All posts by Jeanie

About Jeanie

Wholehearted living somewhere in the middle of all my years. Aging parents, grown kids, and grandbebes everywhere! Married to my love and lifelong best friend, Dave for 33 years now. We raised 5 kids and lived to tell about it. My life's mission is to declare the great faithfulness of God to the next generations, especially those in mi familia!

Thought-Collage Thursday // Health & Beauty

It wasn’t all going to be about health and beauty.  It just turned out this way.  My Thursday word-and-picture collage of thoughts and weirdnesses and hopefully some encouragement and wisdom, too,  Thank-you very much!  Five things I’m thinking about today…

Organ Donors

Aren’t the people who had the forethought to donate their vital organs and tissue when they died (and the people who love them and have lost them) the most amazing human beings ever?  Isn’t it just the highest, most exemplary form of thoughtfulness to leave life and wholeness behind?

infographic be a donor


Sometimes our own healing comes at the expense of some one else’s pain.  We should be very grateful for that.

It’s a wonderful {health} day in the neighborhood – for women!

I found this bit of healthiness in my junk mail, no less – right there in that envelope full of advertisements that I was about to toss.

Tri-County Health has just announced free screenings for cervical cancer, breast cancer and heart disease for women over-40 living in Adams, Arapahoe or Douglas counties who meet income qualifications, are not covered by health insurance (or have some ridiculous insurance that doesn’t cover screening exams) and who have not had a mammogram or Pap test in the past year.

peak wellness

This is really good news for all the women who think they can’t afford health care.  You can.  Now!  Call them!  303-363-3018.

Speaking of health – ever tried the  Coca Pulse thing?  For determining food allergies???

One of my darling daughters is being tested for food sensitivities and allergies.  She is in the hands of trusted professionals.  But there are so many, shall we say, interesting thoughts and theories about determining if you have a problem with a certain food.  I sometimes have to laugh at many of the home-grown methods because they sound more like parlor entertainment…

Gluten Test: Stand on your right tippy toe and immerse your left foot in a bucket water that has been chilled to exactly 48-degrees while holding an oven heated river rock in your left fist.  Place the back of your right hand on your nose and look straight ahead.  Keep this pose for 5 minutes.  If you fall over and hit your head, you have an intense gluten allergy.  If you only wobble during the 5 minutes, you do have a gluten sensitivity, but watch out, it could turn into an extreme allergy within days.  If you can do this easily, gluten is not your problem.  Let’s check for dairy.  Dairy test:  Now – for this, you will need to stand on your head and…

Just kidding.  That is NOT a real test.  Please do not do it.  Seriously – not based on any scientific fact nor on anything, really.  Haha!  Health stuff is so strange.

We just want answers and we want to be able to control our own health (because the “health industry “has drugged us to death).  So, I understand it.

But THIS test is real…I hear.

Anyway – the Coca Pulse Test is:

  1. Take your pulse for one minute prior to eating.
  2. Then place a bite of the food to which you suspect you might be allergic on your tongue.  Hold it there for about a minute.
  3. Re-check your pulse.

If your pulse has gone up 6 or more beats per minute, you may be sensitive or allergic to that food.  The higher the pulse the more sensitivity or allergy to that food group.

Tell me if you have tried it and if it worked or was also confirmed by a medical professional?  OK?  Ok!


You read that right!  It’s hashtag-E-A (for Eldeen Annette) -fashion-show!

eldeen annette fashion show poster

I am so lucky – I get to produce this awesome show for Eldeen Annette Portraiture and I am having so much fun!

The show will have a red carpet experience for guests upon arrival,  live social media engagement, awesome lighting and loud music and feature the studio’s Class of 2015 models wearing  picture-perfect fashion trends that high schoolers  will want to wear for their senior portraits.

It’s going to be a super-sparkly, entertaining, fun, over-the-top, energetic, memory-making, creative and THE-place-to-be party!  Everyone who comes will get a great gift bag full of goodies and products from area businesses as a thanks AND 100% of the ticket money is going straight to MADD-Colorado!


I am having a blast putting on a Fashion Show, of all things!  And Eldeen Annette really does incredible work.  It is a pleasure to work with “Ellie!”  Mark your calendar for May 1, 2014!  And buy your tickets now because it IS going to sell out!


Jeanie & Joey

This is me at age 1 1/2 with my little brother, Joey,  when he was about 2 months old (Eva’s current age).

What does this have to do with Health & Beauty?  Well, perhaps it is a warning for mommies trying to cut perfectly straight bangs on baby girls – quit trying to straighten it out!  It will only end in disaster.

The truly beautiful thing in this #throwbackthursday photograph is how much my little brother adored moi.  Don’t you think?   :)

THat’s about it, Those are my THinkings & invaluable THoughts THis fine THursday morning.  I’m silly, I know.

Blessings for My Grown Children on a Random Tuesday

[Come] and, like living stones, be yourselves built [into] a spiritual house, for a holy (dedicated, consecrated) priesthood, to offer up [those] spiritual sacrifices [that are] acceptable and pleasing to God through Jesus Christ…you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God’s] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2.5, 9 Amp

Hey, my sweets~

These are not just hopes and dreams and wishes I have for you.  And so what if they were?  I love you, each of you, with something so deep that all the words I will ever speak cannot quite ever measure up.  All 5 of you {my amazing children: Tara, Stephie, Dessa, Rock-man and Stormie Dae}- I remember you as a first miraculous flutter in the hidden place as God was putting you together, when you were known only as the child within, to now, full-grown and  productive people who wow me with your dazzling beauty.

rhoades family at christmas

But these are words I speak  on a Tuesday morning as a pronouncement, an authoritative declaration as your mom – an Image-bearer (a broken one, at times) of God Himself.  I want to impart that mothering side of God to you and say, on a Tuesday:

Blessings, my sweets – not just a cutesy-wish or an empty word, but mammoth-sized, Biblical-proportionally-sized, heaven-sent power and help in time of need BLESSINGS on you today!

May you be answered when you call on the Lord, the truest Lover of your soul.  Your help comes (present-tense) from Him! (Psalm 20.1; Psalm 121)

May the favor of God surround you like a shield, just deflecting the ridiculous assaults on our hearts that so often befall us, day in and day out.   (Psalm 5.12)

Having eaten fully of the goodness of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit at the table of the Lord (prepared for you right in front of the enemy), may you also bear much good fruit in your life today and may you produce much seed and impact generations you’ll never even see. (Galatians 5.22; John 15.16; Psalm 145.4; Psalm 128)

Be forgiven, I bless you with forgiveness.  Run to the Savior for forgiveness of sins.  If you only confess them, He will be faithful and just and forgive them – every single one.  He will cleanse you from all unrighteousness.   There is no reason to live in even a moments’ bondage today.  Not one.  And when you call on Him, I can assure you, based on the promise in the word of God (1 John 1.19) and because of all Jesus paid for on the cross – your sins will be forgiven.

May the fullness of the JOY Jesus came to give be yours, completely, wholly, finally!  (John 15.11; John 16)

May you find healing in your heart from misunderstandings or hurtful words or hard times and be agents of grace when you are on the other side of that equation.  Give healing, too.  I bless you with the strength to do that.  :)  (Psalm 147.3; Psalm 34.18)

May you reflect the Light of your life, brightening the lives of everyone in your path by exemplifying the One who has so graciously shined His face upon you. (1 Peter 2.9; Isaiah 60.1)

May you receive all the wisdom you cry out for today , all the wisdom you need to live a godly life and gain understanding.  (James 1.5)

And may you know, at the end of this day, that you were fully living in God’s grace – that empowering Presence of the Holy Spirit who gives you everything you need to be who He created you to be and to have done all He called you to do.  May you and your household be the blessed ones and may your loves (DP, Tris, Ryan and Jovan) and your babies (aka my “grandbebes”) get in on all of this, too!  May your day be sweet.

Signed with love and blessings~

A servant of the Lord, your mommy and one who admires you so much,Tara, Stephanie, Tredessa, Rocky & Stormie ~ I pray these things and more for you, and I pronounce them with the authority of one called to be yours and you mine.  {mom}


“Just as a nursing mother cares for her children,  so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much with affectionate longing, we were delighted to share with you and impart to you not only the Good News of the Gospel of God,  but our very lives as well. 1 Thessalonians 2.6-8, paraphrased

Song for a Sunday // It’s Gonna Be Worth It

“It’s Gonna Be Worth It”  by Rita Springer

I don’t understand Your ways

Oh but I will give You my song

Give You all of my praise

You hold on to all my pain

With it You are pulling me closer

And pulling me into Your ways

Now around every corner

And up every mountain

I’m not looking for crowns

Or the water from fountains

I’m desperate in seeking, frantic believing

That the sight of Your face

Is all that I need

I will say to You

It’s gonna be worth it

It’s gonna be worth it

It’s gonna be worth it all

I believe this

Oh, I’d forgotten how much I loved this song.  The CD, Effortless, was a birthday present in 2002, the year I “discovered” Rita Springer.

If you’re going to sing a song about not understanding God’s ways but deciding to worship Him anyway, right in the middle of everything, then it should be this strong, this desperate, and have this intensity.

“Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, my Help and my God.” Psalm 42.5 Amp.

It’s true.  I don’t understand His ways.  But I’d rather be in His presence at those baffling times because He can see what I cannot.

psalm 42.5

It’s gonna be worth it all ~ I believe this…

Thought-Collage Thursday

Ok….so more technical problems…today is actually Saturday (March 1), obvi..but I wrote this Thursday.  *sigh  // ANYHOO-such profound thinking to follow…ha!

Throwback Thursday

I noticed recently that #throwbackthursday  (as in hashtag-throw-back-Thursday) is picking up steam.  It’s the chance for everybody to post those hilarious old photographs of themselves way back in the day.  I can TOTALLY do Throwback-Thursday today because I have been scanning old family photos and oh, man – did I find some doozies (of OTHER people, of course).

The Moslanders, my family-of-origin, #tbt

moslander 1976

Ross the Boss, Mrs. Moss and all the little Landers, 1975 @ Robert, Louisiana (I’m the oldest.  I was 16 here)

moslander 1988 nov

The Sunday after Thanksgiving in 1988 in Hobart, IN (Southlake Church of God).  Two words: shoulder pads!

Thirteen years later, we were all married, I had 5 kids (ages 2-9) and Tami had not grown an inch in height since she was 10 years old.

Meanwhile, I’ll call this Thought-Collage Thursday because that is what this blog is, anyway a collage!  :) 

I think I’m being followed.

fbi wi-fi

Seriously, everywhere I go, when the Wi-Fi options come up on my phone, there is always an FBI Mobile or FBI Van #7 or some sort of FBI vehicle around.  I am pretty sure I am being watched by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  Why?  I do not know.  If anyone questions you about me, send me a coded text to warn me, will you?  Thanks!


I have this {I own it!}, the Willie Nelson – His Hits and Finest Performances album distributed in a Reader’s Digest collection in 1987.  A former co-worker gave it to me just because I have a turntable (or “record player,” as they were known while I growing up!).

willie nelson album set

And while it is packed with all the great songs you already know by Willie Nelson, there are so many great treasures I had never heard anywhere until I got this.  53 great songs on 5 LPs.  Seriously, his rendition of “Let it Be Me” is the best I have ever heard of that gorgeous tune – and it has been sung by every. body!

Any song Willie Nelson sings, with that unmistakable gravel and sophistication actually just sounds more authentic and true than anyone else who ever attempts that song again.   A little raw and wholly soulful, he owns any melody that comes out of that talented heart.

Other songs he covers that I would totally encourage you to try out on iTunes or Spotify:  “Without a Song,” “Stardust,” and “September Song.”

February is (almost) over.

I am surprised every single year at how quickly it is gone.  Every year.  You’d think I’d know by now that it is going to happen.

hello march

Speaking of things I should know

When I take a drink and sort of miss my mouth…and dribble down the side – I am always appalled.  Occasionally when I am eating, I bite my tongue.  How is it 50-some years down the road I haven’t totally mastered these things, having practiced SO much?!

My Jesus, I Love Thee, verse 3

I love old hymns and find restoration, when I am frazzled and shredded by life, in just singing them.  Modern worship is wonderful, but I am drawn to lyrics deep and timeless, to melodies that have been sung by voices before me and which will still be drifting heavenward long after I am gone.

William R. Featherston wrote the well-known, “My Jesus, I Love Thee,” as a poem when he was somewhere between 12 and 16 years of age.  How does such a young man know how to communicate such depth of love?

I was playing the keyboard and singing this song the other morning and the 3rd verse caught in my throat for a minute as I wondered: Will I love Jesus as much in my death as I do in my life?  Because I love life, too, really.  And what if I am not happy with the whole death process?  Will it make me love Him less?

But as suddenly as I questioned myself, I realized, we’re already dying anyway.  Part of our living is dying.  And if I am loving Jesus wholly each day in my living, then when I step through the door  of death from this realm, and actually see Him face to face, Oh, yes.  I will be loving Him more fully, more truly than I have ever been able.

I’ll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death,

And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath;

And say when the death dew lies cold on my brow,

If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

Adoniram Gordon added a melody to the words in 1876.  And William R. Featherston died at age 27 never knowing his words would become a hymn of the deepest devotion, sung around the world and included in almost every hymnal for years to come.

 Live Stream Ransomed Heart Event!

live stream simulcast

1) Get the book and read it!  2) Sign up for Live Stream HERE  3) Saturday March 15, 9am-3 pm…4) While you wait, enjoy archived events from Ransomed Heart Ministries.

 That is all for today.  Enough.



With me

But “Immanuel” means “God with us,” and it’s more appropriate now than ever. Standing on the mountain in His resurrection body, ready to go back to heaven, Jesus said something He’d never said before: “I will be with you always” (Matthew 28:20).

He is with you right now, as you read this. Fix your eyes on Him.

The light of Christ surrounds you.

The love of Christ enfolds you.

The power of Christ protects you.

The presence of Christ watches over you.

Wherever you are, Christ is.  ~ Anne Ortlund, Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

wherever you are, christ is

His light, His love, His power, His presence – right where you are, right now.  Wow!



Grandbebes say the sweetest things!

Gemma May (she’s 6)

gemma may and the cake pops

One Saturday afternoon recently, after she’d outlasted all her cousins in some dancing fun, after she’d twirled and leapt and swirled and spun on her toes for over an hour and everyone else had gotten tired and moved on, Gemma breathlessly flung herself across the sofa for a moment and exclaimed, “Oh!  I’m soooo tired, but this music just makes me keep on dancing.”  And as if the music truly was in control of her, her body lifted and fatigued or not, she went right back to her energetic movement, dancing and frolicking about in full vigor.  Music has that kind of power.  :)

The Gavinators (he’ll be 11 in June)

“I call this ‘the wall of me,'” Gavin told me as he descended the staircase at my house, gesturing towards the Urbane Bronze (almost black) wall that nearly killed me last May“Because,” he explained, “every time I look at it, I see another view of myself.”

Gavin and the tomato

It’s true.  It is lined with framed mirrors and reflects my most valuable and beautiful treasures {the grandbebes}  en masse.  So much of a good thing!

Malakai {he turned one in January}

Did Kai, the newest family toddler come to me with tiny steps and a big smile on his face over and over when I spent the day with him last weekend?  Oh yes, he did.  It’s the cutest thing and the icing on the cake was when he came toddling my way saying “Nonna” for the first time and I got it on video!  SO serendipitous!  :)  Be still, my  fluttering heart!

Amelie {she’s 3, but almost 4}

Amelie and her tissue paper wreath

Blessed-blessed-blessed Nonna that I am, I have gotten to do pre-school with each of the first 6 grandbebes so far.  I’ll get to hang with Amelie until she goes to Kindergarten the fall of 2015 and wow, what fun we are having.  She spent a lot of last Thursday hiding in closets and jumping out with the bold declaration “Let there be light!”  It was in response to our pre-school day being “sponsored by the number 7” which seemed like a good time to talk about the 7 days of creation.  Obviously the time we spent whispering in the dark hallway about the earth being without form and void and darkness covering the face of the earth made a bigger impact than the actual number 7, but I don’t mind that one bit.

Hunter {he is 9 1/2}

Kai won’t eat for me, which is weird because he is a great eater.  But regardless of what I try to feed him – it’s a no.  This is going to be problematic when he stays with me for almost a week later this year while his parents go to Paris.

Small Size (13)

Tara was pondering this dilemma at home when Hunter, who felt he knew exactly why Kai doesn’t eat for me, offered this insight,

“It’s too exciting over there!  I’ve been there for nine years  and I’ve still only seen 10% of all their house has to offer!”

Hahahahahahahahhha!!!  That made me so happy.


guini by steve stanton photography

Guinivere (8 1/2)…Is she an astonishing beauty or what?

The K-kids just got to be photographed by a really cool photographer.  You can read about it at Stephie’s blog and see his work there.  They are fascinating photographs, part of a series the photographer is putting together featuring kids just…being.  Gavin gave me the insider information that Gemma had a hard time not smiling and giggling the whole way through the session.  Because Gemma is a happy, joyous smiler and giggler – all the time!


AND – Jovan is blogging more regularly again and those three cute girlies keep us giggling.  We’ve determined that Bailey Sophia (9 months old) must be made out of marshmallow because though a little chunk-a-lunk she is, she is light as a feather and those fluffy cheeks are fun to smooch!

Bailey Sophia by Aunt Stephanie

Pray for Averi who is a little under the weather today – on Kindergarten class picture day!  Boooo…  Surely for a girl so beautiful they’ll reschedule???

Small Size (24)

 So, let’s see…am I missing anyone?  Oh yes!  Evangeline!  She’s 2 months old now!  And she came over and hung out with me yesterday afternoon (oh, her mom, too).  And while it is true, she is not saying a whole lot quite yet, she seems to have dedicated her life {so far} to looking for any and all reasons to smile.  And I applaud her sweet pursuit!  And her leg warmers.  :)

eva 2 months

 That’s 9.  In case you have lost count (I sometimes do) I have 9 grandbebes.  And I really thank God for them!  I was born to be their Nonna!  :)


Pictures of Gavin, Hunter, Bailey, and Averi by Stephanie.  Picture of Eva by her mommy.  Picture of Guini and the 3 Kelley kids by Steve Stanton Photography.  Pictures of Amelie and Gemma and the toddling-Malakai vid: me. 

Song for a Sunday // Finally

Finally  by Gary Chapman.

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror…” 1 Corinthians 13.12 ear buds What if, regardless of the deep-seated belief that we are not worthy of the love of God, that we have gone too far in sin or been too much of a disappointment to Him; what if the torment of the accuser and the heaviness of self-doubt, the negative things we believe about ourselves (whether self-imposed or heaped upon us) and the things that so easily beset us and keep us imprisoned and afraid could just be wiped away by one glimpse of ourselves in the eyes of our Maker, our own true, most genuine reflection?  What if it could change everything?

I wish my mind wouldn’t argue with my heart

It splits the day apart

Into time well spent and time just thrown away

I wish my heart would please make up my mind

I’m wasting so much time

Gotta catch a glimpse of how it’s gonna be

When finally I look inside Your eyes and see

Reflections of Yourself in me

The way You always said it would be

When finally, I’m loving You like You love me

It happened oh, so easily I looked at You and it came to me  ~ finally

Backstory {mine, anyway}

This song by Gary Chapman was an early-80s hit for T.G. Shepherd and I never thought of it as anything more than a country love song with a great melody – until about a year and a half ago, that is.

I’d read some research disproving what we’d always been told, that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” meaning as we age, we’ve lost brain cells and the ones we have are set like stone.  What a horrible prognosis to believe that whatever we are, have thought and believe based on life’s input so far is just it, as if we are in a trap we can’t escape.

It isn’t true!  I was fascinated to learn that science now proves the neuroplasticity of the brain, meaning our brains are not static.  Our brains can be retrained to catch up to truth.  The neural pathways can grow and be renewed and the grooves and  driven river of thought which has cut defined paths into the landscape of our brains, sometimes taking us down painful passageways again and again,  can be changed and healed and our beliefs and responses can be re-routed.  Our minds and hearts and souls can be healed and set free of negative emotion and erroneous belief.  Science caught up to the Word of God in proving we can, without a doubt, be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12.2), which is incredibly good news!

a mind is a powerful thing

So, as I pondered the mind-blowing, brain-healing, course-altering, change-potential, joyful-relief possibilities – I came across this YouTube video of Gary Chapman singing.  And the words represented the dilemma so well ~ the battle between our perceived reality and the hope that something can be different and that we are wholly, deeply and totally loved and accepted.  If only we could finally grasp what is the truth of God’s heart towards us, wouldn’t it just alleviate the fear, the battle in our hearts and minds – wouldn’t it just bring relief?

I may or may not have mentioned {quite a few times} that I am reading Staci Eldredge’s Becoming Myself and it reminded me of that revelation and this song when she spoke of having a magnifying mirror that reveals all the things you’d rather not have revealed, but that the truest reflection is what we see in the eyes of Jesus, who He sees us to be.

Because you can just kick back and relax and enjoy the abundant life He came to bring so much more if you know you are everything God created you to be and are doing what He actually created you to do (rather than wrestling and clawing and scratching to try to do or be what you or anyone else thinks) and you just reflect Him like crazy – which is SO the point!


But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.”              2 Corinthians 3.18 NKJV

Oh man – if we could just believe and receive His love.  Wouldn’t it change everything?

…You’re my harbor in the storm I looked at You and the love in Your heart cut right through to me And my eyes can see ~ finally. -Gary Chapman

My prayer for you today, friends and familia~

And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.” Ephesians 3.18 Yes, may you be able to grasp it all…finally.  Me, too.

You Can Thank me Later

This was supposed to have been Thursday’s post.  Technical problems.  :(

A misc. gathering of tips and truth-nuggets that will bless your life.  ;)

Oh goodness…it happened again, didn’t it?  I went so long between blogs I am chattering away!

Plus, I have been experiencing technical difficulties.  Where is the blog-fairy when you flipping need her, I want to know???  Anyway – here goes…

avocado to guacamole


TIP:  Holy-guacamole! My best Kitchen-Tip-of-the-Week (or maybe the year…since I don’t actually ever share kitchen tips)

Because I may or may not actually be in the kitchen very much these days.


If you happen upon a 4/$1.00 avocado sale, you must take advantage, you just must!  Even though avocados don’t “last,” they can be mashed and frozen for Guacamole at a later date.  And you should be eating regular and copious amounts of guac.  Really.  You should.

And – when it is time to cut them in half all at once during that 3-minute window of perfection and you have a mountain of avocado halves in your biggest bowl to smash – attack with your handy-dandy pastry blender.  In just a few seconds, no kidding – seconds, you’ll have perfectly prepared avocado.  You can leave it chunky or blend until it’s creamy smooth, but the pastry cutter works so fast you’ll wonder what happened!

And speaking of avocados, I saw this hilarious thing on Pinterest last week and I actually for real LOLed!

not yet avocado print

TIP:  Hanging up now.

I always {at least try to} turn my phone notifications completely off when I am in a meeting or with anyone who means anything at all to me.  At least I believe in that.

But lately, I’ve been getting really sloppy at this, because – well, isn’t everyone else checking their phone round-the-clock these days?

The truth is, I have found I can actually turn it off or put it away for 90-minutes and it’s a proven fact I am not really that important anyway.  The universe goes right on spinning and the world doesn’t fall apart and the few texts and calls I may miss without my eyes on my phone haven’t been life or death.

I don’t mind turning my phone off and just leaving it off for people who warrant my time to begin with.  And I really feel warmly towards people who do the same for me ~ a surprising sweetness to my heart.

telephone rotary

TIP:  My Favorite TED Talks

First of all, I super-duper love TED Talks.  I have been exposed to some really fascinating ideas and seen things in the world I didn’t even know were happening, buildings I thought were only fantasies, possible solutions to world problems that have awed me – what a time to be alive!

TED “is a global set of conferences owned by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation, under the slogan ‘ideas worth spreading’.”  – Wikipedia

The talks were meant to bring together people from the three worlds of Technology, Entertainment and Design, thus TED.

The problem with TED Talks, according to Professor Benjamin Bratton, who actually used the TED Talk platform to slam the TED Talks, said TED more likely stands for “middlebrow, megachurch infotainment,” and he believes that the 18-minute or less talks are way over-simplified and are “making our best and brightest waste their time—and the audience’s time—dancing like infomercial hosts.”  Yes.  maybe.

To me, though, they are like magazine articles or short papers.  I learn maybe a little something, get my mind expanded, discover valuable information I can use.

I watched the whole Chew on This Ted Talks series twice on Netflix and found it fascinating, as the various speakers sometimes even contradicted each other on the topic of food, supply, world hunger, the moral issues for carnivores and vegans.  I liked that it made me think about what they were saying and helped me form opinions about food issues in the world in these disconcerting times.

I admire intelligence and thoughtful propositions.  And even though I totally believe and see life much differently than many of the speakers do, most of them manage to enlarge my awe of God and confirm my delight in His Word and all He is and will ever be.  Because ideas come from the Father of Lights!

ted talks

So here is a list of 7 TED Talks I like in no particular order.

You should check them out!


Derek Sivers: How to Start a Movement {CLICK HERE TO WATCH}

This one is seriously one of my favorites! It’s barely over 3 minutes long, but has been viewed by almost 3.5 million people.  I got such great understanding about the strength of what I bring to organizations I work with by watching this.  I love innovative, courageous, visionary people, I’m drawn to them.  And when I spot them, I want to be on their train, breathe the air they breathe and bleed the blood they bleed!  :)  And I bring courage for others to hop aboard, too.  I am a Deborah to a Barak, I’m Barney Rubble to Fred Flintstone, I’m the Lone Ranger’s Tonto.  This video actually helped me see that my leadership role in being a first-follower  is vital, not secondary.  I love cause and vision and being in the middle of creative chaos.  Visionaries are the most exciting people on earth and getting to be a propeller as a first follower, I am finally understanding, is my life’s work.


Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work 12:20 {CLICK HERE}

This guy can tell a story and this talk just makes me laugh, a really fun watch!  He is a psychologist exploring the idea that instead of working get happy, happiness will actually increase our productivity.  The idea of  “Escaping the Cult of Average” that we’ve been creating through science is awesome!


Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action  18:04 {CLICK HERE}

This is one I just watched recently.  I knew it!  We do things, we believe things, we buy things, we give our lives to things from the inside out.  This is about the heart and soul of WHY.  I don’t live by reason alone (though I use my brain fully), I follow my guarded heart…

Above all else, guard your heart,  for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4.23


Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are  21:02 {CLICK HERE}

We know body language is “readable” and you can tell so  much about a person’s frame of mind from it, but I love that the research shows it isn’t just about reading what is, we can actually power-pose to create a completely different reality, encouraging ourselves through our own body language.  And it is very simple!


Jane McGonigal: The Game that Can Give You 10 Extra Years of Life 19:30 {CLICK HERE}

She is a gamer.  I didn’t think I’d get much from this one, but she makes a great case for the good in games and relational connectedness through them.  It gave me great hope for my grandchildren’s futures, as we watch interaction becoming more and more digital, or cyber or whatever it is?  :)  This talk comes with a bonus – potential to find healing through a game AND you get 7 1/2 minutes added to your life just by watching her talk!  No kidding!


Jill Bolte Taylor: My Stroke of Insight  18:44 {CLICK HERE}

Mama mia!!!  This one is fascinating!   This is a woman who is actually a real-life brain scientist and who got to experience and study her own massive stroke as it happened.


Brene Brown: The Power of Vulnerability  20:19 {CLICK HERE}

More than 10 years ago God began to reveal to me how wholeheartedness, a characteristic I loved reading about in the life of Hezekiah, was not another word for workaholism, but actually the antidote to working oneself to death.  I bet God wishes I had wholeheartedly pursued more understanding about it.  I do.  But I never forgot and wondered…I use the word “wholehearted” a lot (as a user name on many websites, and it’s even my personal email name), but it still seemed mysterious to me.  In the middle of the night earlier this year, I felt compelled to discover something new about wholeheartedness, just sensing it was time to flesh out the next thing about it, and ran across this woman {what a delightful surprise}, this TED Talk and wow – LOVE!  Brene Brown says all the things I am still trying to find the courage to say.  Shame sucks.  Being wholehearted is being courageous and having the courage “To speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.”  This TED Talk, well, it has helped my daily existence on the earth.  I’m even in a book-club reading Brene right now.  :)  WATCH!

That’s enough TED Talks for today.  But there are more.  Oh yes, there are!  :)

The Gifts of Imperfection - Let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are (your guide to a wholehearted life)

Brene Brown on being a wholehearted person of “ordinary courage” from her book, The Gifts of Imperfection

TIP:  How to get dancer’s legs

Amelie spent the night here last weekend with her big sister, Averi, and her cousins, Gemma and Guini.  And the girl can plie like there is no tomorrow.  So can Gemma.  Where the rest of “us girls” dance and giggle and maybe are a bit silly, Gemma and Amelie are serious dancers and have the muscular control and beautifully proportioned legs to show it!  We danced last weekend!  Gemma said, “Oh Nonna, I’m so tired, but this music just keeps me dancing!”

Last night Amelie Belle stayed here all by herself for the first time ever, because, as she told me, “I’m a big kid, now.”  Soon to be four and fiercely independent, yes – she is a big kid now.

For over an hour, all the way until she said, “I’m sleepy, Nonna,” she danced and twirled and plied and swooned and swished.  She loves getting to go to the record player, which happened to have a Perry Como album in place, to lift the arm and set it carefully down.  She finds having control over the volume of the surround-sound quite intoxicating, too.

And so she dances.  And dances.  And dances some more.  And in between dancing, she walks about on her tip-toes and maintains her dancer’s form, a ballotté here, a cabriole there and those little, tiny 3-year old legs are stronger than strong.

granddaughters twirling feb 2014

Blurry, because that is how dancing is.  :)

First thing this morning, after a pancake breakfast with Poppa my Tiny Dancer asked, “Can I put the music on?”  And Perry crooned to his band while she, up on her twinkle-toes, stretched and swirled and penchéted about the room and her strong, little muscle-y legs lifted her in a fancy-flight of joy.

Do you want to know, now, how to have dancer’s legs?  Dance, my sweets.  Dance and dance.  Dance before bed and the first thing upon rising.  Walk on your tip-toes and pretend you are the best that ever was, because soon you will be.  And with strong, beautiful dancer’s legs, too.

amelie's book

The Tiny Dancer, pre-school with Nonna



The Plan

I told Dave this yesterday, but in case he forgets and because a written contract is always better, I have made my decision.

I do not want to (ultimately) die with anything that requires me being unable to breathe for months or days, or for even a few seconds, really.

The following is a list of ways I don’t want to die and includes, but is not limited to:

  • I don’t want to have bronchitis or pneumonia or any combination thereof.
  • I don’t want fluid in my lungs.
  • No lung disease.
  • No lung cancer, please.
  • I don’t want the air permanently knocked from me while sky-diving, mountain climbing, repelling or falling down the stairs.
  • No shortness of breath due to some unknown disease or deadly allergy, please.
  • No killer sneaking up from behind and covering my mouth and nose with his hand, nor a pillow smothering me.
  • I don’t wish to choke alone, unable to manage the Heimlich on myself.  Worse – in a room full of people who cannot remember how to do the Heimlich Manuever.
  • I don’t want a rib (or any other sharp instrument, knife or bone) puncturing a lung.
  • I don’t want my alveoli poisoned by emphysema.
  • I refuse COPD.
  • I don’t want pulmonary hypertension, and no advance in the asthma they try to pin on me now.
  • I do not want blood clots in my lung arteries.  Not. even. one.
  • No epiglottitus or blockage of my air passages in any way, shape or form, please.
  • Keep the croup away from me, too.

I have a pretty high pain tolerance.  And I realize we cannot always just die peacefully in our sleep (or soaking up the sun on a beach in Maui) without experiencing some discomfort on our way out.  But if I can put in an order and have it come true, well – this is mine.  I want to be able to breathe until I can breathe my last.  I need air.

O2 oxygen

Disclaimer & prayer: I am being a little silly.  But sometimes, I don’t think we realize how important good oxygen is {in the form of a good, deep breath} to everything about our health and how being able to breathe, really breathe,  is such a gift. It’s a GIFT!   It seems like too many people we know face breathing problems and lung sicknesses when they are already otherwise sick or suffering, maybe even battling cancer and it makes it all the worse.  Let’s not take even one breath for granted.

{breathe deeply here…thank God you can}

Today, I am praying for everyone I know who is experiencing breathing problems.  May the Breath of Life {Himself} bring you deep oxygenation today – an intense concentration of O2 be released in you throughout your bloodstream.  I pray respiratory relief as you breathe in and out, and may you experience peace as your pulmonary function finds its rhythm. I pray the *ruach-life-giving-breath of the Creator into your body, in Jesus’ Name.

The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life. – Job 33.4

*Ruach: the active power of the Spirit of God in the life-giving breath imparted to us.

The Lost & Found

I once was lost, but now I’m found

feeling lost

In her book, Becoming Myself ~ Embracing God’s Dream of You*, Staci Eldredge says that on our journey to becoming who we were really created to be, we get lost now and then.  I know that is true, because I have been lost several times.  Each time I gather my bearings and get set back on track,  I think it will never happen again – I’ll never be that far away from where I should be again.

“The road of life is filled with many tempting parking places.” – seen on my high school music room chalkboard…I may have been the person who wrote it there

I thought that was a hilarious quote when I was a teen-ager.  But it hasn’t been the parking places that have gotten me off-course so much as my need for speed and the desire to get a move on – even before I know where I am really supposed to be going.

I got lost in the late 80s, then again in the early 90s (really lost).  I got slightly off course in my late 30s and ended up in outer Siberia in 2006!  And {true confession} I have been trying to find my way back to civilization in this most recent year or so.  I got lost.  Again.

And so – I LOVE this, yes, I do.

“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”   Luke 19.10 NLT

And I think of those paintings of Jesus with that one lost lamb in His arms and I realize I have always thought that meant He’d come for you before you were one of His actual followers, but then – you better stay in the flock.  I thought each sheep got one pass for being found.  Now I know – He comes and finds us every. single. time.

jesus and the lambclick image for source

His eye is on the sparrow – and I know He watches me

Not too long ago, in a time of deep soul-searching, pain and regret, I was questioning the love of God at all for me.  Why would He, how could He (?) when I can make such a terrible mess of things, hurt people I love the most and somehow manage to ruin His entire plan of salvation for the whole earth by my ineptitude?  (ego, anyone?)…I was having one of those snot-filled, Bible-clutching, for-such-a-worm-as-I moments declaring my utter worthlessness to God.  My thought was – well, He is surely finished with me now.  I won’t have more chances, He’ll discover what I always knew – I wasn’t worth saving to begin with.  I have let Him down, for good.

Oh, it was ugly.

Suddenly, a very clear picture was in my mind.  I won’t say it was a vision, except that I can still see it vividly and  I do feel the God of the Universe imprinted something into my heart for good.  I like to share it so my friends can remind me when I start feeling melancholy and sorry for myself –  when I go off-track again.

Here is what I saw, in full-color:

A mom with a toddler entering a Target store.  She puts the toddler on the floor for just a second with the instruction to stand right there while she gets the seat ready and cleaned and hoists her bag into the back of the cart.  The toddler looks at her and down the aisle.  And of course – that baby girl takes off down the main aisle between Health and Beauty and the grocery side.  The mom calls out, the little girl looks back,  but keeps going, passing aisle 6.  I see the mom disentangling her hand from the straps she had been preparing in the seat for the little girl’s safety.  I see customers strolling nonchalantly in front of her as she tries to break free and go.  The little girl looks back, passes aisle 7, then aisle 8, then darts to the left.  But the mommy knows exactly where she is, for in spite of all going on in that store, even though people were in her way – her gaze never lifted from her tiny treasure who was running madly down that store  aisle.  That was her girl, her baby and she pursued with gusto.

And I saw that scene in my mind’s eye and with it came the understanding.  She had told that baby girl to stay right near her.  But when the little one took off, she did not say, “Well – that’s fine.  If she is not going to obey she can just go then.  I am going home.  I don’t need this.”  No – the mom watched, and stayed focused, never losing sight and went to get her daughter.  I think of the old hymn,

“O Love that will not let me go…”

Sometimes we do run out ahead.  Sometimes we take off like a bat out of hell to go do good things, things we think will please God and we have darted to the right and then to the left and then when we crash we think we’re alone, but the loving gaze of the Father has been on us all along.

He imparted to my heart that day – where are you going?  I’ll go there.  If you turn right, I’ll turn right.  If you go left, then I’ll follow you left – I am not going to lose sight of you.  I have got you in my sights regardless of which way you go.  Where do you want to go, Jeanie?

Scandulous, I thought!

Even if I make my bed in hell

My heart was pounding with this image of a small girl and her mommy in Target – wondering if I had concocted some imaginary view of Almighty God to make myself feel better, but His word confirms this for us:

Where could I go from Your Spirit? Or where could I flee from Your presence? If I ascend up into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol (the place of the dead), behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning or dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there shall Your hand lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.  Psalm 139.7-10 AMP

I love how the NKJV translates verse 8, “If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.”  Talk about a love that does not let go!

So, be encouraged…

Feeling lost?  Did you get a great idea and take off down the aisle trying to move mountains for the Kingdom and finally end up in a place you can tell you don’t belong?  Are you through trying to justify how you got here and willing to admit that your personal GPS failed you and you need directions?   Can you admit you are desperately, wholly lost and need rescuing?

I have so been there.  So just stop for a minute, and listen.  He has not wiped His hands of you.  The scar remains – the signifying mark of His dying and undying love for you.  He has not cast you into utter darkness for disobedience and He totally, completely knows how to get you back to the narrow road.  You are just lost.  Listen:

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” Isaiah 30.21 NIV

And just like that! *snap of the fingers   You are found.  And that is some pretty amazing grace.

{{Learning to trust Jesus, learning to love Him because He first loved me, Jeanie}}

becoming myself staci eldredge

*CLICK HERE: Becoming Myself ~ Embracing God’s Dream of You, is available for Kindle for only 99-cents through February 19, 2014.  Get it!