Audrey’s Wedding Cake


The daughter of our good friends, Pearl and Bryan, got married Dec. 1.  My husband, Dave, performed the ceremony and they actually trusted me to do the cake.  Our son Rocky provided the music for the ceremony and our daughters Stephanie and Stormie shot the wedding. They won’t let me show any “official” photos until the bride and her family get to see them.

The wedding was beautiful in red and black and white at Stonebrook (   Pearl hand-sewed twisted sheer fabrics into a tree form on red fabric and added black fabric scrollwork as a backdrop for the ceremony, which was later moved to reveal the head table.  The centerpieces and custom table scarves were the perfect combination of winter (bare tree branches as a motif) and warm (red-hot hues).  The bride was radiant, rivaled only perhaps by her sweet mom.

Here is how the cake went down:

16″ tier: lemon-poppyseed with lemon-curd filling.

12″ tier: strawberry creme cake with strawberry filling.

8″ tier: a recipe I “invented” as I was going, which turned out very well – pumpkin-spice cake (with extra cinnamon) filled with cream cheese icing.

cake-bride-groom.JPG         cake-3.JPG

Misc. cake facts:

  • I worked on it for 3 days while we had family from out-of-town here.
  • The almond-infused buttercream included 6 lbs. of shortening, 4 lbs. of real butter and 20 lbs. of confectioner’s sugar.  That’s 30 pounds right there! Lots of almond extract, some vanilla and even some butter and rum extract, too.
  • The lemon curd took 1 1/2 dozen eggs and the juice of more than 12 fresh, large lemons, along with more real butter.
  • I used about 4 dozen eggs in the cakes and each tier was 3 layers deep.
  • We off-set the tiers, by Audrey’s request.  She wanted to be a little moderne and daring.


I couldn’t have done it without my husband, Dave!  He replicated a cake stand we had seen on the cover of a Martha Stewart Weddings magazine, except we painted it black.  It didn’t show that well because it was sitting on black cloth, but, the cake was the star anyway.  My husband also did the black scrollwork on the sides because the thought of working with black icing on my smoothed-out white buttercream stressed me out.  Also – Dave doodles scrollwork very well.  I love how it turned out.  The wedding colors were very striking.  And my husband is a cutie!

I have a 2-tier baby shower cake to make this week…Jeanie

NOTE TO BEN & AUDREY:  Congratulations.  Thanks for letting me be a part.

Pictured: the cake just after final assembly; Ben and Audrey getting ready to cut into the cake; the cake and table; Dave with the bride and the groom.

12 thoughts on “Audrey’s Wedding Cake

  1. Oh Jeanie, the cake was absolutely fabulous.  You really ought to go into the business of making & decorating cakes.  Audrey looked so beautiful and Ben and Dave extremely handsome.

  2. Extremely beautiful!!!! The picture don't show the true beauty. Way to go Dave! Although I know you could have done it.  After my sweet Audrey, it was the talk of the crowd! Can't wait to see the photos!

  3. This was my favorite cake that you have ever done!  It was way bigger than it looks in the pictures.  The whole wedding was so beautiful!  I had so much fun taking pictures;o)

  4. Just posted this on Bry's blog. Thought it worked good here too. O Wedding Cake! O Wedding Cake! How lovely was your maker; O Wedding Cake! O Wedding Cake! How we adore your maker; Not only white but black and red, But also with swirls grand. O Wedding Cake! O Wedding Cake! How lovely was your maker! O Wedding Cake! O Wedding Cake! Much pleasure from your layers; O Wedding Cake! O Wedding Cake! Much pleasure for my taste buds; How often was they Wedding cake Afforded Sly a belly ache! O Wedding Cake! O Wedding Cake! Much pleasure was given the. O Wedding Cake! O Wedding Cake! The three tiers so squarely! O Wedding Cake! O Wedding Cake! The flowers all so lovely red! From the base to top, it brought delight. So much splendor by the sight. O Wedding Cake! O Wedding Cake! The maker was a devoted friend! O Wedding Cake! O Wedding Cake! How heavy were your layers! O Wedding Cake! O Wedding Cake! How richly were your flavors! Lemon Poppy seed and Strawberry Creme And lets not forget the Pumpkin Spice. O Wedding Cake! O Wedding Cake! Fill bad for those who didn’t try! Pearl

  5. Wowza, Jeanie!  What a masterpiece and I personally love the off-centered-ness!  Great job.  I love the colors…hmmm….I have three daughters who will get married some day…I'm just thinking ahead!  :-) 

  6. Thanks again!!!! The Cake was so good, and I haven't even gotten my leftovers form my mom yet. I hope it's still there!!!

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