WATCH THIS CUTENESS!! Marlo Thomas was the original “That Girl” in the late 1960s and in to the early 70s. LOVED HER!
Now Zoey D is The New Girl and her opening is very happy: Who’s that girl? Who’s that girl? It’s Jess!
Meanwhile, I took years of French classes and seeing this {colorful} Target ad reminded me of singing this very song each year in school – even though it is quite decidedly a French Canadian song, rather than a song from France. We also sang “Blue Bayou” in French at Hammond High Shool (Louisiana). It was all part of the educational experience.
Alouette, gentille alouette!
Omygosh…I love Target ads. What kind of a sheep am I? Inspiration for grandbebe vids!!
How marvelous the grace that caught my falling soul
He looked beyond my fault and saw my need.
1960s. I grew up on Dottie Rambo’s music. This was the anthem of our hearts. A haunting melody, a soul’s reflection, a cry of worship to the One. How marvelous the grace…How marvelous that He looks beyond my fault…
Probably hurried too much on the production, but the kids and I did it in a very short period of time. I like these kids very much! Gavin, Guini and Gemma!
Ooooooohhhhhhhh…..I am missing blogging! Need WRITE-time!
Meanwhile, the little K-kids spent the night and here is a tiny tidbit of our post-breakfast activity.
In other news…Starring Guini and Gemma May; produced by Gavin and directed by the nonna. It is in post-production as we speak.
In other news…
Meanwhile, filmmaker, Gavin Kelley, has started doing impressions of his Nonna (mostly her “cuss words” like “O pooey,” and “O booger-snots”), which send her into convulsions of laughter.
A Moslander-Family favorite by the Edwin Hawkins Singers
My dad played this so loud on the Hi-Fi, I’d come running home to listen from 2 blocks away. My mom always wanted him to turn it down a little, but 1723 York Street, 1970, pulsed to the rhythm of, especially, this song, “(Come and Go with Me to My) Father’s House!”
Here is what I have against Dave’s new TV, his Apple-TV thingy and the Netflix subscription (all Christmas gifts) is – OMYGOSH! There is all this great stuff available. What should I have been doing early this morning? Well, probably something much more fruitful than watching Cary Grant and Jeanne Crain in “People Will Talk,” which is just-so-mid-century-BEAUTIFUL and cute and romantic and touching and ridiculous and lovely and c’mon – CARY GRANT!!!
What should I be doing now besides deep-conditioning my hair, catching up on some house stuff, and making a packing list? Well, possibly not watching Frank Sinatra {Sinatra: The Classic Duets, where he performs with Ella “Moonlight in Vermont” Fitzgerald and Dean Martin and pretty much anybody from the Rat Pack, his daughter Nancy, Elvis Presley, Dinah Shore, Bing Crosby, Peggy Lee and more!!!},
but I. can’t help. myself!!
I am wholly and thoroughly distracted by great music. O yes, I am !!
Rocky, Dave and Tristan (the brothers) provided some pretty cool music and worship before the procession.
Before the walk down the aisle, the girls gathered to pray for the bride and Ryan’s guys prayed with him.
One of the things we love about Ryan is his easy laugh. He crinkles his whole face and just totally laughs.
When everything got started, {the brothers} kicked off the wedding, which was wonderful. DP told some marriage jokes and Rocky told how he’d always wanted brothers and now he has 3, and Tristan said “ditto” to some one else’s blessing (he is a man of few words) and then they “threatened” Ryan (playfully, of course), followed by praying over Ryan. It was a wedding with great entertainment and family love, too!
The Procession & ceremony in one minute:
Dave officiated. And he was super hilarious. Tredessa and Ryan were so happy and lighthearted.
Instead of having the attendants lined up on either side, we seated them casually on either side, mixing up Ryan’s guys with Dessa’s gals and splitting the kiddies up. It looked pretty cute.
They wrote beautiful vows to each other.I’m not saying Tredessa is like her mother or anything, but her words probably outnumbered his 2:1…but they both said beautiful things, promising not to divorce and to love carefully. Lovely.
The whole ceremony was joyous.
The kiss. Although this may have been the second or third kiss. Then there was hugging.
They are married!!
Tredessa and her sisters
Tredessa’s Grandma and Grandpa Moslander surprised her on her wedding day.
Time to go celebrate their marriage with family.
Photos: Chronos Images (Matthew Greenlee and Rachel Ruge) and Lilac Photography (Eldeen Pickett)
First the bride’s sisters and her mother met weekly to put together a fabulous wedding shower for her.
As soon as that was over, we met weekly to create and glue and make and dream and talk and laugh and plan and gather supplies and create timelines. It was a very DIY vintage-y wedding, for sure.
It is hard to recall who exactly saw which idea first but along the way we had giant paper flowers, and old frames with lace. Tredessa brought a big stack of old lace curtains over and we created “lace balls” by using a glue mixture on the lace and forming it around balloons. When it was dry, we popped the balloon and voila: a lace balloon ball to hang from the ceiling.
Tredessa really liked the idea of a barn for a wedding and in short order her old roommate introduced us to a family who’d built a small barn on their 17 acres. They used the downstairs of the barn for the owner’s hobby of hand-carving wooden carousel animals (which are amazing!) and the upstairs for family celebrations. It was perfect!
We realized that to have a wedding ceremony, a celebration dinner, and photobooth and a dance floor all in one spot would be a tight, tight fit. So Dessa decided to pray about finding a nice, small church for the ceremony and the next thing you know, New Horizons Christian Fellowship opened right up for us. It was so cool, right across the interstate from the barn!
Here are some of Ellie’s photos {} showing the “things” of the wedding
We used things we have, antiques and vintage items to decorate at the wedding. This old typewriter was at the guest table.
I have to say I have some talented kids. Stormie designed and printed the super-cool wedding programs with the full love story on them.
Jovan created the flower mobile that hung over the guest table.
The wedding party on a framed poster. Jar candles on a rustic candleabra for ambiance.
A felled branch was wrapped in white satin ribbon and candles in jars, along with lots of glass and heavy crystals embellished the “tree” we created. The whole backdrop was draped in cottons and canvases creating a living room atmosphere.
The sidewalk to the church was lined in the trademark-Rhoades-family luminarias. We used framed lace at both the church and the barn for the dinner celebration.
The gift area was comfy and merchandised with antiques. Mercury-glass love birds on an old window from Tredessa’s grade school, touches of home.
Left, Tristan playing at the wedding. Right, Tredessa and Ryan scattered photos of great-grandparents around the reception, witnesses to long love, a nod to their heritage.
An old brass and crystal chandelier got a coat of white paint for the wedding. It hung right over the bride and groom during dinner.
Here is a look at things we made and the progression of the wedding as we were getting it set up.