Category Archives: 9 TV & Movies/Books & Entertainment

MOVIES : : I have added to the list

There are movies I like that are in their whole own grouping.

I didn’t realize this list was so long until I actually started typing it.  And I am not sure how to classify it, or what to call it.

This particular grouping – In common::

1:: They are movies that I saw with people I love when I was able to just take a break and get in to the story.

2:: They are period pieces, historical, but in a very recent sense.

3:: They have a message that touches my heart, and indeed may actually express something of the deep parts of my very soul.  There is something in each that carries a sensibility I was born in to,  a value I hold close to this day.  And something that inspires me for the rest of my days on earth.

4:: There is almost always furniture or wallpaper or some accessory that one of my grandparents had in their houses.  Or that my family owned, a hand-me-down, perhaps, or used, but useful item.

5:: And I love the characters and the colors and the accurate depiction of the time of which they speak.  There is nothing worse to me than having a hippie (late 60s, early 70s) have a Rubik’s Cube (extremely late 70s) in their hands.  Tsk, people.

6:: Oh, and the movie will almost always have a music track I just really love.

Basically, there is something of these movie I recognize and wholly relate to because of the times in which I have lived.  Now Grace of My Heart {1996}, the quintessential inside-my-soul movie is very much like these in some ways, but is also kind of like its’ entirely whole category, so I didn’t list it.   Here goes:

To Kill a Mockingbird, {1962}

Field of Dreams {1989}

Driving Miss Daisy {1989}

Avalon {1990}

Fried Green Tomatoes {1991}

A League of their Own {1992}

Corinna, Corinna {1994}

Shawshank Redemption {1994}

The Green Mile {1999}

The Notebook {2004}

More recently, Julie, Julia {2009}

To this list I am now adding The Help. {2011}

No Spoilers, no worries.

1:: Did I love it?  I totally did!  I saw it with Dave and Stormie, Tredessa and Ryan.  First movie in a while because of a little thing I like to call Heaven Fest.  I was ready, Qdoba in hand!

2:: My French teacher at Hammond High School (1976) told us many stories of her “mammy” who raised her on their North Carolina Plantation and explained that was just how “things were done.”  Growing up in the 1960s, I have strong remembrances of the Civil Rights movement.  At school, we watched some of Martin Luther King Jr.’s speeches and I remember the sinking feeling I got when I heard he’d been killed.  The flags were at half-mast and after the pledge of allegiance, our whole school observed a moment of silence.  It spoke to me in a roar.

3:: Messages…Forgiving your enemy is hard. Leaving the theater I thought that, even though the movie was about exposing the hypocrisy of white rule and unjust laws toward other human beings, even in this movie (from a book by the same name), the savior was the white girl.  A rich, white girl.  And – Hilly, the worst of them all, she really isn’t so different than any of us {me} when we are  crusading to get our way, our rights, our own viewpoint across.  I have been on the receiving end of that horrid religious superiority, and sadly, I have probably been a perpetrator.   And that is sad…

Best message in the movie, though?  The one that nearly made me cry every time?

You is kind.  You is smart.  You is important.

4:: I remember women still wearing those same netted hats to church, with gloves, when I was very small.  Oh yes I do.  You did not know I was that old, dod you???  The “house dresses,” the aprons, the “modern furniture”

5:: Emma Stone was awesome.  So were Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Allison Janney and pretty much everyone else.  Great cast, great sets.  Pretty decent accents, too.

6:: The music in this one didn’t stand out to me a lot, yet.  But we’ll see as I watch it again.  Maybe it was just so perfect it was part of the whole movie-loving thing.   Oh wait – I do remember some Johnny Cash, a little Bob Dylan and oh, Ray Charles!!  And?  I was singing along to “Victory Today is Mine” in the church scene (yes, sang it in church many times in my life).  Hmmm…I think it must be a great soundtrack.  Now I am excited to go back and see!

I relate to the movie.  I connected with it.  I cried several times and a lot at the end – probably more than anyone else because of the “writing” thing.  And I never cry at movies.  I won’t spoil.  I just loved it.

Go see!


Up on the Roof

ohmygoodness-they are sooooooooooooooooooo cool

Can you believe they get paid to do this???  What a life, sitting with friends, playing music and singing great songs.  Stormie got me this CD/DVD for Christmas (Live at the Troubadour) and wow, I love it.

The “stars put on a show for free”, people!!

I just want to be Carole King. sigh….And sing with James Taylor, of course.


I am thinking most all physical illnesses have the ability to take you down because of what you do to yourself, how you push and stress and internalize negativity and life is just go-go-go.  I mean God created these amazing vehicles, our bodies, with such an infathomable ability to be renewed time and again.  Yet, I know when life gets the craziest, when I am too busy to be stopped, I actually feel physical pain.

And I have wondered: should I ask God to heal my physical symptoms if I am not open to Him re-arranging my heart, healing my soul (mind, will and emotions), and allowing Him to restore joy for strength and peace for the journey?  Is there any point in physical healing for something I am doing to myself through overwork or negligence towards my body, the very temple of the Holy Spirit?  Won’t I just get sick again, maybe in a different way?

Get busy living, or get busy dying~

In other news, it turns out we will all die.  Every single one of us.  There is a time to die.  But to give in to death early, to die all the way to dying: what a waste.  To live fully on your way to death, well, this seems better.   If I were to find out a few months from now that I had a fast-acting terminal condition, I would hope that between now and the finding out, to have lived and loved.  In fact to have lived and loved and loved and loved and laughed and cried and felt pain, yes, but joy, too.  I would hope to have bled a little and scraped my knees (not literally, but in sort of a similitudenous way).   I would just hope, not knowing when the end will be, the way to it will have left the inevitable debris of some really adventureous, loud and joyful living.

No morbidity.  Just things I sometimes think about.

NOTE: Shawshank Redepmtion is such a powerful movie.

Festivus for the Rest of Us!

God’s Plan: Sabbath Rest.  Reeeeeeeeesssssssssst.

Rest = Restoration, recovery, healing, rebuilding, reclamation, renewal, rejuvenation.

Rest = revival = rebirth/awakening, literally coming alive again.

Sabbath heals me.  Rest renews me.  Sabbath rest?  So good that Hebrews 4 tells us, “…let us make every effort to enter that [Sabbath] rest so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience.”  Whose example?  The people who didn’t receive and celebrate Sabbath rest as an offering from and to God.  I don’t want to be one of those sinners!

Sabbath is good times and a gift from God to man, for man!

“The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” – Jesus, in Mark 2.27

But guess what!!??!!

“…celebrate with joy…this festival to the LORD…”

Huge, raucous, loud, days-long celebratory festivals are also an offering to the LORD!  God Himself gave mandates for big celebrations in the OT and baby, those people partied like it was 1999!  How do I know those OT’s knew how be happy and LOUD?

Nehemiah 12.43  “Also that day they offered great sacrifices and rejoiced, for God had made them rejoice with great joy; the women also and the children rejoiced. The joy of Jerusalem was heard even afar off.”

I was contemplating the rejoicing and celebrating of the Israelites and I saw in my mind’s eye the final scene of Star Wars-Return of the Jedi, where the whole village of Ewoks broke into dance and song at the defeat of the enemy (the Death Star was obliterated and Darth Vadar was defeated).  Kinda like the victory WE have in Jesus Christ!

It is hard work, as massive worship and music festivals tend to be.  It is overwhelming and there are many details.  I am physically tired and filled with anticipation.  And this? Is my offering to the LORD. I am aware of His smile…

Come to Heaven Fest.  We exist merely to get to share the Father heart of God with a world which needs to know…

Robert Liparulo & Dave Rhoades: LIVE @ Heaven Fest!

Check it out at the VOX STAGE @ Heaven Fest! July 30 at The Ranch in Loveland!

Best-selling author, Robert Liparulo (YA series The Dreamhouse Kings and thrillers such as Germ and Comes a Horseman) and  newcomer/author and my husband, btw, Dave Rhoades (Altar and soon-to-be-released Road Rage) will appear 3 times at Heaven Fest 2011.  They’ll talk about writing, sign autographs and sell books.  Check out the line-up schedule for times and plan to stop by and meet them!!  I am very proud!  :)

HF LINE-UP: click!

Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair

My mom wanted a Debbie.  My dad wanted a Jeanie.  They compromised and named me Debra Jean, but I was called Jeanie from the moment I was born.  My mom’s dad, my Grandpa Allison, called me Debbie Jean to make my mom happy.

But I was always Jeanie.

My dad said he knew who I’d be when he saw the Northern Tissue ads on billboards in 1959.  “There is our Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair,” he’d tell my mom.  She bought the set of posters by Frances Hook, an American artist whose friendly depictions of Jesus with children you would recognize.

The Northern Baby with light brown hair and blue eyes.  And me. With the light brown hair.

The song.

So,  a few times during my life, people have burst into song when they’ve lerned my name.  The song is an oldie, written in the 1800s and has some quaint words.  My parents chose the actual spelling of my name, which could have been spelled a bunch of different ways, from this old song.  And though I have heard a gazillion renditions, I only just learned of this one.  And I really like it.  I finally feel like some one sang it like they meant it.

Having had red hair 18 out of the last 25 years and even brown-black hair for a year, I have been feeling a little frumpy with my return to a light brown (because I can’t stand the upkeep of red nor the constant attention to roots with dark hair).  It is the least work.  But it seems boring.  Just plain old me again.  Then Sam Cooke sings

I long for Jeanie with the daydawn smile,
Radiant in gladness, warm with winning guile;
I hear her melodies, like joys gone by,
Sighing round my heart o’er the fond hopes that die…



Aaah. I am in love! Thank-you, Sam Cooke!  Suddenly ok with my hair color!  O happy day.

Street Team for Phillips, Craig and Dean Concert

I get to go pass out HF flyers tonight!


Phillips, Craig & Dean supports Denver area church in spreading the gospel through their upcoming movie “The Prophet’s Son”.


Film Project

This film is rich in music, politics, and drama. It dares to reopen the wounds of Columbine, expose the heartache of homeless, runaway youth, and demonstrate the bold faith and love of Christian believers. In the ever-present longing of the main characters for each other, The Prophet’s Son models purity in the kind of love that lays down its life for others. The movie is at once romantic and prophetic, demonstrating the power of God to conquer in every imaginable situation, while preparing His people for impending judgment. July 30 at The Ranch in Loveland!


Southeast Christian in Parker!


UPDATE:  7.17.11  It was a fun night, hanging with intern, Gwen!

A little humid and muggy for my tatste, but fun!

I wanna be like Greta!

OK, yes, I would like to sing martini music.  What of it?

After we checked in at Midway Airport on our way home from Chicago (btw, I am in love with Midway and was thrilled to avoid O’Hare!!), we grabbed lunch in the food court where we had the sweetest entertainment by a very gracious and beautiful, Greta Pope.  She did standards and pop hits and oldies and jazz and I was enthralled.

Tredessa was not one bit surprised when I told her that this is the next direction I hope my life takes.  And Dave knew the second he saw her that I would want to be her.  Lovely.


So you think you can dance

Well, I don’t think that.  I have no such delusion on the matter.  I cannot dance.

But, boy-o-boy, I wish I could.

You see, I am a Pentecostal preacher’s daughter and dancing was considered…of the devil?  I can’t remember the exact thing, but it was associated with sin and off-limits.  Remember the the movie “Footloose?”  Preacher’s daughter likes the bad-boy dancer and they plan a secret dance?  Well, in that movie, the preacher gives in.  Not so for me.

But oh how I loved the TV show American Bandstand with Dick Clark when I was little.  My dad got rid of our TV in favor of more prayer and Bible study before I turned 6 (which was really good for reasons I shall write about soon), so sometime before that, I managed to get to watch American Bandstand with no one knowing.  Rock music was out, too, naturally.

Joy moment

I have this memory of me in the living room on a Saturday evening, adults in the dining room visiting, eating.  I’d been watching the Alfred Hitchcock Show and I am not saying it was condoned, but I don’t remember worrying about being found out. Anyway, it went off or I turned the channel, not sure which, but suddenly I am watching American Bandstand in 1966 in all its’ flip hairdos and pencil skirts and white sweaters and maybe a little twist going on.

I think I am alone.  I lower the sound so as not to be found out.  I start dancing like the teens on the TV.  I am really in to it, so much so I spin around and –

The color surely drained from my face because there stood my Grandma Hallet. She had walked in on me. She saw me dancing. I just knew she was going to tell my dad and I would be in for it. Doomed.

But instead, sensing the depth of my mortification, she started waving her arms and bouncing her ample girth up and down and stepping a little to the right, a little to the left.  While fear was still pounding through my ears, she, in an effort to put me at ease and act as though this were the most normal thing in the world, said to me, “Isn’t this great?  Such good exercise, put to music!”

I retreated to the footstool, no courage to join her in fancy dancing.

I’d been caught.  By grace.

I wish I’d have danced with my Grandma.  What a silly little scaredy-cat I was.  It makes me smile to remember her, covering me with a happy dance, though. 

Every kid should have that kind of a grandma!

Another JOY thing!

At Tara’s wedding, we somehow convinced my parents to dance and they liked it.  So now, at pretty much every reunion, our whole family finds some reason to dance – even the parents.  I guess my dad finally did give in, just not in time for me to figure it out.  I am going to try to “encourage” square dancing at this reunion.  It seems it would be fabulous fun!

pictured: My little brother Joe, my Grandma Hallet, and me when I was 3 1/2 or so.