Tag Archives: stanley tucci

Tantalizing Timpano by Stormie

TIMPANO:  A centerpiece-worthy Italian dish, not all that common, but highlighted and made more popular by the Stanley Tucci movie, The Big Night.  Timpano is an Italian pastry crust filled with pasta and ragu, meatballs and genoa salami, cheeses and boiled eggs and at times even peas and chicken.  It’s carefully layered so that when the strata is sliced, it is a perfectly lined work of culinary art, delicious and beautiful.

Stormie made one for Tristan for his 29th birthday.  We serve additonal sauce (tomatoes, onions and basil from the garden) and cheeses on the side, along with a ceasar salad.  It is so satisfying!  In red, find Stormie’s recipe and tips:

I know this looks like an impossible feat and you are thinking it will take you all day…trust me, it is easy peesy and so good, it will prove itself completely worth it! You can tell your family and friends you slaved all day, (I’ll keep your secret:)

*With prep, baking and cooling – this should take about 3.5 hours total but give yourself some extra time the first time you try it (and believe me, you WILL make this more than once).



Timpano recipe alla “Big Night”

 Dough Ingredients:
4 cups all purpose flour
4 eggs
1 t salt
3 T extra virgin olive oil(I mean seriously…is there any other kind of olive oil?)
3/4 cup water

Olive oil to grease a 6 quart timpano baking pan. (I use a type of dutch oven but professionals use enamel wash basins which you can find on ebay:



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2 cups 1/4 x 1/2 inch sharp provolone cheese cubes or slices
2 cups 1/4 x 1/2 inch Genoa salami slices

12 hard boiled eggs, shelled and cut into chunks
3 cups meatballs
8 cups tomato sauce (add 1 lb cooked ground beef)
3 lbs ziti pasta, cooked very al dente
2 T extra virgin olive oil
2/3 cup finely grated Romano cheese
4 eggs, beaten


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1. Combine the flour, eggs, salt and olive oil in a stand mixer with the dough hook.

2. Add 3 tablespoons of water and process.

3. Add more water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until the mixture comes together and forms a ball.

4. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead to make sure it is well mixed. Set aside to rest for 5 minutes.

5. Flatten the dough out on a lightly floured surface. Dust the top of the dough with flour and roll it out, dusting with flour and flipping the dough over from time to time, until it is about 1/16 inch thick and is the desired diameter(you will get major muscles while rolling it out!).

6. Generously grease the timpano baking pan with olive oil. Fold the dough in half and then in half again, to form a triangle, and place it in the pan. Open the dough and arrange it in the pan, gently pressing it against the bottom and the sides, draping the extra dough over the sides(You will need enough dough on top to cover the whole thing so make sure you roll it out VERY large). Set aside.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

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1. Have the salami, provolone, hard-boiled eggs, meat balls, and tomato sauce at room temperature.
2. Toss the drained pasta with the olive oil and 2 cups of the tomato sauce. Distribute 4 generous cups of the pasta on the bottom of the pan.
3. Top with 1 cup of the salami, 1 cup of the provolone, 6 of the hard-boiled eggs, 1 cup of the meat balls, and 1/3 cup of the Romano cheese. Pour 2 cups of the ragu (tomato/meat sauce) over these ingredients.
4. Top with 4 cups of the remaining pasta(I always have left over pasta to serve on the side, it just depends on the size of your pan so you probably won’t use it all in the timpano).
5. Top that with the remaining 1 cup of salami, 1 cup meat balls, and 1/3 cup Romano cheese. Pour 2 cups of the ragu over these ingredients. (the ingredients should now be about 1 inch below the rim of the pot).
6. Pour the beaten eggs over the filling. Fold the pasta dough over the filling to seal completely. Trim away and discard any double layers of dough.

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1. Bake until lightly browned, about 1 hour.
2. Then cover with aluminum foil and continue baking until the timpano is cooked through and the dough is golden brown (the internal temp. will be 120 degrees F) about 30 minutes.
3. Remove from the oven and allow to rest for 30 minutes or more. (the resting time is VERY important for the timpano to set and not fall apart when you are cutting it later so make sure you give it AT LEAST 30 minutes after baking to sit in the pan)
4. The baked timpano should not adhere to the pan. If any part is still attached, carefully detach with a knife. Grasp the pan firmly and invert the timpano onto a serving platter.

5. Remove the pan and allow the timpano to cool for 20 minutes. (This is also important for the setting of the timpano…don’t cut corners! From my own experience it is messy if you do!)

6. Using a long, sharp knife, cut a circle about 3 inches in diameter in the center of the timpano, making sure to cut all the way through to the bottom. then slice the timpano as you would a pie into individual portions, leaving the center circle as a support for the remaining pieces.



And it’s as easy as that!!

Buon appetito! With love from Stormie Dae Rhoades




Tristan’s “Big Night” (because he is turning 29)

Happy Birthday, Tristan Kelley!


pictured: The sign made by Steph and Stormie with a nod to The Office, naturally.

You are at that age – you know?  The one everyone claims to be when they don’t wanna be the age they really are?  So pretty much, for the next year, everyone will think you are lying about your age.  But you’re not.  Like McCaulay Culkin, you are actually 29.  Which puts into perspective for me the little boy you were so many years ago when we watched Home Alone with our kids, and Stephanie, in particular.


When you chose Stephanie, when you decided (which in retrospect seems uncharacteristically devilish of you) to pursue Stephanie in spite of a road-bump whose name I shall not bother to mention here, you got us all, the whole loud, crazy, undone and un-in-law-tested bunch of us, lock, stock and barrel.


And we are grateful to your parents for the wonderful son they raised.  We thank God that you were nurtured and encouraged in a godly home, prepared and equipped to be the man you have become – a great husband to Steph and a true daddy to the bambinos.  Tell your mom and dad thank-you for me, will you?  Because they did really raise a courageous son, one who, in spite of the size and girth of the sum of us, is not only equal to the task, able to withstand our faults and failures and shortcomings as much as enjoy any good, but strengthens us as a family, bringing rich character and treasure to us.  Who could have known when you became one of us that one such humble young man’s presence in a family could change our course so drastically?  Tris, you brought  an increase of the favor of God upon us and I can’t remember life before you became our “son.”  We are blessed.

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pictured: he must have said something funny at the family party; a shot from the recent Kelley photo shoot taken by Tredessa; the apparent Rocky/Tristan “butt” shot…for their wives only, I am sure.


Food ~ The Glorious Timpano

As usual, we had your annually-requested-birthday fruit pizza (see recipe) instead of a cake (but I really am game to create free-standing drum set someday), which nearly drove several family members into a sugar coma.  And, much to Stormie’s delight, your celebration became an opportunity for her highly-sought-after Timpano ~ as made famous by the cinematically beautiful movie, Big Night, starring Tony Shalub and Stanley Tucci.  The movie is wonderful.  The food they prepare is inspiring.  Stormie’s version is delish!

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What a silly family we are, sometimes, huh?  But what great times celebrating each other and just being with people who’ll love you to the end!


Twenty-nine wishes for Tris on his 29th birthday.

  1. May the storehouse of good in you always be full to running over!  “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him…”  Matthew 12.35
  2. I wish for you to know the deep things of God and to increase in wisdom as He leads you.
  3. I hope you and Stephanie will always remain madly in love, and that your life’s pursuits will  keep you running into each other in happy, romantic collisions.
  4. I pray that the love you bestow upon your children will come back to you a hundred-fold.
  5. Long life!  And may it go well with you because you keep the 5th commandment to honor your parents.  Keep doing that.  You can’t go wrong. 
  6. God?  Bless Tristan.  Really bless him! 
  7. I wish you 50% off days at Mile-High Comics every Labor Day!
  8. I wish for your full talent as a musician to be recognized beyond your wildest dreams and that you be compensated duly.
  9. May you get all the best drumsticks and Zildjian cymbals you ever need.
  10. I wish for you to have good students: the kind who don’t waste your time and who will really learn from the treasure-trove of musical knowledge you possess.
  11. I pray that as you have dared2work at dare2share, you’ll  get credit in heaven for the harvest!
  12. Tris, I hope you will always be strengthened by knowing that you are so well loved by our whole family.
  13. The time you need with the people you love.  Thank-you for working so hard to provide for your family, for doing whatever it takes, but enjoy time that belongs to you, too.
  14. And that secret dream?  May the resources and location come to pass quickly by the divine hand of the Lord.  He is on the look out for you, I know it!
  15. Rest.  I wish rest for you.
  16. Peace.  I wish peace for you, too.
  17. And joy.  I wish an abundance of the joy of the Lord to be your strength.
  18. X-box 360 expertise.  As if you even need this wish – may you do reeeeeally well in X-box tourneys and beat everybody (except occasionally let Rocky have a victory since he is your “little brother”)!
  19. I hope you’ll…laugh (you thought I was gonna say “dance”, didn’t you?).
  20. I wish for your sense of humor to get even keener, if that is possible, so you can keep us laughing!
  21. Surprises.  I hope this year will be full of really good surprises for you.
  22. I wish increased relationship and bonding between you and all the siblings (the sister you were born to and her husband, and all the ones you have because of Stephanie).  Their lives are so enriched in the knowing of you.
  23. Cool t-shirts, the perfect jeans, great hair cuts and shoes that make your feet go “ahhh.”  You have your own style and I wish for it all come to you easily this year!
  24. Songs.  New songs.  Lots of them.
  25. Beats and rhythms only heard previously in the halls of heaven.  Bring ’em on, Tris!
  26. I wish lots of English toffee for you and other sweet sundries, which I guess can be made possible if I will only get busy.  Sometime between now and Christmas, maybe…
  27. I wish more kids for you, but apparently you are not going to receive that little present, but can’t you just see it?  Six or seven more little redheads running around??!  Wouldn’t the world be a more delightful and magical place???
  28. I am hoping for lots more conversations with you because I learn so much and am so moved by your insight and wisdom on so many different topics.  You are truly one of the smartest people I have ever known in my life.
  29. And finally?  I pray for God to bless you back, in the same kind and with the same measure with which you have loved us, shown respect to us, honored us and become a part of us.  And if He answers that prayer, and I know He will, you will be blessed – on your 29th birthday and always.  And I am believing for that! 

We love you, Tristan.  I hope you will always know how much.  Happy Birthday to you!…mom (and so honored to get to share that role just a tiny bit even though you already have a wonderful mama)

NOTE TO SELF:  Break out the toffee recipe because Tristan is worth it, even if it isn’t Christmas.