Category Archives: 5 Songs I am Singing

Song is my love language.

Songs for a Sunday // Two hearts crying out to the One

Tamela Mann ~ Take Me to the King

Kirk Franklin’s trademark cool is stamped into the production of this very vulnerable and open admission of sorrow and pain for, yes, even a believer and Christ-follower.  It is the kind of openness we don’t really allow each other, but have to admit we have indulged in privately before God.  Sometimes we are just “all churched out.”  Or “good-works-ed out,” or “all ministry-ed out,” or whatever else we have given ourselves to that, in spite of maybe being a really good cause, or even something that was originally being done “for the Lord,” for His glory – became an idol or something that by its very girth and volume in our lives just separated us from our First lLove.

Then comes the song in the night, the song of sorrow.  It is a melody stripped of impressive words or simple, singable congregational hooks.  But it is the wrenching, the language of pain, real, authentic and not easily revealed.

This is one of those songs, in, actually, a beautiful melody, deep and soulful.  When there is nothing left in you to even bring to the King, yet you know His Presence is the only place left safe to dwell – well, you want to go there.  Stumbling, wounded, crippled from battle, tired from the fight, you summon all courage to get where you need to be…

Tamela communicates it well.  You feel the fatigue, the “why?,” the “what now?” in the beginning of the song.  Resolve begins to build {is that hope, I feel?}  Finally, that last surge of strength for all that really ever mattered anyway ~ we know where to go, where to be – we just have to get to the King.  Alone at the throne, gazing on His glory!


Whitney Houston – I Look to You

As I lay me down,

Heaven hear me now.

I’m lost without a cause

After giving it my all.

Winter storms have come

And darkened my sun.

After all that I’ve been through

Who on earth can I turn to?


I look to you. I look to you.

After all my strength is gone,

In you I can be strong

I look to you. I look to you.

And when melodies are gone,

In you I hear a song.

I look to you.

This song is the title track from Whitney’s final studio album released in 2009, and it has become my favorite Whitney Houston song ever.

It is a heart’s cry, a prayer, an understanding of all that has been lost, a revelation of all that remains and a resignation  that when all our hope or melodies are gone, we can run back to the waiting One who will meet us on the road with arms open wide.

Reminds me of a quote I first heard 30 some years ago: When we come to the place where Christ is all we have, then we know, He is all we need.

About to lose my breathe,

There’s no more fighting left,

Sinking to rise no more,

Searching for that open door.


And every road that I’ve taken

Lead to my regret.

And I don’t know if I’m going to make it.

Nothing to do but lift my head

“After all my strength is gone…I look to You.”

God is probably saying, “Finally!”  :)

NOTE TO SELF: Don’t be afraid to sing in the night.  Psalm  77

A List of Sounds I Love

  1. An old-fashioned phone ringing.
  2. Leaves on trees rustling in a soft breeze.
  3. The hush of a soft snowfall under a full moon.
  4. A steak sizzling on the grill.
  5. Church bells in the distance.
  6. A newborn’s tiny cry {baby Kai is deliciously sweet these days}.
  7. A crackling fire.
  8. Rolling thunder.
  9. Raindrops against a window.
  10. The sprinkler system popping up just before dawn on a summer day.
  11. The lawnmower at work two houses down.
  12. The crack of the bat on a ball {baseball season is around the corner}.
  13. A screen door opening and closing.
  14. The dishwasher running when I didn’t have to load it.  :)
  15. My parents singing songs that mean so much to them.
  16. Children at play {my grandbebes are infectious}.
  17. My kids as babies on an old cassette I treasure.  They were so little once upon a time.
  18. The birds chirping happily.
  19. A song I can sing along to.
  20. A swift mountain stream, water is wonderful.
  21. A greeting from anyone who loves me.  The sound of that love and gladness in the voice of my loves – is most wondrous.  That is a sound you can live in.

On another note:

Churchill is going to be on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight!  Everyone I know will be watching!  And they are a great sound, too!  If you haven’t heard “Change” yet {WHY HAVEN’T YOU???} you can hear it here.

UPDATE:  They were awesome!  Go Bethany!   A bonus video from the show “Ark in the Flood” or see them perform “Change” – both videos are there.  :)


The very first first first {song} memories you have

I am fascinated by the idea that the very first memories we actually have, the ones almost etched in stones in our brains, are the ones that may give us a clue into everything else we do, believe, are and accomplish in life.

Suze Orman, on a PBS special, said that she always asks her clients to talk about their very first money memories so they can understand how they have developed their philosophies on it.  I knew for my dad, who lived in total poverty as a kid, that he had formed his inner vows about working very hard because he sometimes, as a young boy, felt his step-dad wasn’t really trying hard enough to support the family (out drinking and carousing instead of providing).  For my dad, it resulted in workaholism to the max.  Work hard to eat-no excuses.  Wow, he definitely instilled that value in me.

But today, I am thinking of the very first songs I ever knew.  Besides “Jesus Loves Me,” and “The B-I-B-L-E” and perhaps a few other children’s Sunday School-type songs, there were two that go so far back into my brain I recall being in church singing them while I was yet 2, barely 3 years old.  And when I say I was singing them, it means I was wailing them out as I thought (even as a tiny tot) if you were going to sing, you should just flat-out-Vestal-Goodman SING!  :)  These two songs are grooved deeply into the thick forest of trees that are my brain’s thoughts and memories.

I shall not be, I shall not be moved

I shall not be, I shall not be moved

Just like a tree that’s planted by the water

I shall not be moved.

I could actually see a green-leafed tree by a running river in my mind’s eye, even as a child.  I was just going to be like that tree if it killed me!  And there was also this song, reminding me to burn for Jesus~

Give me oil in my lamp keep me burning

Give me oil in my lamp, I pray

Give me oil in my lamp keep me burning

Keep me burning ’til the break of day.

Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna, Sing Hosanna to the King of Kings

Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna to the King!

Now I wonder: Did I latch onto these particular two songs as a toddler because they already resonated with my heart to live with passion and zeal and be wholehearted in my ways – because who I was to be was already written?  Or did they, these simple songs, with piano and organ and perhaps a tambourine as accompaniment, being belted out by the very sincere and holy group at the Eastside Nazarene in Des Moines shape a small child by the singing?

Which way it happened, I am not sure.  But I find them both to be engraved in my heart and soul and continued prayers with melodies.

NOTE TO SELF:  Sing.  Sing loud.  Sing with conviction.  Stay leafy-green and deep-rooted (drinking from the streams of living waters) and burn like a wildfire all the way to the end.

I wish I could be as smart now as I was at 4

At four, I spent the hour I was supposed to be napping singing with the choirs of heaven.  You cannot go wrong spending an hour in the middle of the day just worshipping the Creator of the Universe.  So why don’t we?

At four I knew the best way to get anywhere in life was to either strap on the roller skates or skip high and long.  So I did.  I was either roller-skating (my knees still have the scars to prove it) or I was  skipping (flying) around the neighborhood.

At four, I knew if you were going to sing, you should sing loud.  So, I would get on the neighbor’s swingset (just across the alley at Sister Klug’s house) and sing so loud I could be heard far and wide, city blocks couldn’t contain the volume.

At four, I couldn’t spell much, but I could spell The B-I-B-L-E, yes that’s the book for me, and Oh, you can’t get to heaven without S-A-L-V-A-T-I-O-N.  If I’d never gone further, would I have really needed to?

When I was four, my brother Joey was my first and most lasting BFF and sibling-soul-mate.  I totally had the Joey-Joey-Joey-Joey down in my heart.  I still do, actually.

jeanie moslander rhoades

My mom was the center of my universe.  My dad was the focus of our adoration.  We chased (and sometimes caught) lightening bugs and splashed in a blow-up wading pool.  Our dog chased cats away and the milkman delivered fresh to our door daily.  We were up with the sun and went to sleep listening to records on the Hi-Fi.

I knew everything about anything that was fit to know about the universe when I was four.  *sigh*  I used to be so smart.


Christmas was a whole MONTH ago!!!

Oh, man.  I had so much more to share about Christmas 2012

But alas, I didn’t get around to it.

Christmas to me is: baking day and the grandbebes getting their hands and feet into paint for me.  It is searching for the gift that isn’t costly, but says in the deepest richest way: I do love you so much, please don’t forget.  It is lots of family events and traditional music and seeing friends and easily THE most evangelistic month of my life each year.

Celebrate with great joy BECAUSE you understand!

Really?  You can “Go Tell it on the Mountain!”  You can declare “Joy to the World” and tell people how the bells are peeling the message that “God is not dead, nor does He sleep,” and so much GOOD NEWS, great tidings of joy and Peace on earth!  :)

Um, yeah- don’t get me started.  Guaranteed, the Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, I will be back here in 10 months writing my head off about the sights and sounds of Christmas and celebrating most of all, a SAVIOR!

However, today being January 25th, I shall end Christmas 2012 (I meant to do this by Epiphany on the 6th) with this little presentation of a few images and a short video of the fam at Christmas.

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”…Then all the people went away to eat and drink, to send portions of food and to celebrate with great joy because they now understood the words that had been made known to them.   Neh. 8.10,12 NIV

Is Christmas an awful lot of work and effort with the shopping and baking and cooking and decorating and wrapping and crafts and everything else?  It sure is.  To have a big celebration to show your love to the Savior and to your family, it IS an awful lot of work.  But if just one or two of grandbebes grows up and remembers the satin running through our main tree, as it represents the scarlet thread of the blood of Jesus which washes sin whiter than snow for all time, if they recall the trouble I went through to communicate that message so they could know that blood cleanses them – well, then, I can assure you, I will never regret the work of it.

And if they remember they felt loved and cherished and over-indulged, then maybe I will have imparted a little of the love of the Father to them through us, and that is good, too.  He gave it all.

The sound of rejoicing…could be heard far away…

And on that day they offered great sacrifices, rejoicing because God had given them great joy. The women and children also rejoiced. The sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away.  Neh. 12.43

So….anyway.  It was merry and these are a few of my memories.  One month ago, to the day!

See short video!

This was a gift to Dave from the cast of “Merry Gentlemen”

The 12th Day of Christmas, aka EPIPHANY!

At the risk of being totally seasonally irrelevant, I shall yet be posting pictures and videos of Christmas.  I just will, so brace yourselves.

Though everyone rushes to do away with Christmas, today is really, the final day of Christian-tradition Christmas.  And each year I tell Dave he and I need to enjoy the observance longer by gifting each other one gift daily through Epiphany.

Because, you know how everything seems a blur and you have no superfluous time between Thanksgiving and Christmas to really reflect and prepare Him room and distribute joy to the world and hearken to hear the angel voices and all that?  Well, good grief then.  Let the 12 days of Christmas (beginning on Christmas day) be a time for it, people.

What is missed, I wonder, as we rush to set our goals, barrel into getting back to *our* lives, formulate strategies and resolutions and obliterate every symbol of the Christmas season as fast as we can?  Did we get all we could have from the season?  What if, as the song admonishes, we’d set aside time to receive the gifts of Christmas from our True Love?  Christmas Day is just the first day, ya know?

the 12 days of christmas

Today, January 6th, is a Christian Feast day (read: holiday/holy day) celebrating the manifestation/striking appearance of Jesus (God the Son) come to earth as a human being.  And the Magi showing up to worship Him.

We’ve all already moved on the Valentine’s Day and Easter on Pinterest, haven’t we? Tsk.

Somebody-please groom that dog!

It’s the Music

By Marcie @ Dirty Laundry

Listen to the Music

To stay young

listen to the music of your youth:

it will tune you into yourself.


To stay young

listen to the music of today’s youth:

it will tune you into now.


To stay young

listen to the music of the centuries:

it will tune you into eternity.


To stay young

listen to the music.

I am listening and staying young, doggone it!

From one year to the next

For auld lang syne = for times long past

Kinda why I bought the Rod Stewart Christmas album this season.  Ya know, for the good {old} times.  I tried to like John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John’s 2012 Christmas collection, but it may be the worst Christmas album (and accompanying video) ever.

Here is Rod’s smooth version of Auld Lang Syne.  For the New Year!   :)

Now-I am pressed for time, so let me just say this:

We are leaving 2012 in a few short hours and will meander into 2013 (some more quickly than others) with a few circles of a clock’s hand.  Though I have tendencies towards setting grand resolutions and starting revolutions and always wish to eschew all I haven’t loved about the year just past, though you know me to leap headlong into whatever is next – really, today is Monday and tomorrow will be Tuesday.

And Tuesday will be as fresh as Wednesday will be and Thursday and every day we are given, so let’s not put too much pressure on it.  Let’s not expect everything awful to suddenly be better, but let’s do remember that the mercies of the LORD are new every. single. morning.  Every one of our mornings, fresh!

The start of a New Year is really available to us every single day of our ever-loving lives.  Is that not amazing?  :)

Lamentations 3.22-23  Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

I found this print recently and “pinned it” because it really does give us perspective:

Pinned Image

In 2013, I will fall.  I will get back up.  I will make mistakes.  I will try to do better next time.  I will cry.  I will laugh.  I will feast.  And I will fast.  I will have times of sweet peace and security.  And I will have to trust God in vicious storms and not lean on my own understanding.  It will be good and it will sometimes be bad.  There will be high points and probably some devastation along the way.  I will scribble out things I had inked with great certainty and erase penciled-in plans when the wind blows a different direction.  I will rejoice and I will trust and I will sing and I will believe and sometimes I will also totally want to throw in the towel.

Many years of living tells my the preceding paragraph is a true and certain prophecy.  But those same years also give me the unapologetic and unmitigated confidence to declare: He will be faithful.  God’s faithfulness will not take a hit at all, ever.  And one year from today, I will be able to look back at 2013 and say with no reservation:  He remained faithful, as always.  Just like I can say about Him today – at the end of 2012.

I was reading from an 1893 school book today (I am weird like that) and came across Daniel Webster’s eulogy for John Adams called “In Favor of Independence.”  Though there had not been a recorded or written record of John Adams’ speech concerning the Declaration of Independence, Webster shares what he says was said during those crazy days for the revolutionaries.

It begins:

Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, I give my hand and my heart to this vote.

And ends with:

Sir, before God, I believe the hour has come.  My judgement approves this measure and my whole heart is in it.  All that I have and all that I am and all that I hope in this life, I am now ready here to stake upon it; and I leave off as I have begun, that live or die, survive or perish, I am for the declaration.  It is my living sentiment and by the blessing of God, it shall be my dying sentiment, – independence now, independence forever!

I have decided to adopt his impassioned and whole-hearted oration for my journey into 2013:

Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, I give my hand and my heart to 2013.  By the blessing of God, great will be the faithfulness of the LORD.  This much, I already know to be true!

How about you?  What are your plans for the New Year?  Join me???  :)

We celebrate and we cry

Dave’s second novel, in proof-form (while he is diligently at work on the sequel to Altar) arrived by special messenger today:

 11 days until Christmas.  Dave got his first gift.  :)

It is a moment we have been waiting for and a moment to rejoice and celebrate.  But the school shooting in Connecticut makes it more difficult, realizing the hurt being felt by so many.

God help us.  For a world living in darkness, may we BE the Light of Jesus.  I hear the anguished words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow” in my heart today.  He wrote them shortly after his beloved wife had died in an accidental fire and he had just received word that his firstborn son had been severely wounded during the Civil War.  I believe we are all feeling what he must have as he penned the words:

“And in despair I bowed my head, ‘There is no peace on earth,’ I said.  For hate is strong and mocks the song of Peace on earth, goodwill to men”

But I am telling you – Peace on earth, goodwill to men – is THE central message of Christmas.  It is THE declaration of the angels in the heavenlies, and it IS what God the Father wants to the people of this whole earth to KNOW

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:

“Glory to God in the highest,

And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”  Luke 2

Christ IS in Christmas, right this minute like He always has been and like never before.  Family of God – He is Emmanual, Christ in us and with us.  May He work through us to declare the heavenly blessing to a hurting world.  I am so sad that it takes a mammoth tragedy for us to understand just how much hurt and hopelessness is in the earth.  But WE have the Eternal to offer.  It is all around us.  Let us be like Him.  Let us give Him glory.

Jesus, You are the Light of the world.   Your birth brought hope.  Your death and resurrection gave us Life.  We choose life today.  We choose to act like You, talk like You, walk like You and represent You to a lost and dying world.  We will declare Your words, and Your will to a broken, hurting people, in Your blessed and holy Name.

“Then pealed the bells more loud and deep,

God is. not. dead. nor does He sleep

The wrong shall fail, the right prevail

With PEACE on earth, good-will to men.”

AMEN.  So be it.


Angel Dust is everywhere!

Angels we have on heard high

Sweetly singing ore the plains

And the mountains in reply

Echoing their joyous strains

Gloria in excelsis Deo

Gloria in excelsis Deo

Hot glue + fabric-scraps + gold poster board and tempera paint and some old frames + white poster board + Elmer’s and angel dust (aka white/clear glitter) = getting ready for the Nativity shoot on Saturday.

Stormie gave me the tsk, tsk “You make new angel wings every time.”

And Dave said: You need to be creating costumes we can keep for the theater company.

Easy sign-making tips here and here

But people – the grandbebes grow at a terribly fast rate and we haven’t done Nativity since 2010 and you just don’t need wings in your everyday life.  So I think poster board wings are fine and I choose hot-glue seams over sewing and an old-old-old pillowcase will make a fine head-dress for a shepherd and some actual used drop cloth will seem as though it has been on a real shepherd in the field keeping watch over the sheep by night.

Wings & Angel Dust:

Mary’s costume is almost done, just some ribbons and final touches  (“gown” made from a dollar store backed-table cover).  Two of three angels are complete.  Joseph and the shepherd next.  I am getting excited!

What is that sound? Is it the sound of angel choirs? No. It is Dave frantically vacuuming up the glitter. Good luck with that, honey!  :)

Merry Christmas, people.  12 days until THE day…Love & JOY come to you!