Tag Archives: food allergies

Thought-Collage Thursday // Health & Beauty

It wasn’t all going to be about health and beauty.  It just turned out this way.  My Thursday word-and-picture collage of thoughts and weirdnesses and hopefully some encouragement and wisdom, too,  Thank-you very much!  Five things I’m thinking about today…

Organ Donors

Aren’t the people who had the forethought to donate their vital organs and tissue when they died (and the people who love them and have lost them) the most amazing human beings ever?  Isn’t it just the highest, most exemplary form of thoughtfulness to leave life and wholeness behind?

infographic be a donor


Sometimes our own healing comes at the expense of some one else’s pain.  We should be very grateful for that.

It’s a wonderful {health} day in the neighborhood – for women!

I found this bit of healthiness in my junk mail, no less – right there in that envelope full of advertisements that I was about to toss.

Tri-County Health has just announced free screenings for cervical cancer, breast cancer and heart disease for women over-40 living in Adams, Arapahoe or Douglas counties who meet income qualifications, are not covered by health insurance (or have some ridiculous insurance that doesn’t cover screening exams) and who have not had a mammogram or Pap test in the past year.

peak wellness

This is really good news for all the women who think they can’t afford health care.  You can.  Now!  Call them!  303-363-3018.

Speaking of health – ever tried the  Coca Pulse thing?  For determining food allergies???

One of my darling daughters is being tested for food sensitivities and allergies.  She is in the hands of trusted professionals.  But there are so many, shall we say, interesting thoughts and theories about determining if you have a problem with a certain food.  I sometimes have to laugh at many of the home-grown methods because they sound more like parlor entertainment…

Gluten Test: Stand on your right tippy toe and immerse your left foot in a bucket water that has been chilled to exactly 48-degrees while holding an oven heated river rock in your left fist.  Place the back of your right hand on your nose and look straight ahead.  Keep this pose for 5 minutes.  If you fall over and hit your head, you have an intense gluten allergy.  If you only wobble during the 5 minutes, you do have a gluten sensitivity, but watch out, it could turn into an extreme allergy within days.  If you can do this easily, gluten is not your problem.  Let’s check for dairy.  Dairy test:  Now – for this, you will need to stand on your head and…

Just kidding.  That is NOT a real test.  Please do not do it.  Seriously – not based on any scientific fact nor on anything, really.  Haha!  Health stuff is so strange.

We just want answers and we want to be able to control our own health (because the “health industry “has drugged us to death).  So, I understand it.

But THIS test is real…I hear.

Anyway – the Coca Pulse Test is:

  1. Take your pulse for one minute prior to eating.
  2. Then place a bite of the food to which you suspect you might be allergic on your tongue.  Hold it there for about a minute.
  3. Re-check your pulse.

If your pulse has gone up 6 or more beats per minute, you may be sensitive or allergic to that food.  The higher the pulse the more sensitivity or allergy to that food group.

Tell me if you have tried it and if it worked or was also confirmed by a medical professional?  OK?  Ok!


You read that right!  It’s hashtag-E-A (for Eldeen Annette) -fashion-show!

eldeen annette fashion show poster

I am so lucky – I get to produce this awesome show for Eldeen Annette Portraiture and I am having so much fun!

The show will have a red carpet experience for guests upon arrival,  live social media engagement, awesome lighting and loud music and feature the studio’s Class of 2015 models wearing  picture-perfect fashion trends that high schoolers  will want to wear for their senior portraits.

It’s going to be a super-sparkly, entertaining, fun, over-the-top, energetic, memory-making, creative and THE-place-to-be party!  Everyone who comes will get a great gift bag full of goodies and products from area businesses as a thanks AND 100% of the ticket money is going straight to MADD-Colorado!


I am having a blast putting on a Fashion Show, of all things!  And Eldeen Annette really does incredible work.  It is a pleasure to work with “Ellie!”  Mark your calendar for May 1, 2014!  And buy your tickets now because it IS going to sell out!


Jeanie & Joey

This is me at age 1 1/2 with my little brother, Joey,  when he was about 2 months old (Eva’s current age).

What does this have to do with Health & Beauty?  Well, perhaps it is a warning for mommies trying to cut perfectly straight bangs on baby girls – quit trying to straighten it out!  It will only end in disaster.

The truly beautiful thing in this #throwbackthursday photograph is how much my little brother adored moi.  Don’t you think?   :)

THat’s about it, Those are my THinkings & invaluable THoughts THis fine THursday morning.  I’m silly, I know.