Tag Archives: www.maydae.com

Happy Birthday, Stormie Dae

Hasn’t God unfurled a powerful day for our baby girl?  Sunny and springy, wicked wind and blue-gray clouds, then sun again, then a downpour, the sun moving in and out of clouds and possibly some sleet for a moment.  Then calm again.  And a pretty sunset for the cream on top.  All for our Stormie Dae.


I have told her Happy Birthday here since I have been blogging.  I am such a Stormiephile, I re-read them all.  And you can, too, if you click on the year numbers below.


She turned 25.  The first time I did a photo with blessing and descriptive words all over it.  Sort of appropriately, after doing them for the whole fam this past year, picnik.com is closing down in a couple of days.


You are loyal to a fault and so creatively, over-the-top, abundantly, self-sacrificingly, Holy-Spirit-empowered in your giving.  Your generosity has touched people around the world and I know why God has blessed you monetarily at such a young age: because He has anointed you to give and He trusts you with the job!”

She is a popular auntie



Twenty-three wishes for Stormie.  “Age and maturity reveal one of the kindest people I have ever known.  She serves and cares and quietly sets things aright.  She is 23 now.  The baby is 23.  And I love her.”


I was praying for her voice to be heard.  And now it has.  “I pray that [the song of the LORD] (via your beautiful voice) will burst onto the scene very soon.  I see your eyes light up and I hear your spirit rejoicing in the music and worship of the God of the Universe. Even when there is no apparent sound, your heart rising in worship is loud and anointed and undeniable.  I am still waiting for you to go public with the song that is rising.  Sing, O Daughter of the Living God.  Lead the people in the song of the Lord for His delight, His acclaim.”  We are blessed that you have shared your voice!.


The first year of my blogging, I got to tell her story.  And I got to publicly tell her this: “I am so pleased with you, Stormie – who God has created you to be, and how you are dying to self to become that woman.”

Can’t believe how blessed we were the day you were born.  Treasure.  You are a wonderful person.  You are a loving sister and aunt and friend and such an honoring daughter.  You were the grand finale for dad and I, the crescendo, the flourish, the signing-on-the-dotted-line

You are peacemaker, compassion, mercy, avid reader, movie critic and are truly good-hearted, like your dad.  You are colorful, a songtress, thoughtful writer, sharp-witted and wry, a gentler version  of me.  I see us in you.  But you, the amazing person you are, you are in us, too.  We are better people for you in our lives.

I see my pretty baby. I see the little munchkin {“Be-member, mommy, we like to schnuggle“} and I see the gorgeous woman you are, inside and out.  I see God in you.

Happy birthday, Stormie Dae.  Your momma loves you!

The grand-dog


At only 11 weeks, Tuppy (Steph and the kids’ Christmas surprise from Tristan), has become a spokes-model for PetSmart and Martha Stewart products.  I am not sure if you will see anything cuter than this today.  Or for the rest of the week, for that matter.  Ay-yi-yi. CUTE!

And my daughter is pretty ravishing, herself.  Gorgeous and successful in everything she does.


See more at http://www.maydae.com/maydae-giveaway/tuppys-first-review-giveaway/ (comment to win!)


Plus-see a sneak peek from a Christian film in production right now.  Know anybody??

O wait. What is this?? Another one of my nerdy fly-over movies? Ok, yes. What about it??

{ B I G } MayDae SALE!

I have such talented daughters!

These two got their red hair from their mom.  Yes, they did.  Do not even question it.

This is {Stephanie} MAY and {Stormie} DAE, who make up MayDae :: both a trend-setting blog and vintage and all things fun and interesting Etsy shop.

The blog :: www.MayDae.com


The Etsy shop :: CLICK  H E R E !

See {buy} things like this ::

Lucky you – everything is on sale!


Just wanted you to get in on the fun.


Happy Birthday, Stephanie May {our little preemie}!

Our second baby girl: ultra-tiny and way early.

I love you – yes, I do!  A  bushel and peck and a hug around the neck.  For almost your entire life, from such a young, young age, you’ve been a songstress, a singer, a psalmist.  You were the choreographing, twirling, flowing-fabric, scarf-dancing music track of the family ~ just skipping down the happy hallways of life.  Everything got a little more colorful and a little more ebullient when you came along.


Yes, I cropped Stormie (the other half of the trend-setting www.MayDae.com.  It Is not her birthday!  *smile

You were born to 

Heavy-with-flowers lilac bushes, your sister learning to wear “slip-slops” when she came to see you for the first time at the hospital,  purple irises lining established streets in Kokomo, a little charcoal gray house and a month with which you’re joined by name.   You were more than 5 weeks early and may have arrived because of a crazy carnival ride and took your first post-hospital nap atop an old pulpit in the corner of the fellowship hall while I taught a VBS class.  You were like a china doll, I was afraid to make noise.  We sewed and created and worked hard to prepare your space, we wanted everything to be just right –  and in that tiny pink and lace bassinet, you looked like a miniature. 

The rainbowgirl

God heals.  He is the Healer.  That is the blazing-across-the-skymessage of your life, Steph.  And the adversary gets no points in the battle for our baby girl.  With God’s blessing-kiss on the love between your dad and me, with your big sister praying to have a little sister all her own – you were sent.  But you know the enemy, he always tries to stop a miracle at its birth.  You live in the ranks of Moses, Jesus, even, with spiritual war- decrees against their very lives: Stop the miracle before it can begin to change the course of everything…

But God, who is faithful, healed you wholly and fully.  Breath.  That is what He gave you.  Unlike others who never had to struggle for air, you, like Adam, had to have a supernatural miracle of the very Ruach, the breath of God {the actual very Spirit of the Living God} breathed in to you.

And so, though I now see the miraculous in every day and can look back at the faithfulness of the One who created me and all the times He was saving me from myself and certain disaster, you were the very first miracle I ever really knew I needed.  And in the quiet, dark night following your birth, when your life hung precariously in a balance I didn’t even comprehend, when they’d taken you to James Whitcomb Riley Hospital in Indianapolis and you were not in my arms – I cried out for your life, and the Faithful One heard me and graciously granted my petition.

And though so much could have gone wrong, there could have been so many problems, later, He, by the driving force of His very breath in you, instilled so much color, so much texture and pattern and creativity and gifting and vivaciousness and animation.  His very Spirit filled your lungs and your heart and soul and personality and every rainbow has symbolized you since.

You are Rainbow Bear.  Always have been.  And it was confirmed by the laying on of hands more than once.  There is so much there.  May you always know in all things that you were created to declare in the heavenlies that God keeps His promise.

Happy Birthday, Stephanie.  I put some words together so you will know how & why I celebrate your birth and your life!

Happy Birthday, sweetie-pie.  With love from your momma

Three-thirty-six in the morning

And the last of the Third Thursday Supper Club, my prayer partners and very faithful friends have just gone. 

Pearly-Q, Heather, Candi, Patrice, Amy Jo, Marilyn, me


Me, Marilyn, Pearl, Heather (seated in the middle), Amy Jo, Candi, Patrice

I will only say this, because it is late (early??) and I should go to bed, but having life-giving sister/friends is essential.  It is good.  And to be one is a great vocation.  I am working towards it.


Beer bread toast for breakfast…yum.

PHOTOGRAPHY:  Tredessa;  STYLING AND COUNSEL:  Stephanie and Stormie (aka MayDae!)  ALL OF US COORDINATING AND MATCHING SO MUCH?  Sheer coincidence and happy strangeness.  Words and effects by Jeanie