All posts by Jeanie

About Jeanie

Wholehearted living somewhere in the middle of all my years. Aging parents, grown kids, and grandbebes everywhere! Married to my love and lifelong best friend, Dave for 33 years now. We raised 5 kids and lived to tell about it. My life's mission is to declare the great faithfulness of God to the next generations, especially those in mi familia!

None for me, thanks

Malakai did not like his birthday cake.


Poor little guy.  Thirty or so of us suddenly plopped him into his high chair, put a 6 1/2″ high 6-layer colorful cake (purple-blue-green-yellow-orange-red) in front of him and yelled, “Eat, Malakai, eat cake!”  He could not have been more perplexed.  Cameras were flashing, people were clapping and laughing and the cake just sat there.


His mommy tried to help him by placing his hand in the icing and he became immediately suspicious of the whole thing.  She put a little icing in his mouth and he did not like it.  Not at all!  He has never had sugar like that, always eaten healthy.  So we were surprised.  We thought maybe if we cut into the cake and he saw all the pretty colors, he’d give it a try.




Then the worst: Tara put a little taste of cake in his mouth and he gagged.  He gagged.  Then he got so mad, he cried.

083 090

He will either (1) grow up to love cake more than anyone else in the world ever has and these pictures will be a hilarious in retrospect, or (2) eschew cake his lifelong, always eat healthy and probably be all the better for it!


Nonetheless, Malakai came as a fulfillment of the sweet promises of God.  And like when you see a rainbow, you remember that God keeps His promises, so when we look at these pictures we’ll always remember that one year ago, in spite of all the tears and the prayer and the hopes and dreams that felt like they might never be realized, Kai was born to bring joy and joy he has brought and we are reminded: God keeps His promises.  God is always faithful.


Kiss-kiss, Malakai!


Malakai’s little personal cake was baked with a 6″ pan, 6 layers (purple-blue-green-yellow-orange-red) with a cooked, whipped icing that is actually slightly less sweet because I did not want to put him in a coma.   ;)

The “guest cake” was also 6 layers, same colors from the bottom up using a 10″ pan.  It was way bigger than it looks!



I did not read the Bible through in 2013

Bible reading fail.

Ugh.  I am just going to confess it.  Every single year of my life that I don’t get it read all the way through feels like a big, fat failure to me.   And I feel embarrassed and guilt-ridden.

I mean – you can read the Bible through start to finish in like 70 hours and 40 minutes at “pulpit rate” if you’re reading aloud.  So that’s like, what?  12 minutes a day.  Or about 5 pages a day just going at whatever the heck rate you want, depending on your version and print size.  But I somehow managed to not get it done.

I know where I was.  I spent an inordinate amount of time in Isaiah.  But not even the whole Book of Isaiah.  I zoned in on chapters 40-55 and may or may not have read them about 40 times over the course of the year.  I really felt like the Lord gave that to me for 2013.  That was needful.  That, I do not regret.  However, I STILL meant to read all of the rest of it.  Didn’t you, too?

But thank God from whom all blessings flow!

I just feel like He let me off the rigorous Bible-reading hook I had myself on yesterday when two different Tweet-ers posted these things:

james ryle tweet

I clicked on this link immediately and remembered that James Ryle  had shared a similar sentiment some time ago and I had actually loved it so much I wrote about it at this very blog {here}!  Good grief, it’s a good thing I write this stuff or I’d forget some may good things.

Among other wonderful things, James Ryle wrote,

“I want to talk today about how to get the most out of your Bible reading. And the simplest and most direct way to put it is to invite you into your Bible as though you are taking a slow walk in a beautiful park — one filled with God’s presence.”

I loved it!  What an incredible invitation – just as I had loved it last February when I mentioned it and had already forgotten.  Somebody – please help me NOT to forget that this year.

It was the perfect foil for me as sI was trying to figure out how to fit in “finishing” my Bible-2013 reading plan AND keep up on the Read-the-Bible-through-in-2014 plan all at once.    James also quoted his friend Buddy Owens:

“When you open the Bible do so determined to read for depth, not distance.”

Depth, not distance…”  I realize my “tribe,” the slice of ecclesia which beautifully instilled in me a love of the word of God, but also perhaps the seeds of condemnation that come from not being able to check off the squares next to the names of the books of the Bible within a very defined time frame, and I, well – we’ve gone some distance.  I’ve really loved the years I could say, “What a blessing – I was able to read the whole Bible through this year.  Got in under the wire, Praise the Lord.”  J/k…haven’t said it quite like that – close, but not actually.  Haha.  Do not egg me on by asking me which years, please save me from myself!

However, I continued to scroll through Tweets and came across this one from Howard Snyder:

howard snyder tweet

If I read the Bible slowly, to get more benefit, it may take longer than the 12 months or 52 weeks or 365 days…I do worry that me not holding the Bible-in-a-Year standard high will be the deterioration of the church as we know it.  I’m terrified to find out if that is perhaps the point?

Can I get another ‘amen!?’

Just in case I wasn’t loosening my tight grip on the guilt and condemnation that makes me hide from God because I didn’t do something on “the list,” (the compliant Christian dos and don’ts), my son-in-law, Ryan, came home from a Graham Cooke conference last night and told Tredessa, with whom I’d shared my conflicted, yucky, Bible-reading-fail feelings, that he wasn’t in to Bible-in-a-Year plans and felt they often were part of a religious spirit.

Who?  What?   Really?  Oh, ugh…

2014:  I am going to be reading my Bible like crazy, but slowly, thank-you very much.  Now check in on me to make sure I don’t slack, that I don’t personally cause the collapse of the church and please make sure next January I am not trying to “catch up” on 2013 and 14 before jumping in to 2015.  It is for this purpose that we have hidden His words in our hearts.

I pray that I won’t feel “behind” but right where I need to be on any given day.  I’ll pray that for you, too!

your words

Go, you!

If you are on track and enjoying depth as well as distance, if you kicked off a “plan” this year and it’s going well and you are enjoying the garden of His Presence as you read: KEEP GOING!  I cheer you on!  :) 

A Bad Case of the Stripes

Amelie and I decided to avail ourselves of the fabulous Storyline Online website to have a movie star read a book to us.  Though I tried to steer her towards a couple that looked interesting to me, she was insistent we should “read” A Bad Case of Stripes, written and illustrated by David Shannon and read by Sean Astin.

You have to check out the website and share the stories with your kids, and be sure to check out the activity guides to go with them.


Amelie loved the story so much she just had to watch it a second time and would have watched it again, except I talked her into doing some “striped” painting and gluing instead.

Anyway, the story is about a little girl, Camilla Cream, who loves lima beans, but she would never eat them because none of the other kids she knows likes them.  Classic fear-of-man stuff.  Poor Camilla is so nervous about the first day of school and being sure everyone liked her that she breaks out in stripes.  Of course the kids at school tease her and when someone yells out, “Let’s see polka dots,” embarrassingly, she breaks into polka-dots.

A variety of doctors, specialists and experts try to diagnose the problem and the more “names” they put on her condition, the more ways she turns into everything and anything other than herself.  Every possible “cure” only made her into something further from the little girl we started with.  Finally, when an “environmental therapist” advised Camilla that to be cured she should close her eyes, breathe deeply and become one with the room, Camilla, mortified, said, “I wish you hadn’t said that!”   Because that is exactly what happened.  Camilla Cream slowly melted into the room.  Her bed was her mouth and two pictures on the wall were her eyes and a lamp {Amelie was quite intrigued to note} was her nose.

Camilla was upset.  Her parents were very upset and Amelie and I became quite worried about what could possibly happen that could help poor Camilla.

But a little plump, old lady came by with some lima beans.  They weren’t magic beans or anything, just regular old lima beans.  She offered some to Camilla.  Camilla resisted at first saying she hated lima beans, but then she relented, because she really wanted lima beans.  So, the lady tossed some in her mouth (her mattresses) and suddenly Camilla became herself.  Cured!

The moral of the story…

Isn’t children’s literature a wonderful surprise sometimes?  The moral of the story just unfolds before your eyes and while Amelie loved it (and I am betting will be watching it again at home — get ready Rocky and Jovan) I got something, too.

I got a great reminder that we were each created to do and to be something so incredible that God knit us specially together in the womb.  He knew each of us and saw us and put us on this earth and in His story with great care and purpose.

I am so shocked at myself sometimes, surprised that even though I am very, shall we use the lovely word Tredessa has used to describe me, determined… Even though I tend towards being highly opinionated and have a strong personality (is this why my siblings call me The Godmother?), though I go at everything, Dave tells me, like a house-on-fire, somehow, I am constantly doubting my every move, wondering what people will think, de-valuing my strengths and wishing I could be more like this person in this area, or that person in the other area.  And I am so doggone indecisive about my life and who I am and what I should be about.  So indecisive.  And I find that weird.  How can I be able to tell everyone else what they should do {*smile}, but I cannot just make a decision for me?

Are you ever like that?  Afraid to jump because you’re just sure it will be wrong and everything will be ruined?


I know life isn’t really ever as black and white as I wish it to be.  Some things are right and some things are wrong, but there are things that just happen and experiences that don’t go our way and if they’re not actually fatal (and let’s face it, I am writing this and you are reading it so we are still alive, no matter how hard the things we’ve been through) then they are just the result of life in a fallen word and usually we did the best we could and so we trust God and go on.

But sometimes fear of failure of mistakes or what people will think or are thinking just paralyse us and no one can actually see us anymore because we look like the wallpaper.  We’ve just blended into the atmosphere, having taken on the identity of the room we’re in and the people surrounding us.  When really, shouldn’t we be standing out like a “sore thumb of uniqueness,” the one-and-only US made by the Creator of the Universe as the only one of our kind?

Bleh, huh?


If we could just keep in mind, that even if it doesn’t always look black or white, left or right, right or wrong – God loves us, has a plan in an exciting adventure-filled life of wholeness and holiness and then there is the enemy of our soul saying, “You can’t do that.  Who do you think you are?  What will people think if you try that?”  Well, if we understood the differences in the voices, we’d know…

If I am called to impart the love of God, impart wisdom, impart the joy of being God’s daughter, impart the joys of home and family, the opposite is being shut down, told to be quiet, go hide, keep secrets, withhold it all.  We let some one who shrugs off our life mission stop us.  If I am called to impart so much good stuff and I bottle up my deep treasure – it goes bad.

If I am called to be wholehearted and impassioned and unwavering in zeal for life, for family, for the love of God, the enemy of my soul might diffuse me by pointing out how disinterested or unenthusiastic other people are for the things that light my fire.  Maybe even culture tells me that what I love isn’t important in today’s climate.  So, I try to get excited about something more “relevant” or important and end up unengaged, off-track, diffused.


Be you, seriously!

So, if you’re a singer, sing.  Sing so loud you dispel the darkness.  Sing in the night and bring on the dawn!

If you’re a preacher, preach.  Let your words fall like rain and wash away injustice and sin and bring the redemptive plan to life, on earth as it is in heaven!

If you’re a teacher, teach.  Expand minds and hearts and empower people to know and understand.

If you’re a baker, bake.  Writers, write.  If you’re a leader, lead (I feel I must mention that some one has to be following).  If you’re painter (walls or canvas) paint – bring color and beauty!  If you’re a sculptor, sculpt.  If you are merciful and compassionate, if you are tender and caring, if your heart is to help – quit letting others tell you to get tough and get a move on.  Be who you are – a rescuer, a strong shoulder, a hero, a soft place for some one to fall?   If you’re bold and well-spoken, if you see the wrong and need to make it right, if you were born to expose the unfruitful works of darkness, then armor up and declare the charge!

The point: as long as you are trying to fit yourself into anyone or everyone else’s mold, you’ll have a bad case of the stripes, and really, what we all want – and what we all need is: YOU!  The one and only you.


Note to self:  ALL of it is a note to myself!


Please watch this or check the book out at the library!  It has beautiful illustrations and is well-written.  My synopsis doesn’t do it justice.

And so it begins again…

Day Number One

amelie first day of pre k gumball

  • A rousing rendition of  “Heads, shoulders, knees and toes” to kick off the morning.
  • Gathering paper and crayons and other supplies.
  • Counting and colors: Can you find ONE blue crayon?  Now can you find 4 red crayons?  Hold up one finger, now 3 fingers.  Let’s count our toes.
  • Time to go to the counter and talk about numbers with shiny, gold stickers.  Three whole worksheets and learning how to trace letters carefully.  Stars all around!
  • Let’s get on Storyline and have some one read us a book.  Now let’s do a second book.  Now let’s read the first one again.  Then again, again?  Noooooo, Nonna puts the kibosh on a third read-through.


  • Nonna has BIG shoes.  Amelie has SMALL shoes.  We look for things big and small around the house.  The reward for being such a good student is a gumball, of course.  And she got PINK!  What a miracle, she thinks!
  • Time to do a craft about the best book of the day, A Bad Case of Stripes.
  • Thank-you for the pancakes, Poppa.  A snack for strength is always a good idea.
  • Put on some music, Nonna.”  We choose an old vinyl, one of Nonna’s records from way back: The Edwin Hawkins Singers*, “Come and Go with Me to My Father’s House!”  And we twirl and dance and spin and laugh at ourselves.
  • Time to paint pretty pictures and make more stripes.
  • Then an educational game or two on Sprout for Kids.  And mommy is already here?  Where did the time go???


I am the luckiest woman alive.  When Stephanie asked me to be Gavin’s pre-school teacher, so many years ago now, I wasn’t sure if I was fit for the task, but goodness sakes alive – how I LOVED it, the time with him and the adventures in learning.  I have been blessed to get to do it with each one, now: Gavin, then Hunter, then Guini, then Gemma, Averi and now Amelie.  We just started today, Amelie and I.


It’s actually a bit early for Amelie Belle.  She is only 3 and won’t go to Kindergarten until the fall of 2015, but we start just having fun and hanging out together, anyway.  We get excited over colors of things and we paint and paste and cut and create and talk and laugh and snack and dance and garden when it’s warm and mostly just have fun.  Come fall, I’ll begin to structure things a bit more and take her through a good pre-k curriculum, but for now, lucky-lucky me!  I’ll get Amelie-time every week for some special moments  to love on her and build some memories. **Really big smile!**
*Come and Go with Me to My Father’s House

Happy FIRST Birthday, MalaKai!

What on earth?  Has a year flown by?

Oh, MalaKai, or Kai-Kai, as we often call you – you just surprised our socks right off the day you came (early and anxious to be a Powers boy) and since then, you have tumbled sweetly, softly, with certainty straight into our hearts!  You have been the recipient of 10,000 Nonna-hugs-and-kisses and looked me straight in the eyes when I’ve told you the profound truths of life – and you have believed every word.

kai over the topkai kai bday

You were born to be a Powers boy.  You were born to be raised by your extraordinary mommy and  remarkable daddy and have Hunter as your big (and totally wonderful) brother.  AND you were born to be my grandbebe, my very own little grand-boy.  How amazing is that?  And you know what?  I was born to be your Nonna – and I take that very seriously.  And with all the joyousness and delight it brings, too!

Small Size (4)

Yep, he is 1…”Gimme that camera, Aunt Stephie!”

Baby-Kai – you were born and we have been doing the happy dance ever since!

malakai 3 days old jan 12 13

Malakai, 3 days old

Everytime I think of you, I thank God for you – for real!  And I pray that the LORD will bless you and keep you and that He will make His face shine right on you and that He’ll be gracious to you (giving you the Holy-Spirit-empowerment to be who He created you to be and to do what He created you to do) and I pray that He will lift up the favor of His countenance on you/over you and give you very full and sweet peace for all your days!  That’s what I pray for you, I do!

Nonna LOVES you, Kai-Kai!

Baby KaiKai at 4 months




On the 12th Day of Christmas – it is Epiphany!

12 drummers drumming, people!  That is what you get on the 12th day of Christmas!

12 daysSo this is it.  We have finally come to the end of the Christmas season on the Day of Epiphany, a Christian Feast day that celebrates the revelation of God the Son who came as a human being in Jesus Christ, and of course – the observance of the Wise Men visiting Baby Jesus.

I got my Christmas cards done!  Now to get them mailed to the out of towners…a whole different project!

And may I just say – getting the one perfect shot for this card…well, it never actually happened.  Stormie had to “fix the stall,” and paste in a face or two from a different shot and you might notice the pot near the manger?  It isn’t just crooked, it was actually falling.  When everyone else looks best in the pot-falling shot, you just ignore the pot!

card back new christmas

This is the back of the card. The Nativity in the living room…because we felt Evangeline should not actually have to be in a real barn quite yet…everyone owns a manger, yes?

Nativity-Photoshoot day was as loud as 12 drummers drumming, I can guarantee you that!

It was a wild, hilarious, very short, but intense sliver of time.  My little lamb so wanted to scurry away and the littlest Wise Man was an hour past his nap time.  The tiny angel’s halo didn’t fit right and the biggest Wise Man’s head gear was strapped on so tight he almost got a headache.  There is the cutest shot of Guini laughing, which I thought was maybe her Uncle Rocky being funny, but Averi informed me it was when Kai tooted right in the middle of getting the pictures taken.

cmas card, inside left

Inside, left of the Christmas card

And it is always so funny, because I am always hoping for this one perfect shot for the card, but honestly, when you go back later, it’s the crazy ones that make you laugh and re-live the fun moments of the day.  However, for posterity I must write this here: we only used 1 camera and that is a mistake with a big group like this.  We’ve usually always had 3 or 4 going and that way – something is bound to work.  Must do that again from now on…for as long as these sweet-peas will let me do this.

Baby Jesus slept blissfully through it all, swaddled in a Jessica McClintock fleece and green velvet throw.

cmas card inside right

This is the inside, right

Amelie Belle told me today that she plans to be Mary next year and Averi says she wants to be a Wise Man.  So, I guess it’s still on for 2014!  :)  Happy Nonna!

On the card, I adapted some of Howard Thurman’s words, which seem appropriate in light of the Christmas season coming to a close:

“When the song of the angels is stilled,

When the star in the sky is gone,

When the kings and princes are home,

When the shepherds are back with their flock,

The real work of Christmas begins.”

card front

Because, Christmas = Christ Mass = Worshiping Jesus Christ.  It’s never really over.  So it’s time, friends and family to do the works of Jesus (Luke 4) as an act of worship: proclaim good news to the poor, recovery of sight for the blind, proclaim freedom for the prisoners, set the oppressed free and proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.  We have our marching orders – so much great stuff to do in His Name!  Merry Christmas, bright New Year and God’s favor upon you!

Only 352 days until Christmas…  :)

A bonus song with a wish for you.  May you be blessed in the coming year and find Jesus to be your all in all.

“‘Til the Season Comes ‘Round Again,” by Kenny Rogers

“May the new year be blessed with good tidings

‘Til the next time I see you again

If we must say goodbye

Let the spirit go with you

And we’ll love and we’ll laugh

In the time that we had

‘Til the season comes ’round again”

012 12th day of christmas ornament

Somewhere it’s Snowing ~ A Song for one of the Final Days of Christmas

On the 11th Day of Christmas it may or may not be snowing here and in Indiana and South Dakota and LOTS of other places!

12 days

I used to really-really hate snow.  I’ve mostly lived in places with long winters and snow to the rafters.  It slowed me down, snowed me in, made life a little more difficult if it lasted more than a day or two.  Then about 20 or 22 years ago, I saw this video on TBN  of Carman singing, “Somewhere it’s Snowing,” and forever, the beauty of the thought that grace and forgiveness cover our sin like snow covers the earth and “gives nature new birth,” well, I fell in love with God’s ways through this white blanket of wondrousness.

Snowy days are fun at first and get old fast, but I never cease to be amazed by the even the ugliest, most uneven ground, or sooty factories and broken roads – they all, under a coat of fresh snow, are beautiful again. And the picture of that, the miracle of it, is so profound, I really do thank God for the most vivid reminder on days like today.

I once read in a poem, when snow covers the earth,

That it hides the worlds scars, and gives nature new birth,

And they say when a man turns from sin to the Lord,

That forgiveness, like snow, covers him evermore!

And somewhere it’s snowing –

somewhere it's snowing

Now, I’ve heard that the angels lift their hearts and rejoice,

When one traveler turns homeward from his ways, to the Lord.

If somewhere someone’s turning, he’s giving his all,

And God’s grace, like the snow, is beginning to fall!

On the 11th day of Christmas, I am overwhelmed as I realize the gift of Jesus, and all He came to bring,

“Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow…”  Isaiah 1.18

Our sins, all the ones we committed before we knew Him and received Him (“while we were yet sinners”), and all the ones since – they fall powerless in the face of the grace-full and free, forgiveness-laden blood of Jesus Christ.  He fulfilled all sin’s demanding requirements and He is enough, setting us free from the law of sin and death.  Don’t just sit there consumed by your pain and shame and sin – run to the forgiver.

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1.9

Seriously?  You can take this to the bank.  If you confess – He is faithful, He is just, He is able and will forgive your sins and cleanse you from that stranglehold of sin and unrighteousness.  Run to Him for forgiveness, to Him.  You’ll never find what only Jesus gives anywhere else.  Let the good, sweet and amazing grace of Jesus cover your sin like the snow is covering Colorado!

011th day of christmas

Song, Somewhere it’s Snowing by Priscilla Coffey

And somewhere it’s snowing –

see the soft drifting down

As the snowflakes surrender

to the hardening ground.

Like the good grace of Jesus,

that now covers our sin,

In the kingdom of Heaven,

it’s snowing, again.”

On the 10th Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me-me-me-me-meeeee

A whole lot of fluffy, white snow!

12 days

It’s cast party day at The Rhoades Ranch.  :)  That means lots of chicken enchiladas and shredded pork enchiladas ready to pop into the oven, plus a party-size roaster full of my *ahem, famous Swedish Meatballs, among other things.  One of those other things is “Christmas Crack,” and I just hope there is some left by the time human beings arrive because I l-o-v-e it sooooooo much!

And we have a marshmallow, snowy, fluffy, white, Christmas-y world outside!  How fortuitous that I have LOTS of hot cocoa mix ready to go and a nice big rug for feet-wiping!  Finally, on the 10th day of Christmas, it looks it – like Christmas!

The outside lights are going to be aglow for our guests, the cast and crew of Jesus, Mary and Joseph! (otherwise known as “10-Lords-a-Leaping”).


Christmas morning

And so, on this, the 10th Day of Christmas, let’s keep meditating on WHY Jesus came.

Even though we have packed away our Nativity sets and moved back into life at our usual speed, let’s not forget how the Word-made-Flesh came to us as a vulnerable, fully dependant baby, but with a great purpose.  Understand His plan, receive it – or Christmastime is in vain.   He came bringing life, and not just life, but life more abundant!

John 10.10 nkjv

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

9th day of christmas

On the 10th Day of Christmas, My True Love Gave to Me – Abundant Life!

That manger-baby grew up and powerfully counter-acted anything the thief tries to do to you or take from you.   By His perfect life, His death and resurrection, Jesus negates that enemy’s power over your life. The gifts of Christmas aren’t over – they’re overwhelmingly true today and everyday!  Joy to the World!

T H R E E x the JOY!

January 3 – The 9th Day of Christmas

12 days

This year, for the first time ever, I got to have THREE Kings for my Nativity.  I finally have 3 grand-boys who represented the Magi.  I had waited a long, long time for three boys.  We are rather a girl-heavy family.  :)  Good times.

wise guys 2

PLUS – I actually-truly-delightfully-joyfully got THREE new grandbébés this year.

Three in one year!!!  I mean – that is a wildly amazing bunch of generousness straight from heaven, I tell ya!

three new babies for christmas

Now, please note, my husband took these photographs.  I think he focused so much on the babies that my poor, good-looking son-in-law, Dave, was cut out.  There were like 12 pics just like this and Dave is headless in every shot!  Haha!

Malakai, or Kai, as we generally call him (which means rejoicing – and he has brought so much of it), was born last January, quite early and just as Christmas had been packed away and was the BEST way to start the year ever!  Then, as spring broke in the Rockies, the dazzling Bailey Sophia arrived and just tripled the stunning beauty emanating from Rocky and Jovan’s little house, being their 3rd girl and all.  Finally, just 9 days before Christmas, the highly anticipated Evangeline Lilly made her debut and there they all were for our Christmas: three fresh, beautiful, bright-eyed, adventurous, lovely babies – gifts under our tree to last our whole lives long.  Our heritage is being increased at an astonishing rate!

three new babies

Please note how GOOD all these people look (Jovan, Tredessa AND Dave) for just having had babies this year!  :)

three new bebes this year


Interesting, very interesting:  the 3rd of our new-babies was born 9 days before Christmas.  Then, these three babies bring our total to nine grandbebes.  I really did not plan all these threes and nines.  I promise.  I am just sitting here cracking myself up…as I hear the Twilight Zone theme song in my head.  Haha.  Anyhoo…

9th day of christmas

Nonetheless – here is what I want you to know on the 9th Day of Christmas ~

I really feel led to encourage you on this message:

Deuteronomy 31.6, 8 NIV  “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you…  The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Hebrews 13.5b NIV   “God has said, ‘Never will I leave you;  never will I forsake you.’”

And finally, in case you need to hear this three times:

Isaiah 42.16 NIV  “I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.”

 And this is what I heard for you, friends and familia and readers passing by – even if by your own decisions and actions you are in a place of chaos and despair, even if you know you’re on a rocky cliff or a wilderness of your own making, you are not abandoned!  It does not matter one iota WHY you are there or HOW you got there.  Just know that even though you ARE there, God has not forsaken you, not lost track of where you are.  He will NEVER leave you.  Because HE is faithful and HE is a God of His Word.  If it were based on us, we’d all be sunk, seriously!  Sunk!  But He is God and He is faithful!

He is so faithful that even if we make our bed in hell, even there you can reach out and find Him…Don’t believe me?  Psalm 139.7-10  “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths [Sheol-the place of the dead], you are there.  If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”

WHERE could we possibly go that His faithfulness could not find us?  He will never-ever-ever leave you.  This is Good News, it is joy unspeakable.  Are you suddenly aware?  Did you just realize He has been waiting for you to notice that He has not let you out of His sights?

Be at peace, welcome His Presence.  It’s going to be Ok.  Let the merry continue brightly.

On the 8th day of Christmas, sick

If you’re sick?  Stay home.  Get well.  Make lists, lists of every kind.

  • Places to go
  • Movies to see
  • Movies to make of the grandbebes
  • Restaurants to try
  • Languages to learn
  • Books to read
  • Projects for the house
  • Blogs to write
  • People to have coffee with
  • Recipes to try
  • Scriptures to memorize
  • Pre-school ideas for Amelie Belle
  • And ok, yes, the obligatory get-in-better-shape schedule

So, on the 8th day, it beginning to look less and less like Christmas.

on the 7th day of christmas

I have to hurry, because my goal is Christmas cards by Epiphany.  ;)  Oh, Lord, help me.

And for that matter, for real, help me!!!

help me

I was noticing the 8 maids-a-milking on that ornament up there, but I actually only see one and she is carrying two pails.  I feel like she has been abandoned by the other maids and some one else might not be carrying their part of the load.  And there are times when that is actually true.  There are times we are called to carry more than we think we can handle and for sure something some one else should have been carrying.

Sometimes we forget to ask for help {or are too prideful to ask – though I have never personally been guilty of that, really, ever, for sure – are you doubting me here?!}.  Sometimes no one else can help us even if we do ask, no one, but Jesus, anyway.

So heading in to the New Year, let’s remember this about HIM!:

Psalm 55.22 AMP  “Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently] righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail).”

1 Peter 5.7 AMP  “Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.”

Hebrews 4.16 NKJV  “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

Don’t carry the heavy baggage longer and further than is needed.  Turns out we have a High Priest with ready access to the God of the universe and He actually knows and understands and empathizes with what we’ve been going through.  So READ THESE 5 translations of Hebrews 4, get encouraged, ask for help and lay your burdens down, fresh and light for the New Year.


Was this just like 2 1/2 weeks ago???  It was.  Wow, time flies when you’re having fun!