394 Moments from the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

394 images (give or take 10 or 12) of our recent Christmas season.

Good times.


This is the link to a Christmas 2009 page, click here! LINK NO LONGER WORKS

It was a blessed and lovely season.  We were simply having a wonderful Christmastime.  That is what you will see…in less than 400 images!

3 thoughts on “394 Moments from the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

  1. Seeing you and Dave with your five grandbebes reminds me of you two with your own 5 children years ago. Happy, celebrating times are what I remember about you guys. Your beautiful children were always laughing and playing hard. You loved them out loud, and we enjoyed them, too. It is good when history repeats itself in such a great way.

  2. Enjoyed the pics. Took me 45 min. to view them att. Glad you didn’t post the other 12,789 or I’d be here all week!

  3. Just as I thought~~~Your Christmas was as usual—really brite and awesome. I loved hearing about all the things you were blessed with Jeanie. Can’t wait to see pictures of you in every single garment….modeling like a pro.! You’re family did you proud. I need to be like you~~and get back to walking again. You are giving me some incentive. Love ~~~~~Mom

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