Tag Archives: christmas

Song for a Christmas Sunday ~ Light of the World

Light of the World by Matt Redman

Is. 9.2 a people walking in darkness have seen a great light

This version of the song is from Chris Tomlin’s  Christmas album, but the musical genius (Matt) wrote it (and leads most of it) and every Christmas, I can’t help singing it.  And each Christmas when I drive  into my neighborhood and see the lights on the houses, I know they are declaring, whether those who strung them realize the truth they  represent or not, that the Light of the world came.  Every twinkling light, every candle lit that pierces the darkness that would otherwise be there represents Jesus, the light of the world.   Jesus dispelled a darkness that can never overtake us again.  We are children of the Light. 

 I look out my window on a December night and I remember: The Light came, He shines! 


John 8.12 Jesus said: I am the light of the world…

Light of the world

You shine upon us!

Perfect for My Project

A Christmas present I shall be making for 2 young grandbebes, who shall remain nameless, but may or may not be pictured in this blog post (thank-you, Martha Stewart, for the idea) sent me to Michael’s…where I bought a bag of something I’ll need (which I can’t tell you in case said grandbebes read this! ;p ), which is usually $5.99, however was on a clearance table for $2.99, but when in fact, I went through the check-out, was only 1-cent.  That is right!  One red penny.


I sense God’s smile on this project.  I’ll give you a sneak peek later.  Shhhhhh…..

Designed by Vistaprint
Hmmmm….Dear Vista Print – I think that should say days-HOURS-minutes-seconds?


A Portion of Thyself

“The only gift is a portion of thyself.”

True. I believe this.

Although I am very fond of my vintage orange kitchen accessories from Steph and fam (plus an all-new blog design!).  And my new work-out pants have revved up my power-walking.  I adore the o-so-flattering jeans Stormie bought me: they fit!…did my legs just get longer?  Did I just get a needed lift? And DP and Tara and the I-POD Touch…omygoodness.  Just waiting for my life’s best song list to get to 7000 or so (well on my way).

Rocky and Jovanie know I need my medium-rare steak and plenty of it.  Off to The Outback I shall go, several times (plus the “Jeanie green” coffee cup?  Lovin’ it!)!  Tre Tre is going to do a photo shoot for me – of anything or anyone I want!  It will be a shoot of my kids and grandkids, of course ~ what else??

Little brother, Joe sent me a book on how to talk southern (they do have their own way) that was a family fav in the 70’s and a 2-set LP by The Rambos, THE Moslander-family music-of-my-life.  My husband loaded me up with clothes and all the things he knows I love and like to have on hand…

I got showered with lots of great, thoughtful, sweet, beautiful gifts for Christmas.  There was way more than I deserved, but I sure love it all.

But really?  It is when I have been blessed with something of the giver, a portion of their heart ~ in thoughtfulness, sweet words, a shared secret, a common memory,  treasured moments and especially their time – that I know I have been gifted beyond my ability to ever repay or comprehend.   To receive something that reveals a part of another person’s heart to me is the greatest gift I could ever hope for. 

Thank-you to all of you who share yourselves with me (your dreams, your fears, your hopes and love…and just ~ you).  My heart is enlarged in the receiving.  And I am…gifted.  Grateful.

394 Moments from the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

394 images (give or take 10 or 12) of our recent Christmas season.

Good times.


This is the link to a Christmas 2009 page, click here! LINK NO LONGER WORKS

It was a blessed and lovely season.  We were simply having a wonderful Christmastime.  That is what you will see…in less than 400 images!

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S !

“How wise the wise men must have been

To find the child in Bethlehem.

He lives again and draws us near,

Christmastime is here.


A tale of love that never dies

The laughter in the children’s eyes.

The child in me is always there.

Christmas is my favorite time of year.


The mist of wonder lies under my tree

The gift of memories is waiting for me.


The day will come and soon depart

The spirit stays to heal my heart

With love for people everywhere

Christmas is my favorite time of the year.”


Merry Christmas, everybody.  I have you in my heart…Love,  Jeanie (thanks for reading!)

*One of my favorite Christmas songs from a Kenny Rogers album in the early 1980’s: Christmas is My Favorite Time of the Year.

The Tintinnabulation of the Eve ~ One Day until the Christmas Bell Rings

Come on, Ring those Bells! 

That was An Evie song that I solo’ed on in the early 80’s and later our three little girls, Tara, Stephie and Dessa would sing together in matching Christmas dresses with red ribbons in their long hair, delighting congregations and their parents!

Everytime a bell rings, and angel gets its wings. 

Famous folklore from the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life.

Sleigh Bells, Jingle Bells, Silver Bells, Church bells.

There are a lot of bells ringing, it seems, around this time of year.  It is a bit daunting and I am tempted to yell, like Uncle Leo on Seinfeld, “Would somebody answer that [@#$%]  phone?!? 

But through crazy-loud-manic-silly-overdone-ear-piercing noise, I am listening.  I am listening for that one clear note, that beautifully and perfectly played note away from the fray.  I depend upon the tintinnabulation to bring things back into order, to make the world right again, to center my focus and bring some calm.

And while Christmas, the worship of the Savior who came, can get lost amid the piles of wrapping paper and receipts, and can be hard to find after too many parties and rooms full of people, that crystal-clear note is really the sound of the angels on high while a baby takes His first breath in a manger amid the animal dung and feed.  The tintinnabulation that rings so clear and true even still is the glorious song those angels sang so joyously and raucously over two-thousand years ago:

“Glory to God in the highest; and on earth, peace, goodwill toward men [on whom His favor rests].”

I am always so pleased to hear the radio stations play, I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day, for lyrically (written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow), they are releasing into the air each Christmas season, the solid truth of that particular angelic declaration that rings through the ages and is louder still, even now:

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

I thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along the unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men

And in despair I bowed my head:
“There is no peace on earth,” I said,
“For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.”

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
God is not dead, nor doth he sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
With peace on earth, good will to men.”

Till, ringing singing, on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime,
Of peace on earth, good will to men!

God is not dead, nor does He sleep!  That is the true and reliable tintinnabulation for which I am listening, and endlessly, whether I listen for it or not, it rings on, unbroken by time or space or world condition. 

Casting Crowns recorded the lyrics with a haunting new melody last Christmas, a version they are even playing on Kosi 101 this year. Enjoy a live rendition below, and be thrilled again by God’s goodwill toward you!  (And, by the way, shhhhh, Casting Crowns has confirmed for Heaven Fest 2010)…

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day ~ Casting Crowns

And wild and sweet the words repeat of Peace on earth, goodwill to men!

2 Days until Christmas ~Too Delightful, Too Sweet!

Keep Christmas.

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all year.” Charles Dickens

I have a whole blog category called “Keep Christmas” inspired by this very quote.  Keep: to continue, maintain, look after, maintain possession of.  Provide and nourish it.  Maintain, preserve and enjoy it.  And what are we keeping anyway?  The Christ Mass, the worship of Jesus Christ.  Of course I will Keep Christmas.  With all my heart!

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The PJ Party

Of all our social engagements during the festive holidays, there is none so important nor more desirous for which to be invited than the PJ Party with the Grandbebes.  The Little Prince himself called for this royal celebration this year, already having deemed it a most regal tradition.

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This year’s soiree included “Ice” skating at The Orchard where Gemma promptly fell on her “buns” and did not like skating at all after that, telling every stranger who cared to engage her, “I can’t skate anymore, I am too little,” while Averi went at it as if she were born on ice and Guini fell if anyone skated past her within a 20-foot radius, presumably the wind itself knocking the little featherweight down.  But she would laugh hilariously and get right back up and the boys?  Well they were boys!.  Then there was Taco Bell and these 5 can put away the chips and Nacho Cheese like nobody’s business. 

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Dave had the 2 little girls while I drove Gavin, Hunter and Guini home.  We decided to sing Christmas carols at the top of our lungs, in between theologiocal discussions about how God could be everywhere at once and what God looks like and how God was right there in the car blessing Hunter and holding his hand that very second.  Somewhere between “Let it Snow” and “Jingle Bells,” just after the kids had happily spotted the giant star atop the Christmas tree at the Brighton City Hall as we passed, Guini, moved by the true meaning of Christmas, led out a strong, rousing rendition of “Oh no, You never let go.”  Yes.  The Matt Redman song.  And they worshipped their little heads off.

Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me

Yes, I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
Still I will praise You, still I will praise You



The annual Reindeer prints: footprint for the head, 2 hand prints for the antlers, the forefinger for eyes and a thumbprint for the nose.  These were created to take home for mommys and daddys – a reminder of how much they have grown since last year.  Colorful paint and water flew in every direction, but voila!  Art!

Then hot chocolate for all and we got in our jammies and pulled the couch close to the TV for watching Sprout and Elf while munching on popcorn. 


The Party lasts all night and into the morning.

At exactly 6:13 this morning, I heard the rumble of small feet tear through the house and shrieks of naughty glee and giggles pierced the sweet sleep I so longingly clung to.  Capt’n Crunch Christmas Cereal, helping Poppa wrap presents and place them under the tree and early morning screenings of the classics:  Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and Frosty the Snowman, our very own film festival!    They are making tents of blankets and Baby Jesus is missing.  We have sent out a search party, but Gemma announces from the top of the stairs, in that particularly little-lamb voice of hers, “I can’t find Baby Jesus, Poppa.  I don’t know where He is?…” 

Sandy-the-Dog endures being placed in swaddling clothes, but does enjoy the crumbs and treats the grandbebes leave around the house.

Hunter informs me before leaving that we did not do the PJ Party “correctly” because there were no balloons and cake.  He believes with all his heart that a PJ Party must have balloons and cake.  {you try, right?}

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“Two more ‘sleeps’ until Christmas,”  the measurement Gavin and Hunter give to any upcoming event for which they can hardly wait.

Christmas is, after all,  coming.  In only 2 more sleeps!

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Will Baby Jesus be found in time for Christmas?!?