We rejoice and we mourn

We just found out this week that we are getting a new grandson in February!  Dave and Tara were “matched” with a birth mom this week and they met and they just love her. And she has chosen them to adopt her baby.  And they have chosen him.  And it is wonderful, delightful, shouts-of-praise good news.  The long-awaited promise of the Lord coming to pass.  Hunter is 8 now.  We have been asking God for a baby for a long time.  Tara is such a good mommy and Dave is a really great dad.  The proof is in the puddin’.

Plus, this new grandson of mine (which will make us 4 girls and 3 boys) will only be about 6 weeks ahead of his cousin, a baby girl being born the Rocky and Jovan in late March (which will make it 5 girls and 3 boys).

And Stef and Wrex are having a baby boy come April, too.  Happy dance.

Babies everywhere,  New life.  Fresh starts.  Hope renewed.

We rejoice.

Back: Dave-the-husband, Sharon his sister, Debbie-the-baby-of-the-fam, the late brother, Garry’s wife, Sharon. Front: Older brother Dale, my father-in-law, Raymond Rhoades, and Sandra, the eldest of his children.

Yet, in the midst of it, our nation continues to reel from the devastating shooting in Newtown, Connecticut yesterday.  We cannot, even in our mostly-hardened hearts, not feel this agony.

Then today, Dave’s dad, my father-in-law, Raymond Rhoades, was heading out to breakfast with Ray and Sharon (Dave’s older sister and her husband) in Yakima when he just fell almost directly into the arms of Jesus.  A quick trip to the hospital via ambulance and his heart stopped here while his soul began its journey of rejoicing in heaven.

In those few minutes, when we weren’t sure across the miles whether he would live or die, it was hard to know how to pray, but most of us (Dave and I and the 6 grandbebes and some mommies and daddies) were gathered (there had been a certain little Nativity photo shoot today at Tredessa’s house), we stopped and recalled that just this past summer, when we’d gathered to celebrate his 90th birthday, he had spoken of being ready to be with his Savior.  So we prayed for peace and we prayed for him not to suffer, either way.  Within minutes, he was gone.

He adopted Dave 53 1/2 years ago as a 5-day old boy in a hospital in Topeka, KS.  And now here we are, about to watch Dave and Tara adopt.  Full circle.

We celebrate.  We rejoice.  We laugh and we dance.  But we cry and mourn, too.  And we have lost and we will miss the man who was just here.  Just here this morning…getting ready to go to breakfast.

Life is unpredictable.  And a vapor.

2 thoughts on “We rejoice and we mourn

  1. Full circle indeed. So sorry for the loss of such a fine man, but also rejoicing he is spending his first Christmas in heaven. Prayers and comfort to you all.

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