Perfect for My Project

A Christmas present I shall be making for 2 young grandbebes, who shall remain nameless, but may or may not be pictured in this blog post (thank-you, Martha Stewart, for the idea) sent me to Michael’s…where I bought a bag of something I’ll need (which I can’t tell you in case said grandbebes read this! ;p ), which is usually $5.99, however was on a clearance table for $2.99, but when in fact, I went through the check-out, was only 1-cent.  That is right!  One red penny.


I sense God’s smile on this project.  I’ll give you a sneak peek later.  Shhhhhh…..

Designed by Vistaprint
Hmmmm….Dear Vista Print – I think that should say days-HOURS-minutes-seconds?


1 thought on “Perfect for My Project

  1. Oh Man ! ! ! The deals you get Jeanie! That’s just the Lord’s way pf saying ~~~ ” When you give of yourself…for me…
    I’ll “out give you every tim.!”~~~God!

    “I sense God’s smile on this project!” So sweet….teaching your Grandaughters
    love….excellence….and etiquette!

    Love…Mom and grandma

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