Category Archives: 9 TV & Movies/Books & Entertainment

My Girls


Jovan, Stormie, Tara, me, Stephanie and Tredessa at The Heaven Fest Appreciation Dinner (where I had the worst hair night, but a tremendous amount of fun in my Norma Kamali dress doing my rather-comedic, if I do say so, trivia observations about HF). 

I love my girls.  I am blessed by them, in spite of the fact that they tell me I am like Diane Keaton in “Because I Said So,” with which I must totally and vehemently disagree.  I may intrude a bit, but I am not as prudish and uptight!  And I wouldn’t wear those flouncy 50’s dresses, because I am more of a 40’s woman.  We do both make cakes, though.


These are My Little Women.  And it is such an honor to work with them in all things life, love, family and ministry.  Heaven Fest has been one of my favorite things ever because we do it together.


Good lines from Because I Said So:

Milly:  I’m gonna be just like you mom.

Johnny:  Once I saw that you were a woman with profound static cling, I wanted to be that force around you…I love that when I breathe you in you smell like cake batter.  And I love that you have this insane way of talking in circles that makes perfect sense…I love your eyes.  I even love…your mother.

*Thanks to Luke Bodley for getting us in frame.  We thought there was no way in Hades this could turn out because of the way he lunged at us just as he counted to three.  But, wow, Luke.  You did it.

She’s like the Wind


A few weeks ago, I followed Averi (the youngest of my grandbebes), around with a camera.  Each time she “stopped,”  I’d try to snap her picture.  But she is faster than the digital can handle.

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She’d be looking right at me, center screen, giving me that smile all grandmotherly-photographer types are dying to get.  And then?  Dang it!

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Finally.  The money shot.


The cousins arrive.



Popsicles all around.  Summer is good.


She’s Like the Wind,” from the Patrick-he-used-to-be-so-cute-Swazye

Norma Kamali at Wal-Mart!

Has the earth ceased to revolve?  Have we found the Wizard?  Do monkeys fly and did the cow really jump over the moon?  What on earth??

O happy day!

I found an entire section of Norma Kamali fashions at a Wal-Mart the other day.  Praises be!  pictured: Norma for Wal-Mart


I’ve admired her collections for Spiegel catalog for many years.  Everything seems so flattering, so classic.  But I’d never purchased anything.

Naturally a collection for Wal-Mart is the lowest possible rendition of her things, but still wondrous and I was bowled over by finding it, nonetheless.  The colors, the flow, the style, the quality so far above the usual Wally-world offerings.  I prompty purchased a strapless “little black dress” which I have no idea when I’ll use, and 2 pairs of bermudas for my upcoming trip for a grand total of $32.  Talk about value.  Even the hangers are adorable!  If Norma can make the common-way-past-her-prime woman  feel good in a black dress, she is simply, a jersey knit genius.  I intend to return to buy everything.

Norma on youtube??!!

I just discovered this, too!  Can it get any better?  I submit to you that it cannot.  This is THE black dress.  I won’t look like this in it, but I think she may have captured some of my very being in this short video.

MORE Norma!  I have found my favorite designer ever.  I love you, Norma Kamali.

“Everybody Oughta go to Sunday School…”

If you have ever been a pastor or paid local church employee or just a really good church-type person or the offspring of one of the above and have cut your teeth on the back of a pew and know every song in the hymnal by number and have a perfect-attendance Sunday School pin or church softball league trophy on your dresser, you are probably reeeeeeeeeally irritated at those people who rarely attend church.

And they probably reeeeeeeeeally tick you off when they tell you they can feel close to God while they are in the mountains fly-fishing or hiking a trail or sitting in a meadow watching elk.

I know I have been bothered by that in the past, you know, as a girl whose very first full sentence was, “I’m gonna go to church!”  And boy, did I!

And while I sometimes (often?) smugly sighed at people who said things like that  (“God is in the trees, God is in the sunshine”),  making a facial contortion that read: well, you just don’t have revelation about the local church-you are uncommitted, I can admit that I felt a little jealous that they got to sit by a lake while I handed out bulletins or filled in for a missing nursery worker or tried to unjam the copier for a Sunday School teacher who should-have-been-prepared-before-Sunday-morning-for-crying-out-loud!

God must find us all so amusing.

I love the local church because she is a crack-up.  But we have got so far to go in understanding how our local gatherings could serve the Bride and the Church (big “C”) and  bring joy to the heart of God.  We have the Bride scrubbing the floors of our Temples of Religiosity when she should be served and made ready by Friends of the Bridegroom.  We have just gotten this so backwards.

The question today.

So, I am reading this book by the poetic and dazzling-wordsmith, Frank Viola, From Eternity to Here, and today, in reading Chapter 14, “God’s Quest from Moses to Solomon,” as he parallels the Tabernacle of Moses with that of the Tabernacle of David during the 40 years when they were both “up and running” just 6 miles apart, but actual Presence of God was resting in the ark of the covenant in David’s little tent, I am hit between the eyes with this question:

Where MAY God go to FREELY express Himself?

Because that is where we are going to find Him, where He is able to freely express His heart, His plan, everything about who He is.

And, O God, may it be when  your people gather, wherever they gather to worship You.  May our local churches be places where the people can rejoice and sing and dance and enjoy Your smile and Your favor and Your Presence.  May it be where they can serve You and bring You glory and be part, with many many people, of building You a home.

But sadly, in looking back over even (or especially) my own life as a bona-fide, militant church attender, I can see so much of it was a practice equal to the worship at Gibeon when the ark wasn’t even there (from the book):

“Over in Gibeon, the Tabernacle of Moses stood.  On Mount Zion the Tabernacle of David stood…[At the Tabernacle of Moses] the priesthood of Israel is fully active.  The priests are sacrificing animals and slinging blood at the brazen altar.  They are marching through the religious program, passing out the bulletin, lighting the candles, ringing the bells, and following the liturgy.  But there’s one problem: there’s no ark.  God is not there.  Does this bother them?  Apparently not.  They continue on with the ritual.” 


I wanna be where He is.

And He is in the stars and the moon and the sun.  He is in the air I breathe.  I hear Him in the rushing river on the mountainside.  He walks with me in my own little garden in the cool of the day.  And I want to be in Him and Him in me.  And when I gather with His people on the streets or in our homes or in the hallways of a building on a Sunday morning, may we collectively BE a place where God may freely and creatively and joyously express Himself.

It’s time to walk the 6 miles, even if that is out of a time-honored, traditional institution like, say, Sunday School (this is NOT an anti-Sunday School post, btw) to be where the Presence is.  It really is.  How fruitless and sad to go through the motions without Him there… …Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  David’s, humble, canvas tent: create the same welcome…

*Song, “Everybody Oughta Go to Sunday School.”  I actually grew up singing that both at home during our “family Altar time” and in Sunday School.  The second verse was “Everybody oughta stay for church.”  There were about 5 or 6 verses designed to help me know how to sling  my bloody sacrifices around.

Glorious Morning

“Full many a glorious morning have I seen
Flatter the mountain-tops with sovereign eye,
Kissing with golden face the meadows green,
Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy…”

From William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 33

Update on Life.

It is a Monday, a glorious, beautiful Monday morning.  Heaven Fest is 5 days away.  Robbin and Jake’s wedding on Saturday was a delightful and joyful event, going off without a hitch.  There will surely be facebook pics posted soon, somewhere?…

My friend Pearl’s dad died Friday.  He had been ill for some time, but it is still never easy.  I only met him once or twice, but I know him through the big, loving family he raised, through his daughter, who is a woman to be praised.  He is whole now, and with the Lord, he has gained life.

The Great Outdoors.

Last week’s late afternoon or nighttime thunder showers have saturated our yard to a new level of green, it being August in the arid-Rocky-Mountain-region, and all.  Dave mowed and trimmed yesterday and I have spent the morning enjoying the bird-song, the gentle breeze and my time with the Lover of my soul, pulling a weed or two, harvesting a few tomatoes (leftover quesadilla with thick, juicy slices of red goodness for breakfast) and an armful of beets (to be roasted for dinner…I will try to enjoy them).  The upside-down tomato, now in its’ place for about 5 1/2 weeks is boasting 5 little spheres of future deliciousness.

Dwight Schrute on The Office: “First rule in roadside beet sales, put the most attractive beets on top. The ones that make you pull the car over and go “Wow, I need this beet right now.” Those are the money beets.”

I’m reading a provocative and poetic book.

From Eternity to Here – Rediscovering the Ageless Purpose of God by Frank Viola.  I started before family reunion and am just entering part two (about halfway through).  It is so good.  I have so little time, but I am enjoying it thoroughly everytime I open it.  Fresh revelation.  Resonating reminders.  Goooooooood stuff.  Join me?

O Happy Day!

Tim Hughes sings it this way:

“O what a glorious day

What a glorious way

That You have saved me!”

Turn it up, sing along.  Dance a little. 

It IS a glorious morning!…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Praise Him all day long!

Incomprehensible Love

Excerpted from From Eternity to Here~Rediscovering the Ageless Purpose of God by Frank Viola, Chapter 7: Fallen Yet Cherished

“…run to the Lord when you sin, not from Him.

…He saw your mistakes before you ever made them.  So He’s not surprised by them.  Nor did they prevent Him from choosing you to be His before you penetrated the womb of your mother.  In fact, distancing yourself from the Lord due to a

guilt headache and a condemnation hangover

hurts Him far more than the sin that created those feelings.  (Ponder that last sentance for a moment.)…Hiding from the Lord is a

spiritually-transmitted disease. 

It’s in our bloodstream and the marrow of our bones.  It began with the first man who hid Himself from God in shame (Gen. 3.8-10).  But just as He did with Adam, God clothed your nakedness.  Not with skins of animals, but with the righteousness of His own Son.  For this reason, the Lord invites you to love Him despite your fallenness.

He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.  (2 Corinthians 5.21 NASV

You can chisel it in stone: the Lord’s love is given to you without strings or conditions…your good works (or lack thereof) do not affect His love for you…God loves you simpley because He chose you in His Son and  He loves His Son without condition.

He loves you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31.3).

So take heart: you are some one that God so loves.  He has drawn you to Himself.  Whenever you turn to Him, you are ushered before the smiling face of a God whose heart beats with unfailing kindness. 

Are you overtaken with a sense of unworthiness?

Are you humbled with your own sinfulness?  Let me remind you.  When your  Lord hung on that bloody cross, He was in far worse condition than you or I could ever be in.  He was made to be sin (Isaiah 53.4, 2 Cor. 5.21)…the sins of the the worls – past, present, and future – were all laid upon Him, and He became sin personified.  And yet, the Father still loved Him.

All that to say, in the moment when you feel the most unworthy, you are the most welcome.

[Read: Hebrews 4.16; Ephesians 3.12; 1 John 1:9, 2:1-2; Revelation 12:10-11]

Consequently, if the “accuser of the brethern” accuses you or me of some sin, the Lord’s response is, ‘It’s too late!  I’ve already fallen in love with them.  It’s too late!  I’ve already graced them out of…my merciful nature.  It’s too late!  They are acquitted.  They are forgiven.  They are cleansed by My Son’s blood.’

This ought to move you.  This ought to impress you.  This ought to baffle and overwhelm you.

Oh, the unimaginable depth of the love of Christ.

What amazing love.  What flawless love.  What unshakeable love.  What irrevocable love.  This is the love with which your God loves you…”

When will I get it?…Jeanie

Worth having

Don’t the hours grow shorter as the days go by
You never get to stop and open your eyes
One day you’re waiting for the sky to fall
The next you’re dazzled by the beauty of it all
When you’re lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time

These fragile bodies of touch and taste
This vibrant skin — this hair like lace
Spirits open to the thrust of grace
Never a breath you can afford to waste
When you’re lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time

When you’re lovers in a dangerous time
Sometimes you’re made to feel as if your love’s a crime —
But nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight —
Got to kick at the darkness ’til it bleeds
When you’re lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time
And we’re lovers in a dangerous time
Lovers in a dangerous time

~Lyrics by Bruce Cockburn, Lovers in a Dangerous Time

A “Band of Brothers” Soldier Died

An American Hero Dies

By Dave Henderson

Dickenson County, VA – “Who is Darrell Powers?” I’m sure many of you are asking. With the death of Michael Jackson, the major news networks have sucked the oxygen from the atmosphere with all their bloviating, contrived adulation and non stop coverage of every aspect of the performer’s life. It is no surprise that most have not heard of Power’s passing.

Darrell “Shifty” Powers, like millions of Americans, answered the call of World War II. A quiet, unassuming man, Shifty joined the Army and then volunteered for the Airborne.

 After intensive training, Powers was assigned to the famed Easy Company 2nd Battalion 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division, where he jumped into Normandy on D-day. He was involved in the assault on Bracore Manor, which saved thousands of lives on Omaha Beach.

 Powers fought in the battle of Carentan and the airborne invasion of Holland as part of Operation Market Garden, where millions of French and Dutch citizens found freedom.

 The 506th was encircled by superior German forces in the Battle of the Bulge and against incredible odds, successfully defended the city of Bastone. Powers and the 506th then entered Germany, liberated concentration camps and captured Hitlers, “Eagles Nest” in Berchtesgarden.

 Shifty survived the war only to be seriously injured in an auto accident while en route home and his return to civilian life.

 Like millions of veterans, Powers lived a simple productive life and would have slipped into history unknown if it were not for Stephen Ambrose and the story “Band of Brothers”, which was turned into an HBO mini series.

 Tom Brokaw called this the “Greatest Generation” and I tend to agree. Average men and women rose to the call to defend freedom. Their sacrifice freed millions and defeated true evil.

 This quiet man did not live in ostentatious wealth. He did not want to go to war, nor did he seek adulation for his service, but he answered the call and the world is free because of his efforts and sacrifice.

 I doubt Shifty could do the moon walk, or that he was a gifted dancer or singer. He was never accused of pedophilia, nor did he find escape in drugs. He was not a pop icon, but, to me, Darrell “Shifty” Powers was a true hero.

 We are losing our fathers and grandfathers by the thousands now; they are that age. The “Greatest Generation” – have you said thank you?



From Jeanie~

I grew up with Michael Jackson.  We were born the same year.  I can sing his hits and recognize the gifted artist he was and am cognizant of the impact he had on our society and music. I can say I have been both an all-out fan at times and have truly felt sorry for his mis-steps and very uncomfortable by his behavior at others.   But we seem, as always, to idolize and revere the flashy and forget the true heroes who make life better day in and day out, not for screaming masses, but for the people around them.  And they have impacted the generations just as certainly.

Thank-you to the men and women who, even still, protect us and our freedoms.  Thanks to Darrell Powers and the men like him (including my father-in-law, Raymond Rhoades, who is still living,  and my grandfathers, Dean Baker and Everett Allison, who are not).

The passing of a friend

I also want to mention our friend Ken Culkin.  He died on July 4th at the age of 43, grilling for his family who were swimming in the backyard pool.  Ken was a veteran, too, but I knew him as a great neighbor and friend, a godly brother in Christ, a man who loved his family (his beautiful wife of 18 years and 6 wonderful daughters) deeply.  He was generous and kind, gentle and true-hearted.  Ken will be missed.

Ken Culkin at the Heaven Fest Leadership Appreciation dinner last fall
Ken Culkin at the Heaven Fest Leadership Appreciation dinner last fall

Remember the heroes…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Love and hold people close while they are here…

Wa s’up, Ichthus!??

“Wa s’up, Ichthus!??”

That is what every MC and all bands seemed to yell to get a cheer from the crowd in Wilmore, Kentucky for Ichthus’ 40th Anniversary Festival.

pictured: DP praying with people after a break-out session

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They so graciously allowed us (Dave, Tara and Hunter, Tredessa, Luke and his wife and son, and Kyle and myself, along with the techno kings) to attend, hang out backstage and ask questions of their leadership.  Their generous sharing of insight and wisdom is a priceless blessing to us.

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pictured: Dess and Hunter and me; TP + DP; Tre and her “birthday man”; Hunter and Kyle.

Kentucky was wet, very wet…and muddy (we don’t get much mud here), but very lush and beautiful, too.  There is great community there and really good food!  I had lunch across the table from Shane Claiborne, and just a few tables away from Delirious  (although Dave and Tara actually got to “hang” with Martin Smith while Hunter played games on Martin’s phone), enjoyed some awesome worship at the New Song Cafe with Brenton BrownSkillet did a killer show (pictured below, right).  Israel Houghton is the all-new Andrae, incredible show and back-up dancer/singers!  Seriously, when I get to heaven, I better be able to dance like that!

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One of the great highlights was Kyle and me facing backwards in the golf cart (Tre was riding shotgun) hanging on for dear life while Alpha-2 madly drove the hills explaining security measures to us.  Everyone he busted gave Kyle and me the looks.  It was like an hour on your favorite carnival ride.  Hilarious!

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pictured: Tim, John and Dj DC (the rest of our Coloradan constituency) at the techno stage where the party continued until the wee hours…; Dave and Tara and Hunter with Jenn, Stevie (youth pastors at the big Alliance church in Lexington, where DP & TP did ministry on Sunday morning following Ichthus) and their daughter

And unless we end up promoting Delirious in October here in Colorado (which is still on the possibility-table), I got to see them perform as a band for my very last time and they are  I L O V E Delirious!  They changed everything in the mid-90s, everything!  They were the final main stage show, a great end to a great festival.  I felt very hippie-ish and Jesus-people-early-70’s-ish.  (I wrote about Explo ’72 last summer) I was that sweaty and dirty, too.

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We stayed in a town home on the Asbury campus and daily passed this house with a “garden” in the gutters.  My hair was fuzzy-crap the entire time.  Hunter ran himself (and maybe his mommy) totally ragged.  We celebrated Tredessa’s birthday there, walked a lot, slept little, ate lots of funnel cakes and onion blossoms and had a pretty great time, all in all.

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Our thanks to the kindness and hospitality of Jeff James and everybody at Ichthus.  We have so much gratitude for getting to learn from the best!

May Days

Celebrate good times, come on!

Warning: loooooooong post :}  But it’s only the second half of the month-I promise!

Family Dinner on a Monday night~

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For Steph’s birthday we just sorta decided to “take over” this itty-bitty family-owned hole-in-the-wall spot in Brighton: Marisco’s Mazatlan.  Steph simply adores their chicken fajitas so we warned them and we showed up…bunches and bunches of us, using about 89% of their total table space.

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It was THE hottest day of the year so far and their air conditioning, combined with a zillion skillets of steaming fajitas, plates of chimis and enchiladas and mounds of steamy beans and rice couldn’t quite keep up with all of us.

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Then it was back to the house for strawberry shortcake and presents and stories and letters about and to Stephanie.  The predominant theme seemd to be tied to the meaning of her name: a crown or garland, a festooning.  So we celebrated the woman she is and we festooned her with praises  (Yes, we had just had strawberry shortcake for Tara’s birthday, but once is never enough!)

Celebrating Stephanie was such an honor.  She really is, without at all being a soccer-mom-typical-suburbia-type-woman, a virtuous woman/wife/mommy in the Proverbs 31 sense.  She is anything but cliche, but she is a woman to be praised.  I love and admire her with all my heart.  She is the family festooning!  Good times.

Zoo Day and Farewell to Kindergarten~

Gavin and his whole class got to ride the big yellow school bus to the zoo for an end-of-the-school-year celebration.  Riding a big yellow bus was one of the main reasons Gavin wanted to go to school in the first place.  Imagine his surprise at the bait-and-switch when we loaded him up with school supplies and then – he had to ride in the car.  Bummer.

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But for his patience, he was rewarded when they went to the Denver Zoo.  He was assigned a group with his 3 best friends and their mommies chaperoned.  The mommies beamed, I hear, when told they had the “rowdy bunch.”  I am so glad they can appreciate youthful joy and delight – even if it does get a little loud and crazy, at times.  Steph said the boys shared their lunches and watched out for each other, holding hands when the crowd was thick.

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Who knew you could have such true friends in Kindergarten??  Gavin will be attending a school closer to his house than mine next year, but I hope he will always remember the great friends and the running and jumping playtime they have enjoyed together.  Good times.

Estes Park for writers

Dave and I got to go spend some time in Estes Park where Christian writers annually gather for inspiration and opportunity.  I just go for the scenery and the food.  Even though we’re only an hour from home, being in the mountains is an important hour! 

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It is refreshing and simple and lovely.  I get to meet all sorts of interesting people and be with Dave, besides all that (he is pictured here with critters and with Robert Liparulo).  Lots of walking (all uphill), holding hands and talking dreams like you can only do when you’re “away.”  Good times.

Hang-out Time with Hunter

This is an amazing kid.  When his mommy and daddy travel for ministry, they try to take him along.  He is a globetrottter!  But sometimes he has to stay – like the days DP and Tara went in to Mexico to do ministry this month.  And I cherish the moments I get to be with him.  Hunter told Stormie “I love school with Nonna because it’s all about letters and grass.  And I love those things.”  These are good times.

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Memorial Day and a red-headed boy and a red-headed girl on another Monday~

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Gemma turned 2 on May 23rd.  Gavin will be 6 on June 2.  With traveling schedules and all that summer brings, we decided to celebrate them on Memorial Day Monday, early in the day.


I wanted to do a 7-tier Fancy-Nancy cake full of boas and streamers and bejeweled to the hilt for Gemma, but her mommy said, “Let’s go simple…maybe do a ‘Gemma-face’.”  So for her I just did an oreo-cookie, strawberry and real whipped cream ice cream cake.  I tried to replicate Gemma’s very zealous full-face-and-eyes-all-squinchy smile, as that is the one she flashes at any hint of fun.  I don’t think her exuberance can actually be captured in ice cream, but there it was, nonetheless.  My attempt.

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Gavin has asked for a Batman cake pretty much once a week ever since his Transformer party last year.  I think he may have been thinking that I’d do some full-fledged, standing-upright-cape-blowing-in-the-breeze Batman like the Optimus Prime from last year (read more about that scary experience here).  But with 2 cakes on one day, again with the simple.  I just cut a man with bat ears out of a chocolate half sheet and covered it in fondant.  Black fondant.  A great icing for the grandsons.  They relished baring their black teeth and tongue after the eating.  Good times.

Friends and family far and wide

May is one of those months.  Anniversaries and weddings, graduations and school year’s ending.  Everytime I turn around, there seems something to celebrate, to rejoice in, to recount the faithfulness of God and His favor on lives.  So happy dancing-and-joy to all celebrants!  Congratulations and best wishes for you!  Despite the economy and bad news we get bombarded with, these are, indeed,  good times. 

“You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance.”  Psalm 65.11 NKJV

God is great, God is good…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Develop a much, much, much more grateful heart and awareness of the abiding love of God in my life.  My times are His hands…