But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.
Always be PREPARED TO GIVE AN ANSWER to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. 1 Peter 3.15-16 NIV
Christmas is for giving. There is no other time of the year where our opportunity to share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is so supported by holy sights and sounds and goodwill, no other time we might pronounce blessing on everyone we meet {“Merry Christmas” is a blessing!} and have it so readily received.
The lights, the trees, the colors, the songs….the people, the merry-making, the stars and the Father of it all, the things of Christmas (symbols, traditions and all the rest) came because of a giving God. For God so loved the world that he gave…
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
And now we can give like crazy, too – not just the latest gadget or technology toy, not just lots of unwanted and unneeded nic nacs and fru-fru, but we can share the secret to our unbridled joy, our unhampered happiness! The symbols of Christmas give me the chance to explain my joyous celebrating and the reason for my hope to my grandbebes, imprinting the minds and hearts of my little ones. Each year, little by little, as we sow seeds of faith, Christmas becomes the accumulation of learning as year follows year and season follows season. As they grow up – the truth is there – either for them to joyfully impart to their own children, or as an inescapable testimony – that no matter how far they may wander – they will see, remember and understand truth all around. The seeds of truth will be in them. I am gardening in their hearts even now…
And when we know and share the symbols of the season with our neighbors and clerks in the store and our bank tellers and co-workers, we’re gently able to impart spiritual truth to them. Many people celebrate Christmas – not even aware of the depth of what they do – even so: they are acknowledging a Savior! Of all people then, shouldn’t we be the most joyous, most exuberant revelers? Remember Buddy-the-Elf (the movie, Elf) hearing that Santa would arrive at the store the next day and how he screamed with delight: “Saaaaaanta! I know him!” Well, I KNOW Him! I know the Savior. I think lots of people would be excited to know Him, too, if I honored him as Buddy did Santa!
SEE CLIP HERE:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jyCfRHumHU
We need to understand {be ready to GIVE an answer} so we aren’t feeling sheepish about what Christmas has become – so we can be the most joyous of all the celebrants – welcoming every symbol and facet as an opportunity to give a reason for our hope and to set apart Christ as Lord!
Yes, amen?