Tag Archives: zooey daschenel

That {New} Girl

WATCH THIS CUTENESS!!  Marlo Thomas was the original “That Girl” in the late 1960s and in to the early 70s.  LOVED HER!


Now Zoey D is The New Girl and her opening is very happy:  Who’s that girl?  Who’s that girl?  It’s Jess!

Meanwhile, I took years of French classes and seeing this {colorful} Target ad reminded me of singing this very song each year in school – even though it is quite decidedly a French Canadian song, rather than a song from France.  We also sang “Blue Bayou” in French at Hammond High Shool (Louisiana).  It was all part of the educational experience.


Alouette, gentille alouette!

Omygosh…I love Target ads. What kind of a sheep am I? Inspiration for grandbebe vids!!