Category Archives: 2 Mi Familia

All things family-related. My husband and me, the children we made, the grandbebes that thrill us now. Our whole great big, loud, messy family. Love! *sigh…

Happy 11th Anniversary, Tristan and Stephanie!

Eleven beautiful years!  Well-done, you two!

I hope you never forget, Tristan, how pleased we were to get YOU as our first son by marriage.  I know it had to be terribly overwhelming to join this humongous, loud bunch, but we loved you instantly and thought you had amazing taste to marry our daughter!  I hope I have let you know often enough.  We do thank God for you.

And I hope you will never forget, Stephanie, how pleased we are with the choice you made and how you have chosen to love and grow with Tristan.  And are making a family of love.  We could not be prouder of the woman you are, and our daughter, too! It is all further proof of your keen sensibilities and superior perspicacity in so many many areas, including love and marriage.

You two chose well.  You have done well.  You are doing so well and we love you.

Congratulations on the 11th anniversary of the day of your marriage.  Be blessed with many, many more!

It’s 4 o’clock on Christmas Eve in 1970

Christmas Eve 1970.  The light is dimming and it is brisk outside, snow on the ground in Davenport, Iowa.  It has been a year of big changes for the Moslander family.  We’d left my childhood home where relatives lived on every block nearby and moved to a new city to start a church. Nothing like being the new kid and late to start the school year.  Yes, big changes for us.  In fact, we had gotten a TV in October so my dad could watch the World Series (and possibly to cover the sound of lonliness for our family until we could meet people).  A 16″ black and white portable sits on a stereo rack.

As the daylight fades and turns blue then silver-gray, dusk pushing its’ way in, mom busies herself in the kitchen making Christmas Eve snacks.

This was a few years before. That is me reading to the sibs from a children’s encyclopedia. 1967

Of all the Christmas Eves I have lived through (a lot by now), that one in 1970 somehow became the Christmas Eve by which all others, both before and after, would be judged.

We’d moved so far from family and friends and familiar places and things and I was struggling to adjust (and as a kid, these things are hard to express – so you just don’t), but on this night, as it fell, a familiar safeness and warmth settled in around me like a heavy old, rag quilt, the kind of quilt that would have built secret forts and been lots of fun but also wrapped you around in times of sickness or sorrow – you know –  a quilt with which you had history.  That is what settled in – that kind of peace and warmth and hope and all-is-right-with-the-world….

It was nothing fancy, this particular Christmas Eve.  It was just us – my mom and dad and 4 younger siblings.  But mom made snacks for dinner.  There were the annual Bugles (you couldn’t just have those everyday, you know) and a wondrous delight called Pizza Spins (why-o-why can’t I get them today??), chips and dip and hot cocoa – the real kind, the kind that kept my mom stirring at the stove for at least 30 (to 100) minutes as she perfected – a little more whole milk, hmmm,  some vanilla, more sugar now…Hershey’s cocoa powder being stirred and stirred into creamy, frothy submission.   When, oh when would that cocoa be ready??? Then of course my mom always whipped up a big batch of her amazing popcorn.

Oh, I think there were sandwiches, too and candies and various Divinities (there is a reason no one makes these anymore) sent by my Great Aunt Jenny and my dad’s customers on the milk route (he was a bi-vacational pastor before that vogue termed was coined).  But the  hot cocoa and popcorn, the Bugles and Pizza Spins and chips and dip – these were what signaled that this was a special night.

And she served us as we settled in, cozy on the couch, tree lights twinkling away while tinsel fluttered at the slightest provocation, watching the Davy & Goliath Christmas Special.  Then the Peanuts Christmas Special, and who knows what all else?  We loved our TV watching after having gone without!  Haha.

Yes, we were far from family and friends that Christmas, getting adjusted, the big move having changed everything about life as we had always known.  But on that night, all was well.  It was cozy and sweet and I am sitting here writing – so many years later, as I watch the daylight turn blue and ease into silver gray and I swear I can almost hear my mamala in the kitchen popping some corn and stirring away at that rich, hot cocoa.  If I turn on the TV, the Davy & Goliath Christmas Special will be on, right?

It is funny, isn’t it, how one shade of light, or an ornament twinkling or a certain scent will trigger a gold-spun thread in our hearts to pull us back?  My heart remembers…

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night.

Guess what???  It just now started to snow…it’s Christmas Eve.  It’s magic!

My simple greeting @ CHRISTmas~

GOOD tidings.  GREAT joy.  ALL people…born to YOU…a SAVIOR.

Luke 2.10-11  A Savior!  How simply wonderful is that?  And so worth the celebration!


Inside, left.

Inside, right.


Merry days and nights, friends and family.  Love & joy come to you.  Really!  Merry Christmas, from my house & heart to yours!

with every Christmas card I write…

SO late with my Christmas cards this year.

Stormie usually does all the payout and design work for me, including narrowing down the photos.  But dangit.  I am a grandma.  I cannot hardly bear to leave a photo out of the line up, seriously!

Since I don’t Photoshop and I am woefully behind on Stephanie’s wonderful Gimp lessons, I am having to make do with the Monkey…which now charges me money to use it and I  am not getting anything new that I wasn’t using for free just a week ago.  Just in time for my card!  Boo..  Watch out Gimp, here I come.

Anyway.  I am such a novice.  But I am trudging away.  Sneak peek…

Waaaaay less words this year.  Just a super-simple message from Luke 2.10,11.  :)

Secrets about the shoot?  The main, front & center camera had a disaster and none of the pics turned out.  Two angels didn’t have halos until we were wrapping up.  It was cold.  It was in Ryan and Tredessa’s back yard.  Hunter’s head tie came from his shepherd’s robe from 2008.  I totally forgot to hot-glue the sides of Gavin’s robe.  And yes, all the costumes were made from fabric and hot glue.  What else?  We  missed Wrex.  And all his animals.  And oh, how I love that my grandbebes let me do this with them!!!

Finally – we thought it would be fun to just leave the kids outside to play in their costumes while we went inside to prepare a snack and hot chocolate for them.  I told Hunter to feel free to “direct” a pageant, if he so desired.

As I was about to step inside the door, he was explaining that they would begin with the angels visiting the shepherd in the field. Hunter then yelled, “From the top!”

At which time Averi simultaneously announced, as she lifted her outer robe, “I’m gonna put this baby back up inside me.”

Hahhahahahahahhaha!!!  Love these kids!

It’s an exciting day at the Rhoades’ house


We are, after all, getting a blizzard.  Snow makes it feel more like Christmas today, than say, yesterday, when my car window was rolled down all day as I shopped.

Road Rage


Road Rage has been officially released!  It is available on Amazon right now (Kindle, soon), and you can get signed copies directly from Dave delivered personally the first week of January.

We rejoice and we mourn

We just found out this week that we are getting a new grandson in February!  Dave and Tara were “matched” with a birth mom this week and they met and they just love her. And she has chosen them to adopt her baby.  And they have chosen him.  And it is wonderful, delightful, shouts-of-praise good news.  The long-awaited promise of the Lord coming to pass.  Hunter is 8 now.  We have been asking God for a baby for a long time.  Tara is such a good mommy and Dave is a really great dad.  The proof is in the puddin’.

Plus, this new grandson of mine (which will make us 4 girls and 3 boys) will only be about 6 weeks ahead of his cousin, a baby girl being born the Rocky and Jovan in late March (which will make it 5 girls and 3 boys).

And Stef and Wrex are having a baby boy come April, too.  Happy dance.

Babies everywhere,  New life.  Fresh starts.  Hope renewed.

We rejoice.

Back: Dave-the-husband, Sharon his sister, Debbie-the-baby-of-the-fam, the late brother, Garry’s wife, Sharon. Front: Older brother Dale, my father-in-law, Raymond Rhoades, and Sandra, the eldest of his children.

Yet, in the midst of it, our nation continues to reel from the devastating shooting in Newtown, Connecticut yesterday.  We cannot, even in our mostly-hardened hearts, not feel this agony.

Then today, Dave’s dad, my father-in-law, Raymond Rhoades, was heading out to breakfast with Ray and Sharon (Dave’s older sister and her husband) in Yakima when he just fell almost directly into the arms of Jesus.  A quick trip to the hospital via ambulance and his heart stopped here while his soul began its journey of rejoicing in heaven.

In those few minutes, when we weren’t sure across the miles whether he would live or die, it was hard to know how to pray, but most of us (Dave and I and the 6 grandbebes and some mommies and daddies) were gathered (there had been a certain little Nativity photo shoot today at Tredessa’s house), we stopped and recalled that just this past summer, when we’d gathered to celebrate his 90th birthday, he had spoken of being ready to be with his Savior.  So we prayed for peace and we prayed for him not to suffer, either way.  Within minutes, he was gone.

He adopted Dave 53 1/2 years ago as a 5-day old boy in a hospital in Topeka, KS.  And now here we are, about to watch Dave and Tara adopt.  Full circle.

We celebrate.  We rejoice.  We laugh and we dance.  But we cry and mourn, too.  And we have lost and we will miss the man who was just here.  Just here this morning…getting ready to go to breakfast.

Life is unpredictable.  And a vapor.

We celebrate and we cry

Dave’s second novel, in proof-form (while he is diligently at work on the sequel to Altar) arrived by special messenger today:

 11 days until Christmas.  Dave got his first gift.  :)

It is a moment we have been waiting for and a moment to rejoice and celebrate.  But the school shooting in Connecticut makes it more difficult, realizing the hurt being felt by so many.

God help us.  For a world living in darkness, may we BE the Light of Jesus.  I hear the anguished words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow” in my heart today.  He wrote them shortly after his beloved wife had died in an accidental fire and he had just received word that his firstborn son had been severely wounded during the Civil War.  I believe we are all feeling what he must have as he penned the words:

“And in despair I bowed my head, ‘There is no peace on earth,’ I said.  For hate is strong and mocks the song of Peace on earth, goodwill to men”

But I am telling you – Peace on earth, goodwill to men – is THE central message of Christmas.  It is THE declaration of the angels in the heavenlies, and it IS what God the Father wants to the people of this whole earth to KNOW

“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:

“Glory to God in the highest,

And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”  Luke 2

Christ IS in Christmas, right this minute like He always has been and like never before.  Family of God – He is Emmanual, Christ in us and with us.  May He work through us to declare the heavenly blessing to a hurting world.  I am so sad that it takes a mammoth tragedy for us to understand just how much hurt and hopelessness is in the earth.  But WE have the Eternal to offer.  It is all around us.  Let us be like Him.  Let us give Him glory.

Jesus, You are the Light of the world.   Your birth brought hope.  Your death and resurrection gave us Life.  We choose life today.  We choose to act like You, talk like You, walk like You and represent You to a lost and dying world.  We will declare Your words, and Your will to a broken, hurting people, in Your blessed and holy Name.

“Then pealed the bells more loud and deep,

God is. not. dead. nor does He sleep

The wrong shall fail, the right prevail

With PEACE on earth, good-will to men.”

AMEN.  So be it.


Repeating the sounding joy

Because the angels are, in fact, STILL singing and because some of us need a messenger of the Lord right here, right now, I wanted to highlight this portion of the Rhoades Family Christmas card from 2010.  Because the angels that sang and rejoiced in the sky pronouncing PEACE & GOODWILL on the night Jesus Christ was born are the same angels who now attend to the household of faith!

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1.14

REJOICE, friends and familia! The angels of the Lord are near. Listen for the song – it’ll be good news for sure.

Now please go back and notice how many times the angels said: Fear not (do not be afraid)!

Thank-you, Jack Hayford, for preaching Christmas up year after year!


I hear angels singing praises

Remember that song from the 1980s Hosanna! Integrity’s music???

Oh, I loved singing it.  And I just found myself singing it a few minutes ago as I am glittering up 3 sets of angel wings for a certain Nativity photo shoot this Saturday.  There are sparkles everywhere!

I hear angels singing praises,

I see men from every nation

bowing down before the throne

Like the sound of many waters,

like a rushing wind around us

Multitudes join the song

And a  symphony of praise arises

Tears are washed away from eyes

as men from every tongue and tribe all sing

Holy, holy, God almighty

Who Was, who IS and Is to come

All the angels are crying holy to the Lamb who sits upon the throne.

I think I love this song so much because I was 4 when I first {heard} the songs of Heaven and {saw} the multitudes in the Spirit.  And sometimes I still do.  Call me crazy, but as soon as my breath returns when I hear it (awe-awe-awe), I sing along.

From 2010:

It’s Christmastime.  And the angels are STILL singing!

The old song:

Love my little Christmas Elves

They make life merry and bright!

You would not believe how much food the Grand-poppa made for them.  No you would not.

They posed themselves “with Santa” who is ever-so-barely visible.  They know I like to chart their growth each year next to my “fake Santa,” as Amelie calls him.

This year, Gavin is 9 1/2, Hunter is 8.  Guini is 7 1/3, Gemma May is 5 1/2.  Averi will be 5 on Feb. 2 and Amelie will turn 3 in the spring.

The girlie-cousins.

Hunter knows how to ham it up!

Gavinators.  Leading the way into silly!

Their decorated sugar-cone trees and cookies.

Merry Christmas one and all.