tris on his 29th birthday.

  1. May the storehouse of good in you always be full to running over!  “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him…”  Matthew 12.35
  2. I wish for you to know the deep things of God and to increase in wisdom as He leads you.
  3. I hope you and Stephanie will always remain madly in love, and that your life’s pursuits will  keep you running into each other in happy, romantic collisions.
  4. I pray that the love you bestow upon your children will come back to you a hundred-fold.
  5. Long life!  And may it go well with you because you keep the 5th commandment to honor your parents.  Keep doing that.  You can’t go wrong. 
  6. God?  Bless Tristan.  Really bless him! 
  7. I wish you 50% off days at Mile-High Comics every Labor Day!
  8. I wish for your full talent as a musician to be recognized beyond your wildest dreams and that you be compensated duly.
  9. May you get all the best drumsticks and Zildjian cymbals you ever need.
  10. I wish for you to have good students: the kind who don’t waste your time and who will really learn from the treasure-trove of musical knowledge you possess.
  11. I pray that as you have dared2work at dare2share, you’ll  get credit in heaven for the harvest!
  12. Tris, I hope you will always be strengthened by knowing that you are so well loved by our whole family.
  13. The time you need with the people you love.  Thank-you for working so hard to provide for your family, for doing whatever it takes, but enjoy time that belongs to you, too.
  14. And that secret dream?  May the resources and location come to pass quickly by the divine hand of the Lord.  He is on the look out for you, I know it!
  15. Rest.  I wish rest for you.
  16. Peace.  I wish peace for you, too.
  17. And joy.  I wish an abundance of the joy of the Lord to be your strength.
  18. X-box 360 expertise.  As if you even need this wish – may you do reeeeeally well in X-box tourneys and beat everybody (except occasionally let Rocky have a victory since he is your “little brother”)!
  19. I hope you’ll…laugh (you thought I was gonna say “dance”, didn’t you?).
  20. I wish for your sense of humor to get even keener, if that is possible, so you can keep us laughing!
  21. Surprises.  I hope this year will be full of really good surprises for you.
  22. I wish increased relationship and bonding between you and all the siblings (the sister you were born to and her husband, and all the ones you have because of Stephanie).  Their lives are so enriched in the knowing of you.
  23. Cool t-shirts, the perfect jeans, great hair cuts and shoes that make your feet go “ahhh.”  You have your own style and I wish for it all come to you easily this year!
  24. Songs.  New songs.  Lots of them.
  25. Beats and rhythms only heard previously in the halls of heaven.  Bring ’em on, Tris!
  26. I wish lots of English toffee for you and other sweet sundries, which I guess can be made possible if I will only get busy.  Sometime between now and Christmas, maybe…
  27. I wish more kids for you, but apparently you are not going to receive that little present, but can’t you just see it?  Six or seven more little redheads running around??!  Wouldn’t the world be a more delightful and magical place???
  28. I am hoping for lots more conversations with you because I learn so much and am so moved by your insight and wisdom on so many different topics.  You are truly one of the smartest people I have ever known in my life.
  29. And finally?  I pray for God to bless you back, in the same kind and with the same measure with which you have loved us, shown respect to us, honored us and become a part of us.  And if He answers that prayer, and I know He will, you will be blessed – on your 29th birthday and always.  And I am believing for that! 

We love you, Tristan.  I hope you will always know how much.  Happy Birthday to you!…mom (and so honored to get to share that role just a tiny bit even though you already have a wonderful mama)

NOTE TO SELF:  Break out the toffee recipe because Tristan is worth it, even if it isn’t Christmas.

Jeanie & Julie & Julia

I saw the movie again last night, for the second time, Julie and Julia.  And here is what I know: I will never be Julia Child, for I truly am one of those people who, though loving the fine meal, the meal that takes hours to prepare, will not use her time for that.

But I defy anyone to improve upon my lunch today.

From my garden: tender, young green beans, stir-fried with crushed garlic and barely salted, the savory flavor of them rivaling a fillet mignon.  A purple bell pepper sizzled into submission in extra-virgin olive oil.  Thick, perfectly round slices of zucchini browned to a caramelized sweetness, and seasoned just-so, so delectable it is hard to believe it is not a sin.

Accented by imported Greek Kalamata Olives, which have been soaking in olive oil and red wine vinegar just long enough, and a thick, soft chunk of cave-aged blue cheese cut from a hand-made wedge, which has been cured to its full potential, the blue veining a work of tongue-tingling art (and some sort of chemical reaction to the penicillin they use in its’ creation).

You would be hard-pressed to find a meal anywhere as delicious and beautiful as this for any price.  And done in 10 minutes, start to finish.

Had I added  tomato,   I fear it might have been too much heaven.

Favorite quote from Julie & Julia:  I could blog.  I have thoughts.

Loving the late-summer harvest…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Get another hobby besides food.