Tag Archives: bible reading


Summer Bible-Reading Plan

From www.thesaurus.com (a website I wholly adore!):

Main Entry: richly

Part of Speech: adverb

Definition: sumptuously

Synonyms: abundantly, amply, handsomely, largely, lavishly, opulently

Who thinks I did not fall behind during Heaven Fest and its’ aftermath?

Um, well, I did.  And I bet you are not surprised.  But I intend to eat all these words up in short order!  But let’s do this (just in case anyone else has fallen behind) : start right on this week’s.  That can be one beautiful meal a day.  Then if you’re still hungry later, serve yourself up some July 24 or July 31 goodies.  The main thing is to get the delicious sumptuousness of the Word into you; to be lavishly and abundantly filled up as if you have just had the best meal e-v-e-r!  We’ll get everything we need for life and godliness, yum!

Don’cha just love how I can turn anything into a food-thing???  Well, Beth Moore started it.  I once heard her say something to the effect that the Word is to be consumed like food to feed your spirit and how you can and should enjoy it like a menu at your fav restaurant.  She said sometimes, you’re on the go and just need an appetizer, other times a light salad, but then you will sit down and consume the 5-course meal.  And btw – you do NOT just eat once a day for your physical body.  I wonder why we think the spirit part of us just needs “one quiet time” per day?  I mean, come on – let’s eat!  A bowl of cereal here, a soup and salad lunch, a small cone from the DQ on a summer afternoon…a steak meal there…

Bon appetit!

Summer Bible Reading Plan…NOW I am woefully behind…

I am NOT throwing in the towel for anything!

Gritted teeth determination.

Neither life nor busyness nor a “massive music festivalshall cause me to miss the best meal of everyday:  The Word of God!

Your words came and I ate them.

Summer Bible Reading PLAN: read through the New Testament and the Psalms over the 14 weeks of summer.  Ideally, about 4 chapters or 20 unhurried minutes a day.  Meditate on them, internalize them, live them and be renewed and restored by them.


Reality and true confessions:  I have “skipped” a few days and then can’t catch up on my-self-imposed “catch-up days,” AND I have zoomed through chapters, realizing later, I have no idea what they even said.  So then, how could I possibly meditate on them???  Couldn’t.  So, I must re-read…Am I supposed to confess this publicly?  Well, I did.

colossians 3.16

Pray for me, friends and fellow-sojourners.  And catch me when I slack.

I wish to be diamond-dripping RICH with the indwelling word by summer’s end.  You, too, I hope!

As Kent Henry sings (and we sing along!)
Lord, I live by Your Word
Lord, I live by every word from Your mouth
And I’m like a tree by a stream
I’m bearing fruit, my leaf is green
All that I do is prospering
O, Lord, I live by Your Word.

Biblical Butt-Kicking

I shoulda started Joshua yesterday and been finishing it and starting in on Judges today.  That’s where I shoulda been, since I decided to jump into the 90-Day read-through-the-Bible plan during this busiest summer ever.  I learned about this deal through the Denver Post, a June 1-August 31 thing and thought I’d give it a try.

I have read through the Bible in a year, but not that many times, frankly.  For 3 years in a row I read the OT through once and the NT through twice. I enjoyed getting more New Testament during that plan.  But I have also taken a lot longer and though I don’t get the mark on my scoreboard, I really enjoy the Word.  Time in the Word is time with the Word…

Some people keep track of how many times they have read the entire Bible through in a year like they are gathering up Super Bowl rings or something.   My preference would be to relish the Word, study deep and meander through it.  And sometimes I just don’t read it often enough.  Let’s be honest. 

But here I am – attempting this marathon read-through.  I started a couple of days late and totally lost control while I was in Kentucky.  I am in  Numbers.  I should be reading the end of Joshua.

Will she make it?  Will she know Him more by the end?

Lord, I don’t just want to do this to say I have done it, but I want to hear You and know more of You and learn to be like You.  May Your Word do a work in my heart this summer.  Help me to hide Your Word in my heart, to meditate on Your precepts and laws.  Your Word is eternal and established and is my delight.  This summer as I feast on this living Word, I will also obey it, Lord.  Teach  me, change me…