We just announced the official Heaven Fest ’10 date today in a middle-of-the-night e-blast. Because that is when Luke does his best work. Luke Bodley, btw, is a genius! www.heavenfest.com
We were on the front page of the Longmont Times-Call for the 2nd time in less than 2 weeks (small city, readership maybe 80,000 – but the website comments going on—yowzers!).
I did an interview for that paper last summer and somehow me talking about “God’s Presence” got turned into “God’s presents.” But it was nice overall (and the Presence is such a gift).
image swiped from Joe Vasquez’s Facebook. Thanks, Joe.
Misc. information
The artist line-up is looking good. I’ll let you in on a little secret: Casting Crowns has already confirmed and there is going to be a PETRA reunion! Yes! Can you believe it?? The Lord is opening really interesting doors in some intriguing places.
We are dreaming of huge, creative, generous ways we can give – give – give to orphans and ministries and God’s work around the world. And listening for how and what God is calling us to…
New Look
Heaven Fest 2010 promo
Luke has unveiled the new groovy and much greener look (affectionately referred to by my sweet friends as “Jeanie green”) and things are unfolding in a beautiful God-loves-Colorado fashion! Woo-hoo! And the countdown clock is ticking away at the website. YIKES!
“But now in September the garden has cooled, and with it my possessiveness. The sun warms my back instead of beating on my head … The harvest has dwindled, and I have grown apart from the intense midsummer relationship that brought it on.”
– Robert Finch
Pearl has beautifully cleaned her garden and cleared it away. My cousins in the midwest, I have heard, have done the same. But I always struggle to let go, to actually let summer pass into fall.
Early last week I thought the zucchini looked weak and perhaps were nearly “over,” so I watered them once more, gathering an arm-load of fruit, planning to uproot and end their time over the weekend. The very next day, however, they were alive again with large yellow blooms, shouting their worth and prolonging their stay.
Some of the garden will make it through the cold.
But these cold days and cold, cold nights are going to do all the tender plants in. Ultimately many of the flowers, including the petunias and nicotiana and zinnias, will make it through this frigid spell and will shine like stars in the universe in October as Monarch butterflies dance around them, captivating my fancy while I should be doing something productive. And if I cover my tomatoes and peppers, which, of course, I will, they will suffer some, but keep producing – almost until Thanksgiving, the Lord willing and I remember to pay special attention.
Some of the garden won’t make it through the end of the week.
But the cucumbers, the zucchini and the spaghetti squash will likely not make it past this week. Their tender leaves are taking a hit that will be irrepairable. I have already pulled most of the green beans.
It’s so hard to say good-bye.
But it is hard to let them go. It is difficult to watch the yard begin to retreat into its winter-ready clothes where once it danced merrily in dazzling color and sizzling heat. It’s hard to hear the sound of dry, rustling leaves where children once splashed in water to the frog, toad and cricket’s song of the castinets.
The harvest is dwindling.
Today I brought in 2 armfuls of baby zucchini, lemon and English cukes and some other variety of cucumber. I ate a couple of small beans right there amidst the soil and fading green. I grabbed some huge, very happy-looking peppers (where a fridge full of their colorful cousins await being used), and I grabbed the reddish tomatoes, which are too soft inside to expose to such cold, but will continue their ripening on the counter and be delectable in the next 2-3 days.
I will miss the summer. I will miss the long days and short nights and profuse blooms and iced tea while I swing on the patio. I will miss swimsuits and beach towels all. over. the. yard! And the sound of kids playing with dirt and rocks and dangerous yard tools when there are plenty of good toys to be had.
But just in case I was going to hang on too tightly, just in case I was going to pretend that summer was not over in spite of the calendar saying it is so this 22nd day of September (the Autumnal Equinox), the weather has forced me to face reality and it is freaking cold! What on earth?!
So, that’s it. Summer is over. The fall has descended upon me like a heavy, wet, soaked 1960’s green canvas camping tent. So, I shall drink myself into beautiful oblivion with the beverage I once heard called “liquid pie.” Yes, that smooth, creamy, cinnamony Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks. This shall be my reward for a summer which has left me.
Another Ode to Summer, for I shan’t acknowledge an autumn which does not truly begin until the September Equinox, on the 22nd day of this month. Yes, school is back in session. Yes, the nights are cooler, some mornings even crisp. But I must sing of my love for the summer until the last verse fades softly…
“I walk without flinching through the burning cathedral of the summer. My bank of wild grass is majestic and full of music. It is a fire that solitude presses against my lips.” ~Violette Leduc, Mad in Pursuit
Black dirt. Green grass. Blue sky.
Baby pepper plants taking over where lettuces and radishes have been as spring turns into summer.
Sunshine in my heart.
Peppery, edible Nasturtiums.
July 15th was the first red tomato day. They have been steady ever since. Snapdragons grow in odd spaces among the rocks and borders.
Steady, brilliant potentilla blooms yellow all summer long. Hollyhocks rule the world.
As many unplanned flowers grow here as the ones I actually placed. Seeds from year’s past in re-used pots shout “surprise” throughout the long, summer days.
The self-seeded and stately sunflowers, heliotropers all, each have their own “face,” their own look and personality. This is the Crowned Prince, not the flashiest or most obvious, but the smartest among them all. He observes everything happening in the garden, including my bungling attempts at transcendence in soil, and wisely discerns how to bring healing and balance, extending grace where needed, though undeserved.
“Awake, north wind, and come, south wind! Blow on my garden, that its’ fragrance may spread abroad. Let my lover come into his garden and taste its choice fruits.” Song of Solomon 4.16
And now? I dine on fresh produce and cut little bundles of flowers and enjoy the reward of dirt under my nails, and pulling weeds and nurturing seedlings and digging holes and watering young plants and hauling manure and mixing plant food concoctions and enduring the heat of the day and being attacked by mosquitoes and cussed out by mama spiders and pricked by thorns and enthralled by the scent of five types of basil and beguiled by the perfume as I caress the thuriferous leaves of the rosemary in passing. I am compensated so far beyond any effort I have invested. In the garden is food for my soul.
Ode to Summer, for I simply will not acknowledge an autumn which does not truly begin until the Autumnal Equinox, on the 22nd day of this month sometime in the late afternoon. Yes, school is back in session. Yes, the nights are cooler, some mornings even crisp. But I must sing of my love for the summer until the last verse fades softly, for it is hard to bear the end…
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.” ~John Lubbock
Gavin toyed with an Edward-do, a la Twilight (the movie), before settling on a mop-top later in the summer. He is such a sweet, freckle-faced kid. He turned me into Nonna 6 years ago this summer. This summer we went to the nursery together and I helped him put together his very first, very own planters of flowers and tomatoes (a passion we share). He changed my life forever.
My little inquisitive, curious, talkative, adventurer, Hunter, will be 5 soon. He questions everything, knows something about all topics and is growing like a weed. This was the summer I had to make a lot of deals with him to get photographs. If I take one of him, he gets to take one of me. He is the perfect mix of both his mommy and his daddy and he always asks me, “Did you miss me while I was gone, Nonna? Are you so glad to see me again?” I so did and I so am.
I call Guini my flower girl. She loves beautiful blooms and picks them every chance she gets. She likes to play “flower shop” when she comes to visit. She is quiet, but decided, mysterious and cuddly – but you have to be ready to drop everything for the magic moment, for it can be fleeting. We hang out, she’s my girl.
This was the summer of Gemma in the quinitessential yellow sundress. It matches her vibrancy and her spirit. I wanted one just like it! She is hilarious and she is two. She is very good at it. But she is also very helpful. She sunscreened herself before outings, or during “naptimes” or whenever she could – a lot! She’s my little “sweet petite,” who cannot keep her jeans up since she started wearing big-girl undies!
Averi-baby is on the run. All. the. time. Except when it is time to eat. She and I share that hobby! From certain angles, I feel like it’s the early 80’s and I’m chasing Tredessa again. She loves to wear (and break) my reading glasses and when mommy and daddy go somewhere, she asks me, “Where’s mama? Where’s Rocky?” Every now and then while we are running around the backyard together, she will stop and tell me the most hilarious story and uproariously laugh at her own joke. It cracks me up.
These are the 5 smile-bringers of my summer. Of my life. I don’t deserve them, and yet they are here. And all they do is bring me joy.
An Ode to Summer, for I will not to acknowledge a fall which does not truly begin until the Autumnal Equinox, on the 22nd day of this month sometime in the afternoon. Yes, the nights are cooler, some mornings even crisp. And it may seem the summer is past. But I must sing of my love for the summer until the last verse fades softly…
“In summer, the song sings itself.” ~William Carlos Williams
The evening skies are amazing.
“The summer night is like a perfection of thought.” ~Wallace Stevens
At Heaven Fest this year, we had THE perfect sunny summer morning. Then late afternoon clouds which morphed into an electrical storm in the offing. There was supposed to be rain, but lightening just surrounded us instead and gave us the coolest breeze and light show ever!
The hip-hop stage was so awesome! It was packed all day long and there was amazing worship going up!
“Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.” ~Sam Keen. This quote has absolutely nothing to do with Heaven Fest, not at least until it’s OVER!
Every stage had a chaplain/minister who prayed with all the bands. John Burgess is leading it here!
We had a Kidz Area this year: petting zoo, face painting, jumpy-things and even a worship stage they could play at. It was so much fun!
We never want to chintz on the port-a-potties, and we never shall.
Kent Henry was here! What an honor!
My sweet-peeps, Andy and Leah Garcia, made this shot possible right after Kent and his kids had led us into some deep worship. Andy set it up and Leah took the shot. Thank-you, friends!
Kent Henry is not only my all-time favorite worship leader, he was the one I raised my kids on. Heaven Fest being what it is is due, in no small part, to the worship influence my “tribe” was nurtured on as they were growing up. Having Kent attend, teach, lead worship and pray over my kids was the honor of a lifetime. His influence on Heaven Fest is undeniable, whether he is here or not, but it sure was cool to have him come and see the impact his life and ministry are still making on my family and through my childrens’ lives. Talk about legacy!
The nameless/faceless band at The Sacred Assembly – it was a breathtaking time in the Presence!
What a summer! I get to work with 100 other people who lead this deal and it is such a privilege to get to do this thing! In November we told the Lord yes, in February we started the fundraising, permitting and all sorts of logistical. By the time summer comes, we are literally surrounded by the world’s most amazing people, walking it out with them. I love Heaven Fest! LOVE it!
Wanna see about 8000 more pictures?
Tons more photos and youtube videos we found can be seen on www.heavenfest.com. You’ll feel like you were there, if you weren’t, and will re-live the thrill if you were!
It started on July 7th. And we will be meeting EVERY NIGHT at Northern Hills Church (location of Heaven Fest) for 2 hours of prayer and worship through August 15th.
Most nights will be live worship with a band or artist. WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU to come out at least once. When we did this last year, it was amazing! Every single night great things happened!!
July 7 – August 15
7-9 pm nightly at
Northern Hills Church
5061 E. 16oth Ave (highway 7, 3 miles east of I-25) in Brighton, CO MAP
Now-here is why I think you should come~
I got to attend the very first night this past Tuesday and actually co-lead with my daughter, Tara. And it was awesome! About 20 people ended up attending, along with a few small children, and it was informal and sweet and there was scripture reading and praying for one another and grandmother types (me) and teen-agers (who read about it on Facebook and came. -I love this generation!) and we were all just one, happy family.
I know. I know. You are busy. You had a long day at work, preceded by one and to be followed by many. And I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep, but I attended a lot last year and this year started, at least, exacly the same: peace, joy, excitement about Heaven Fest and sunsets more beautiful than Maui (and I LOVE Maui)!
Kick-off night had rays beaming in all directions in blazing hot pink and mimosa and orange. We got a double dose as it reflected off the lake where the horses gazed while large birds sailed effortlessly overhead. Little songbirds on the lightposts in the church parking lot answered our praises to heaven with their own. Small children played and ran and laughed and also cried and tattled a little, but all kids should enjoy church so much!
The sanctuary? Outside, on the westside of the building, the veranda outside the Cafe. The worship leader and/or staff member leading? It varies. The song? Something to please the Lord and welcome Him here. The purpose? To worship Him and pray for our communities and this region and for Heaven Fest and for whatever God wants to do around here.
If I’d have been home, I may have missed the sweetness of the still waters, the glory of the Lord in the clouds, the green pastures of friendship with God’s like-hearted people. I may have missed a glorious summer night and watched re-runs.
Un-plug. Breathe in some air. Worship the Lord. And bring the fam. You’re welcomed to help us welcome Him.
Not just trying to fill your hours, but to enrich them…Jeanie
NOTE TO SELF: Summer of ’09, a return to the song of the joy of the Lord in my life…
THINK ABOUT IT: Bring your small group each week for the next few! Oh-and bug spray (they swarm suddenly just as the most raptuous moment of sunset is occurring)…hey it IS the country, sort of, after all!
Sprinkle some seeds into a flat round planter base (made to place under a large pot) that has had a few small holes drilled into it and been filled with some lightweight potting soil. Grass emerges in a few days and must be ” mowed” about weekly. Lovely to run your fingers through on a summer evening whilst you sip lemonade.
At exactly 8:34 this morning, a large gaggle of geese flew right over my backyard from the north, heading due south. Flying low and loud on this pleasantly cool, green, sunny morning, I wonder: whatever do they find to clamor and chatter so raucously about as they fly over?
Thus, the end of the summer has been signaled…Jeanie
NOTE TO SELF: When cold winds begin to threaten – make haste to the secret place where life and comfort are found.
Dave and I met and married in North Dakota, where we both attended Bible College. ’81 was our summer of love. Our first date was 5.26.81 and we married on 7.23.81.
The summers in North Dakota are spectacular. It is a shame you can’t bottle that. The sun takes almost forever to finally fall from the sky at night and is brilliant throughout the day. North Dakota is a little, plain, shall we say, in some ways? And flat. Conservative. And there are lots of white houses.
But one thing you see there that is better than anywhere else? Fields of sunflowers, faithfully and brilliantly holding their gorgeous yellow-orange heads high and seemingly following the sun. True. In the morning, their little faces facing east, then, operating in heliotropism, they would “follow the sun” until they were facing west by evening. Sometime during the night, in anticipation of the next sunrise, they’d be facing east again. A wonder to behold!
I threw a few sunflower seeds in the yard this year and have watched over the past few weeks as the unblossomed buds have heliotroped about, back and forth, east to west, daily. But when the first 7-foot-high bloomer occured: nothing. Nada. It has faced the east and moved not one iota. “What is wrong, tall flower?” I’d ask. “Look this way, come on, look over here.” No response. It has fixed it’s gaze on my neightbor’s back porch and she rarely comes out. True, her overly-zealous, fence-jumping sprinklers do provide the needed waterings, which is why I decided to plant them in the awkward behind-the-pool space anyway. Still, I am being ignored in favor of a woman who does not care.
Dave asked me if I planted the seeds backwards. Har-dee-har-har.
In desperation, I Wikipedied this problem and am dismayed to learn that sunflowers in the blooming stage (maturity, it seems) are no longer heliotropic, but frozen in one direction, usually east, meaning all of my sunflowers will benefit some one else, as I will only get to gaze on their hinder parts. This is indeed disturbing and so unlike, I am quite certain, their North Dakato fields of cousins.