1000!  One…THOUSAND!

My blog is almost 4 years old.  This is the 1000th post.  But there are over 30 posts in my drafts folder waiting…just…waiting.

I started blogging 1409 days ago (11.29.06) a.k.a. three years, ten months and nine days ago.

Graphomaniacal.  In a word.  And if I could always sum things up in one word, there would not be this blog…with 1000 posts.

Oh, and as it happens, today is the one-year anniversary of the day I turned 50.  Or as some negative-Nellies like to call it: turning 51.  Sigh….

Aka – 18,628 days old.

Tre took the photo of me,  Stormie added me to the Sesame Street gang.  Some one else had posted the original pic and “1000” sentiment and I swiped it from Google-images.  Makes me happy. ;p

The most recent change to the blog is a new HOME MOVIES page.


11 thoughts on “My ONE-THOUSANDTH Post!

  1. Yay!!! Happy Birthday mom!!! And congrats on the 1000 blog post you have done! You are such an inspiration!!! I love you!

  2. Oh my honey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND HAPPY 1000TH BLOG POST!!!!! You are so creative and visionary. I love you for what you were, I love you for what you have become and I love you for what you will be in the future. You are Jeanie, the strong eyed one! I love you. So many words left to write…

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday to a beautiful woman. Congrats on 1,000 posts. I look forward to reading them daily. You are an awesome, and talented woman. Love you so much.

  4. Happy Birthday to my wonderful, creative, beautiful sister. May there be many more happy birthdays and thousands more blogs!

  5. Did you get my birthday message to you on your husband’s FB yesterday? If not, it is now late, but just so you know, I was not late! I thought of you on your birthday and sent wishes from my heart to yours because I DO celebrate your birth! Now, if I had mailed the card that I intended to get you, it would have been late, no doubt, as I always think of mailing them the day before a birthday. :0) So I sez to myself – cyber-mail all the way! You ARE an amazing woman! Happy Birthday, Happy Blogging!

  6. Well THANK YOU for the mention of the home movies. That first one in the bunch of them with the whole family doing the partidge fam thing on stage? My new favorite thing ever! lol. Too funny and awesome. Love you Jeanie and MISS YOU! Hope to see you soon somehow:)

  7. Congratulations on sticking with the blogging for so long! I wish I had 30 posts sitting and waiting to be posted :( Hope you had a wonderfully, blessed Birthday yesterday! Thank you for the prayers you have said for my family! You do amaze me.

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