Hunter Magoo – I love you!

Yesterday, October 9, on Hunter’s actual turning-four-years-old birthday, I was once again explaining how his mommy had been my baby and I remembered her turning four and how now he was her baby.  The concept is still mystifying to him in some ways, but he pondered, “So that’s why you love us both so much?”  Yes, pretty much – that is why.

Hunter is four.   Happy Birthday, Magoo!  I really really love you!  Isn’t turning four fun?  You’re having a whole birthday week!  Monday you got your new trampoline (mommy and daddy were too excited to wait – so they led him to it, eyes closed.  He liked it, he smiled, he jumped.  Then he said, “I really wanted a motorcycle.”  ???).  Wednesday, on my birthday, all the cousins were at your house and you were more excited about that than your own birthday! 

Then yesterday, we got to spend the day together and wow was that fun!  Shapes and colors and letters and school-work and cousins and play and indoors and outdoors and making funny faces as we sat in Pa-pa’s big leather office chair.  You were my cuddle-bug and silly man.  You asked a million questions (your favorite being “why?”) and you watched some Sprout and jumped some rope and had plenty of candy and Rice Krispie treats and snuggled with me and made me chase you around the house and made me laugh!  But the best part?  When we got out the old vinyls and how much you love the ceremony of changing a record and learning how you must be careful not to scratch them or bump into the player (NOT an I-Pod!).  And I love how interpretive you are in your dancing, from marching your head off to “76 Trombones” from “The Music Man” soundtrack to an aggressive, very modern and physical rendition when I introduced you to “Footloose.”  Kevin Bacon had nothing on you, my little man!  Seriously!  I’m so glad we had this time together…


pictured: I knew I had, within the past two weeks, taken lots of pictures of Hunter, but when I went to look at them – they are ALL a blur.  I swear he is looking me in the eye and looking cute when I pick up the camera to shoot, but by the time I press the button-he is already long gone.  But this is the current view of Hunter, in reality.


Pictured:  Finally, I snuck up on him as he was side-by-side with his cousin, Gavin, one of his all-time favorite people, and I was ready as I whispered his name and he turned his head!  Yea!  And on the right-Hunter’s first day of pre-school with Nonna, juice mustache and all.

We are still celebrating you, Hunter,because we love and adore you!  Chucky Cheese with mommy and daddy last night and your party still coming up (“I hear a train cake comin’…”).  I love your deep, inquiring melancholy side, your gruff little voice and the cowlick right on the front of your head.  I love your greenish-blue eyes and brown skin and your little M & M toes.  I love that you know a million songs and lots of scripture and that you still determine whether or not you are going to be flying today based on whether you have the Superman cape on or not.  You ARE a superhero to me!

Happy Happy Birthday week, Hunter Magoo.  I love YOU!…Nonna

NOTE TO SELF:  More “Footloose” and other great movie dance sequences for Hunter while he is still living and interpreting the music unabashedly and with great passion!

6 thoughts on “Hunter Magoo – I love you!

  1. Goos Floos!!! Have birthday little man! You crack me up on a regular basis with how much you know about EVERYTHING! I love you little McFloozy!

  2. Happy Birthday, Ter Ter! You are a light in dark places and it’s not just the reflection coming off your blond hair. You crack us up with your words that are so clear and true. You already are a lover of truth. Such a delight! I love you, Magoo!

  3. My baby boy is 4?!! NO WAY! You have turned my life around and upside down! YOu have filled me with laughter and joy, lots of spinning and dancing, dreams of super heroes and flying, toys and made up games, jumping and climbing up very tall things, watching my words and silly faces, cuddling (we fit together like a puzzle piece), parks and bike rides, frogs and icky boy things, and you have opened my eyes to knowing God better. I adore you, my son.
    Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth. Psalm 127:4

    You are an arrow in my hand!!!!
    I love you, Happy Birthday!

  4. Hunter, you are a truth speaker. I’ll speak truthfully right now and say that I love you. You are better than any dream I have ever had of a son, in fact you blow my dreams out of the water!!! Hey, just so you know, you are surrounded with me most killer family EVER; don’t forget that and take advantage of that… there’s wisdom on all sides… glean from it through the years.

    Later bro-ham-and-cheese! :)


  5. We had his birthday celebration last night, Monday and it never ceases to amaze me how five kids from 7 months to 5 years can find so much fun with a pack of balloons and some waded up paper!
    Happy Birthday my little Hunter Bunter

  6. Happy Birthday Hunter! Thanks for letting us all share in your birthday and letting your cousins help you open your gifts – you are so generous;o)
    I love you!

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