Tag Archives: christmas

Three Nights Before Christmas

Three nights before Christmas and all over town, there is much to be done and so many sounds…

1.  Christmas with my family is pretty loud.

Christmas at our house was like a Donny and Marie TV Special” (who said that?). 

That cracks me up because it is like that for us, too.  Rare is the quiet tree-lit silent night, or a room full of heavenly peace for pondering and reflecting.  Even now, as I write this (on Monday night to be posted on Tuesday), it is late.    And yet, the rooms are brightly shining and daughters have materials and supplies spread everywhere, working on Christmas projects and finishing last-minute gifts.  They tease and cajole.  They drink coffee and break out into song, filling the air with movie quotes and remembrances in a thoroughly unpredictable rhythm.  Just now they are singing selections from the musical “Oklahoma,” for what reason, I do not know.  I’d like to tell them to go to their rooms and get to sleep, but am reminded they are here now by choice, a gift to me, something I treasure.  Let the madness remain.

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2.  I really do not like to shop.  But at this point, I have no choice.

I power-shopped for more than 10 hours Monday.  {sigh} I organized each person’s list according to every different retail establishment I would need to hit.  I mapped out a plan, gathered coupons and those “free money” cards I have collected from said establishments (like $10 off a $25 purchase at JCP, $10 off any purchase at Kohls!) into a folder.  I made sure to have my Starbucks giftcards for needed strength (did you know there is a company-wide shortage of caramel due to the popularity of the new Caramel Brulee Latte??!?) and most importantly, dedicated myself to having a good hair day because when you are going from morning to night, not having to worry about hair in imperative.  Then I told Dave: this isn’t a pleasure trip, you know.  The objective is to cross things off my list: quickly.

Several of my girls have asked for vintage/antique-type things so I added 3 thrift stores to my list, all within a short get-it-done radius.  When we arrived at the first one and I leapt from the car with notebook and pen in hand and started bounding toward the door at break-neck speed, Dave commented, “There.  See, honey?  This store was created just for you.”  For the big sign at the entrance read:  ARC Thrift Store ~ Shopping with a Purpose. 

Yes, I am a purpose-driven shopper. 

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3.  I will continue to complain about the weather.

It was too stinking hot.  It didn’t feel  like Christmas with the weather in the 50’s, which is seriously impeding my glorious songs of old.  But today, the temp has dropped!  Here is what I want:  Maybe the low 40’s with some big pretty snowflakes falling, but not on the streets-just along the sides so everything looks pretty and children can build men…and women.  And just cool enough so you can wear the cute hat and adorable scarf set some one has given you (along with the coordinating fingerless gloves), but you don’t really need bulky coats.  You know-cool enough that you’d look all New-England-wintry and Christmas-card-ish if you made a quick stop and took a few spins around the ice-skating rink while you were bustling about shopping, but not so cold no one can recognize you due to the outerwear overkill when, if you should fall, you would not, in fact, be able to get back up.  Is this really too much to ask for???

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Three movies that are not usually considered Christmas movies, but have great Christmas scenes in them:

[1] Funny Farm with Chevy Chase. [2]  About a Boy with Hugh Grant and [3] While You Were Sleeping with Sandra Bullock (omygosh, I LOVE this movie!).

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Three nights before Christmas, 3 French Hens, Three Wise Men, and three wishes from me to you:  peace, joy and love!

pictured: DP, Tara and Hunter’s tree farm adventure a couple of weeks ago. 

4 Days Out ~ You Better Not Pout!

Why I love

Buddy the Elf

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I’m a cotton-headed ninny-muggins!



Deb, you have such a pretty face.  You should be on a Christmas card!




I think you’re really beautiful and

I feel really warm when I’m around you and

my tongue swells up.


First we’ll make snow angels for 2 hours, then we’ll go ice-skating, then we’ll eat a whole roll of  Tollhouse Cookie Dough as fast as we can,

and then

we’ll snuggle.

nutcracker {SON of a NUTcracker!}

I just like to smile, willferrell


{answering the phone} Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?


I’m sorry I ruined your lives and crammed eleven cookies into the VCR.


S A N T A ! ! !  {Omg!}  Santa’s coming! 

I know him! 




NOTE TO READERS:  In case you need to know, and I, for one, do…the days start getting longer again starting today! WINTER!  Shorter nights!  Thank goodness!

With only 5 days left, it is imperative to have a plan!

Plan for the Day~

Four o’clock~ wallow in self pity
4:30~ stare into the abyss
5:00~ solve world hunger, tell no one
5:30~ jazzercize
6:30~ dinner with me. I can’t cancel that again
7:00~ wrestle with my self-loathing…I’m booked.  Of course, if I bump the loathing to 9, I could still be done in time to lay in bed, stare at the ceil…ing and slip slowly into madness.  But – what would I wear?

-The Grinch (as played by Jim Carrey)…special thanks to DP-the-son-in-law for reminding of us of this hilarious scene and doing a darn fine re-enactment, making us laugh merrily!

Give a Goat for Christmas.  Good for Pomplamoose Music!

Gotta love this unique and charming musical talent.  I suscribe to their Youtube channel because their music (both original and covers of songs I love) make me smile.  Love their ability.  Love their interpretation and delivery.  And?  Now they are giving away 2 FREE MP3’s of their music to anyone who will buy a goat (or some other animal) through World Vision for Christmas!  Music AND heart!  {see details on at the end of the video}  So, give a goat!  Give 5 goats, even!  And, Merry Christmas!

Hey, pssssttt….TODAY is last full day of fall!  Weird, huh?

6 Ding-Dongs Away from THE day!

Dave Barry cracks me up.

“Christmastime is a festive time – a time of parties and presents and songs that we all love, except for Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, which I for one got tired of in approximately 1958, and which now causes me to dislocate my forefinger stabbing the car-radio button. I prefer traditional Christmas carols, such as Ding Dong Merrily on High. I am not making this carol up. The lyrics are:
“Ding dong merrily on high!”
(Something something something)
I don’t know the rest, because I never got past the first line without cracking up. This song used to absolutely slay me and my boyhood friends when we sang it in St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Armonk, N.Y. And no wonder: It is a well-known axiom of music, discovered in 1783 by Mozart (this was Herb Mozart), that “there is no such thing as a bad song that has ‘ding dong’ in the title.” Other examples are Ding Dong the Witch is Dead and Shama Lama Ding Dong, which is not to be confused with Rama Lama Ding Dong, also an excellent song…”

-A classic from Dave  Barry’s column in 2004. You may read the rest, which is titled, “Who Named these Guys Wise Men?”, here.

Amy Jo and Damon welcomed Piper Johanna 6 days ahead of schedule.

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Yeah!  Baby Piper, due to arrive on Christmas Eve, arrived at 3:15 on Friday.  Good tidings of great joy for Amy Jo and Damon, who were unable to join us for a little Christmas Merriment last night, but were having their own fa-la-la-la-la rejoicing!  We (the “3rd Thursdays”, see above and please note the cute reindeer ornament I am wearing made by Chloe and Cody-so cute!)  got to talk to new mommy on speaker phone and wish her merry merry times with Baby Girl, who is blond and, at least in this picture, looks just like her daddy.  Welcome little Piper (I have a strong urge to call you Pipi ~ will your mama kill me??)!

Stormie was a Secret Santa at Work


She made an ornament from wire and old buttons and put chocolate under glass.  Cute, eh?

Christmas is coming, Christmas won’t wait.  The presents need wrapping.  I cannot be late!” – by me, actually, just this second.  Destined to be a classic Christmas quote, I am certain.

Steph’s Tree ~ 7 Days before Christmas

Made with love…and hard work.

I am pretty proud of all my girls.  Not only do they go all out thinking of the most perfect gifts to give for Christmas, each of them is spending hours and hours creating handmade presents for the family.  And these gifts are not just popsicle-stick napkin holders, no.  We are talking heirloom quality stuff.  One daughter is giving her sister something she spent working 160 hours on.  Steph and Stormie have had weekly “Project Mondays” for weeks, both working on unique and thoughtful gifts.

I am just so impressed at what resourceful and loving women they have become, my “little women.”

Steph’s Tree.

Stephanie’s domestic creativity showed up on her Christmas tree this year.  I’ll let her explain it to you:

Here is my tree:

My colors are white, silver, teal, purple, and black.  My main inspiration was the ‘un-Christmas’ decor from Anthropologie*  


 I didn’t use most of my old ornaments this year.  I found things around the house to use and re-use/re-purpose for the decorations.  

The big flowers are made out of white tissue paper from the dollar store and old unwanted sewing patterns.

The garlands are made from $1.00 worth of string and yarn from the thrift store.  Stormie and I finger knitted each one – there is about 175 ft of it….I think:)

The little white flowers are made from white plastic grocery sacks and white pipe cleaners.


The ‘star’ on top is made from old black paper with writing ( I think it was a report of some kind) that I got for $1 from the flea market.  I didn’t want to do a traditional star – just something that would stand out.


This last photo is of Guini and Gemma inside the Anthropologie* store in Cherry Creek – LOVE their tissue paper poms!

Thanks for the peek inside the Kelley-Christmas household, Stephanie.  And for being such a thoughtful gift-giver.

Crazy 8 Days before Christmas

Hunter had a pre-school Christmas program.


See Hunter?  He is fourth from the right on the back row, his little blond head bowed-praying for all he is worth!

It was truly apparent, and not just because the Little Prince belongs to me, but because it is true: the kid has the market on musical talent at his pre-school.  And when they did “The Little Drummer Boy,” Hunter led out on that coffee can “drum,” never ever missing that first beat.  Truly, all the other little kids followed his lead.  He told me, “I drummed “pa-rum pum pum pum,’ but the other kids drummed pa-rum-a-do-do,’ like that.”  He knew he was good.

The grandbebes make ornaments for the keepsake tree.


Cardboard hats and felt, glue and glitter, and voila!  Note to Averi: Though quite pretty, it is actually not a cookie.

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Gavin is a dedicated artiste.  He loves the Martha Stewart super-fine glitter as much as I do (90% off the last week of January 09…jealous?).

Bad news/good tidings of comfort and great, great joy!


Dave’s book didn’t make the top three in the competition (we now find 10 more votes would have put him there!!), but we got good news that outshone some silly competition.  It is kind of private, but suffice it to say, we are rejoicing and dancing merrily because of a health scare one of us had that is now not as scary and looking really good, in fact.  Thank-You, God for mercy, for healing…

The grandbebes will not stand still for pictures.  Will not. C’est impossible.


We tried sitting, standing, and stacking, we clapped our hands and said their names as brightly and joyously as possible.  We threatened, cajoled, bribed and shrugged our shoulders in hopelessness.  These five are in charge of the universe and all the best-laid plans are a fantasy, because they are a combined, insurmountable energy-force and you best just get out of the way.  And certainly don’t believe they will all behave as requested.  Goodness, no.  Just line them up, let them go crazy and hope for the best. (I wasn’t supposed to be in this shot, but Guini wouldn’t let go and when Guini wants to give love, that is when you will receive it – it is all on her timetable!)

God willing and the creek don’t rise, I will get my Christmas cards out say…next Tuesday???

9-Day Christmas Countdown from the Cubicle

Stormie and Amber-i like to give their workspace a personal touch.

When you are creative and colorful and you are forced to work in a beige-windowless-cube-filled work space with a bunch of odds and ends people, it is no wonder you look for any and all reasons to cheer up the ol’ cubicle during Christmas!  The lighting is bad, but you can see that Amber and Stormie had their fun being decorative and merry!

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There is Stormie’s modèrne garland. 

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This is where Stormie spends lots of hours making sure the billboards you see all over the country are quite attractive and high-quality in color!

Stormie made a mobile from scraps using a snowflake as the topper.  And has a big paper star over her desk.

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There’s Amber-i’s fancy snowflakes!  And her room-view.

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They are so sweet, Stormie and Amber.  They keep mini-candy canes and lots of chocoltae candy around for visitors who drop by.  They are sweet hostesses.  Right there in the windowless cubicle.

The tree is festooned with finger-knitted string garland (which is what Stephanie Kelley, my other uber-creative daughter put all over her large tree at home: finger knitting!  It is all the rage!)

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But the pièce-de-résistance?  The merriest part of it all?  Oh yeah, baby~



Edward, ready for Christmas!  Q:  Edward looking at you from his spot between the keyboard and the monitor?  Or Edward on a bed of tinsel garland??

What did you do to your work-space???

SEE AMBER’S beautiful designs for GIFTS!

Buttery-Sugary Goodness just 11 Days before Christmas

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Baking Day @ Our House

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We scaled way back this year.  We have been scaling back yearly, it seems.  But we still mananged to get some of our favorites made and even a new thing or two, keeping that oven hot  and hopping for hours.  There are the wildly popular “Thin Mints,” a shameless and absolutely amazing rip-off of the Girl Scout cookies.  The sugar cookies for decorating are made and await a coating of royal icing in delightful Christmas colors.  Jovan used her new Pampered Chef cookie press to make the lightest most buttery press-cookies, dusted in colored sugars.

Stephanie has perfected peanut brittle.  There are Mexican Wedding Cakes and Gingerbread Men, along with Peanut-Butter Kisses-Cookies and Chocolate-Covered Peanut Butter Balls heaped next to our chocolate-dipped pretzels and “Strawberry” cookies (which have no relation whatsoever to strawberries, other than how they look, but really are made from dates and pecans and coconut and Rice Krispies and fashioned to look like a strawberry – a Rhoades family fav from the 1950s and 60s).  And more, yes, there is more.

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Things change.

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One interesting thing this year was computers.  Looking around the kitchen and seeing 3 laptops (2 Macs and a PC) open to recipe sites – that was funny.  So much for cute recipe cards, huh?  It was also quieter and we missed Elise-the-Niece…Well, it was quieter, that is, until the boys and daddies joined us and a chaotic-Christmas-cheer ruckus ensued, fueled, undoubtedly by the pure sweetness of the ‘cane hitting the bloodstream.

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The girls swarmed poor Santa

The guys show up for dinner at 6:30

The boys played cards with Aunt Dessa while the girls took our “food orders” for chicken nuggets and muffins, coffee and salad (their imaginary menus were limited and they are sort of pushy as waitresses, these granddaughters of mine).  The ‘bebes chased each other, snuck sweets from piled-high trays of goodies and pushed Rudolph’s paw,  making him sing the Rudolph song veeeeeery loudly, at least 172 times (that Rudolph nose was flashing like a traffic light, non-stop for hours!).  I seriously wished for some one to decapitate Rudolph.  But the grandbebes?  Find him delightful.

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Gemma was particularly artistic in her interpretive dancing, inspired by her viewing of “Frosty the Snowman.”  Averi’s great joys were bringing handfuls of cookies to everyone, or unrolling toilet paper into the, shall we say, “bath bowl”, and I just hope there was no criss-crossing of these activities.

And at one point, so warmed by both this season of good will and by the way they’d been running like banchees, all five grandbebes ripped off their shirts and flung them like confetti into the air, thrilled to be set free from the confines of clothing so they could fully enjoy the twinkling lights and the Christmas music.  “We’re nakey!  We’re nakey!” Averi exclaimed with glee and they laughed as if it were the funniest thing they’d ever experienced.

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Rocky and Tredessa interact with Santa as well.

Ah.  It is the little things.

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It took awhile to find every shoe and sock and coat amd mitten (and shirt) when it came time to go home with their large trays of cookies and candies.  {Sigh}.   But we did it…almost.  I still have to make the marvelous butter-cookie dough from which will emerge Raspberry Ribbons and melt-in-your mouth Candy Cane Cookies, among other delights, and the Peppermint Bark awaits me this morning.  But most of the holiday baking is complete for another year and it is way too much and more than enough and truly not as sweet as the time I got with my girls.  And the whole bunch.

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With Love from the Gingerbread House….Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Prep more next year.

Two Weeks until we Celebrate the Birth of Jesus!

Guess who’s coming to dinner?!


Kent Henry!

Kent Henry!  I wrote about him after Heaven Fest. (pictured:  Kent praying for DP during Heaven Fest)


Abba, Father sent His Son~


that was set by God the Father,

God sent his Son, BORN AMONG US of a woman,

born under the conditions of the law


He might REDEEM those of us who have been kidnapped by the law.

Thus we have been set free to experience our rightful heritage.

You can tell for sure that you are now fully adopted AS HIS OWN children

because God sent the Spirit of his Son into our lives crying out, “Papa! Father!”

Galatians 4.4-6 The Message

He came.  He ransomed us, redeemed us, He set. us. free!  So this is Christmas!