Hunter turned {SIX}!
Hunter and some of his cousins a couple of months ago
Suddenly the “little guy” in turning in to a big kid. He is smart as a whip and will talk your ear right off. He is organized and meticulous and precise. He saus what he means and means what he says! And he cracks me up on purpose and quite by accident. His favorite snack at my house? A cup full of parmesan cheese and a spoon while he watches a movie.
Hunter-the Movie
Here is a little project Hunter and I did a couple of days ago. He was in a dancing mood, but not so much a talkng mood, but still…he is Hunter!
Happy 6th Birthday to Hunter. Hope you had so much fun at your star wars party.
Happy Birthday, Magoo! I hope you had a wonderful day with your parents in PA and that you had fun at your party last night. I love you! Mom, the video was awesome! I was cracking up at the part where he’s dancing.
I watched the film you and Hunter made….Adorable.!
He has the moves …..doesn’t he?……..exploding with 6 years of awesome star wars energy.!
Happy Happy Birthday Hunter. Love you Big Guy~~~Great Grandma
I love my sweet little guy. Hunter, you make mommy and daddy laugh every day and you teach me about the world and about Jesus all the time. You are truly a gift from God! I can’t believe God gave me such a cool, smart, and handsome little boy. I am blessed beyond words to have you in my life. I can’t wait to know you forever…
Ps. I love you WAY more than numbers can count. Ha! I got ya. ;)
Always a great time! Happy Birthday my little Hunter!!!! Papa loves you!
I love you son….. you make my heart glad… I am a MAJORLY PROUD dad!!! Happy birthday man! :)