Heaven Fest 2010: July 31st!


We just announced the official Heaven Fest ’10 date today in a middle-of-the-night e-blast.  Because that is when Luke does his best work. Luke Bodley, btw, is a genius!   www.heavenfest.com

We were on the front page of the Longmont Times-Call for the 2nd time in less than 2 weeks (small city, readership maybe 80,000 – but the website comments going on—yowzers!).

I did an interview for that paper last summer and somehow me talking about “God’s Presence” got turned into “God’s presents.”  But it was nice overall (and the Presence is such a gift).

 image swiped from Joe Vasquez’s Facebook.  Thanks, Joe.

Misc. information

The artist line-up is looking good.  I’ll let you in on a little secret:  Casting Crowns has already confirmed and there is going to be a PETRA reunion!  Yes!  Can you believe it??  The Lord is opening really interesting doors in some intriguing places.

We are dreaming of huge, creative, generous ways we can give – give – give to orphans and ministries and God’s work around the world.  And listening for how and what God is calling us to…

New Look

Heaven Fest 2010 promo

Luke has unveiled the new groovy and much greener look (affectionately referred to by my sweet friends as “Jeanie green”) and things are unfolding in a beautiful God-loves-Colorado fashion!  Woo-hoo!  And the countdown clock is ticking away at the website.  YIKES!

 image captured moments ago from the website

Wanna help?  You know where to find me!

4 thoughts on “Heaven Fest 2010: July 31st!

  1. Rogers grove? There is no way that area is big enough! I live by it and have walked it. It would also shut down that part of town!

  2. I read some of the comments last night. Wow. All I have to say is if God wants it there then God will have it there. Let the countdown begin! xxoo

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