Category Archives: 9 TV & Movies/Books & Entertainment

Happy Birthday to my David Allen Rhoades

Dang, babe.  You’re just hitting your stride.  At work on your third (?? losing count) novel, in the upcoming stage production of “Into the Woods,” being chosen to play Jean Valjean in the upcoming “Les Mis” production, running a massive Christian music festival, grandpa, dad, friend, lover, artist, intercessor, gun-toter…ETC!  You are the best thing I did for my children, you are the most longsuffering husband ever.  On your birthday, you are my gift.

This is the life you give me:

Jean Valjean to Fantine (Les Mis)

“And you’re [God’s] creation.  In His eyes, you have never been anything but an innocent and…beautiful woman.”



That {New} Girl

WATCH THIS CUTENESS!!  Marlo Thomas was the original “That Girl” in the late 1960s and in to the early 70s.  LOVED HER!


Now Zoey D is The New Girl and her opening is very happy:  Who’s that girl?  Who’s that girl?  It’s Jess!

Meanwhile, I took years of French classes and seeing this {colorful} Target ad reminded me of singing this very song each year in school – even though it is quite decidedly a French Canadian song, rather than a song from France.  We also sang “Blue Bayou” in French at Hammond High Shool (Louisiana).  It was all part of the educational experience.


Alouette, gentille alouette!

Omygosh…I love Target ads. What kind of a sheep am I? Inspiration for grandbebe vids!!

Heya, Brian! See you at 8!

The whole fam loves this guy.  LOVES.

I will be laughing my head off into the night at The Wells Fargo Theater.  O yes, I will.

Check out the part about what people try to cram into the overhead storage on airplanes at about 3:45 or 4:00

And here is the first Brian Regan genius I ever experienced.  Yes, I stress over the “test” of an eye exam because I also cannot commit AND I have had the uncomfortably-close eye doctor too, scooting up on his squeaky chair who needed a Tic Tac.

Love my Brian Regan!

The s-i-l in Haiti

Dave Powers, my firstborn’s lover and husband (and my son-in-love), went to Haiti with Convoy of Hope in early December.

Felix-the-HF-web-guy found this online this morning.  This is a part of the why of Heaven Fest!


Dave Powers // Convoy of Hope Haiti Response from Wade Yamaguchi on Vimeo.  A massive music and worship gathering.  A driving passion to feed the world

The grand-dog


At only 11 weeks, Tuppy (Steph and the kids’ Christmas surprise from Tristan), has become a spokes-model for PetSmart and Martha Stewart products.  I am not sure if you will see anything cuter than this today.  Or for the rest of the week, for that matter.  Ay-yi-yi. CUTE!

And my daughter is pretty ravishing, herself.  Gorgeous and successful in everything she does.


See more at (comment to win!)


Plus-see a sneak peek from a Christian film in production right now.  Know anybody??

O wait. What is this?? Another one of my nerdy fly-over movies? Ok, yes. What about it??


Ooooooohhhhhhhh…..I am missing blogging!  Need WRITE-time!

Meanwhile, the little K-kids spent the night and here is a tiny tidbit of our post-breakfast activity.

In other news…Starring Guini and Gemma May; produced by Gavin and directed by the nonna.  It is in post-production as we speak.

In other news…

Meanwhile, filmmaker, Gavin Kelley, has started doing impressions of his Nonna (mostly her “cuss words” like “O pooey,” and “O booger-snots”),  which send her into convulsions of laughter.

Song for a Sunday: Come and Go with Me to My Father’s House!

A Moslander-Family favorite by the Edwin Hawkins Singers

My dad played this so loud on the Hi-Fi, I’d come running home to listen from 2 blocks away.  My mom always wanted him to turn it down a little, but 1723 York Street, 1970, pulsed to the rhythm of, especially, this song, “(Come and Go with Me to My) Father’s House!”

Moonlight in Vermont

The main problem

Here is what I have against Dave’s new TV, his Apple-TV thingy and the Netflix subscription (all Christmas gifts) is – OMYGOSH!  There is all this great stuff available.  What should I have been doing early this morning?  Well, probably something much more fruitful than watching Cary Grant and Jeanne Crain in “People Will Talk,” which is just-so-mid-century-BEAUTIFUL and cute and romantic and touching and ridiculous and lovely and c’mon – CARY GRANT!!!

What should I be doing now besides deep-conditioning my hair, catching up on some house stuff,  and making a packing list?  Well, possibly not watching Frank Sinatra {Sinatra: The Classic Duets, where he performs with Ella “Moonlight in Vermont” Fitzgerald and Dean Martin and pretty much anybody from the Rat Pack, his daughter Nancy, Elvis Presley, Dinah Shore, Bing Crosby, Peggy Lee and more!!!},

but I. can’t help. myself!!

I am wholly and thoroughly distracted by great music.  O yes, I am !!

Singing along.  I am Ella.