Chalk it Up

Carol Ann has a blackboard-door in her kitchen.  I have always loved it.  My sister-in-law, Robin, is famous for her re-purposed art-to-board chalkboards.  I just have a little store-bought chalkboard I sometimes write scriptures on, or birthday greetings for the fam.  It  is NOT a good one at all. (pictured below: Carol Ann’s, one of Robin’s and mine after Stormie’s accident last fall)

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I have planned on buying a can of chalkboard paint from WalMart for like – 5 years, at least, to have something more interesting than the board I have.  So, I went ahead and bought a can for $8.98 and told Tara I thought I had an original and brilliant idea: to chalkboard-paint the base of our kitchen breakfast counter so the grand-bebe’s could sit on the floor and do artwork for me.  I had never seen anything like it….UNTIL I decided to google “chalkboard paint ideas” and omygoodness – people have beat me to it. Figures.

Meanwhile, I also found some other kitchen designs with chalkboard paint.  There is crazy stuff out there!

Here are the 2 breakfast counters I found (which I really thought was MY idea!!).

kitchen-chalk-1 kitchen-chalk-2

There is a chalkboard-fridge thing going on.  I don’t know if I could do this!??  Maaaaaaybe on the wall around it, though?

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This cabinet is pristine.  Would you be eating chalkdust if you wrote on placemats?  The plate thing?  Pretty easily do-able.  I just saw this very plate at WalMart for less than $3.  Paint the middle, plop it on a cookbook stand and voila!

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Here are some cute ideas – pantry doors, doorway, shelves and backsplash:

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How cute are these rooms??  But the kids already have to remind me to write the birthday message before people arrive.  Ha!  I can’t imagine what would happen if I had to have all sorts of clever script on entire walls!

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This, though, is my absolute FAVORITE!  Why?  Because: clean, modern cooking/eating area.  Woods floors, creativity and art on top of the pantry.  The heavy-duty industrial warehouse doors that slide to hide the pantry as needed.  Whimsy.  The old with the new.  Is that enough reason to adore it?!?  What am I doing in suburbia?


Will one can of chalkboard paint even be enough?…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Start painting before Dave sees this post!

4 thoughts on “Chalk it Up

  1. Love the kitchen counter base idea. Love the rest, too. I’m excited to see the pics of your handiwork. I can only imagine at this point how fabulous they will be!

  2. Did you know that you can make your own chalkboard paint? ‘Why would I want too?’ you ask? You can make it in any color! Stores only sell green or black, but here is a recipe (I found on a few different websites awhile back) for making your own!

    3 teaspoons acrylic paint (any color you want!)
    1 1/2 teaspoons water-based glazing medium
    1/2 teaspoon powder tile grout

    Mix all ingredients, blending well. Don’t make too much and throw away leftovers.

    1. I did know that…in fact, I already have 2 follow-up posts for that chalk craze I got myself into and the recipe from Martha Stewart was to be included.

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