I’ll be up on a rainbow, sweeping the clouds away!

Thanks, Maurice Chevalier, for this happy 1930 tune, “Sweepin’ the Clouds Away!”  It seemed a nice accompaniment to the day I recently had with the girlies.

Don’t go ’round moping, hoping happiness will come,

That’s not the way; it doesn’t pay!

If you want happiness, just help yourself to some,

Why don’t you try to take life the way I do:

Guinivere (7 1/2), and her little sister Gemma (6) and their cousins, Averi (5) and little Amelie Belle (3) came over on a sunny morning and we did each other’s hair and put on make-up and everyone got to dress up in Nonna’s old clothes  and shoes if they wanted to.  Or not.

Then we made paper chains and stars for decoration and set the patio up for some fun-fun-fun!

Let the whole world sigh or cry,

I’ll be high in the sky,

Up on top of a rainbow,

Sweeping the clouds away!

I don’t care what’s down below,

Let it rain, let it snow,

I’ll be up on a rainbow,

Sweeping the clouds away!

Averi and her little sister, Amelie – above.

Gemma just eats the camera up (above).

Averi got her momma’s pretty eyes (above)

Guini is growing up so fast (above).  She’ll be 8 in July.

And this little silly (Amelie, 3, below) keeps us laughing.

 It was a fun morning!

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