We are halfway to une autre jolie petite-fille petite!**

Rocky’s mom {me} started with 3 girls (before the infamous Rocky himself showed up).  Jovan’s mom had 3 girls.  It is familiy tradition!  :)

Another grandbebe of the sugar-and-spice-and-everything-nice pursuasion!

But now the question is, will she be grandbebe #7 or #8?  It all depends, for Dave & Tara (all systems go and ready) could end up adopting before this little Rhoades-etta arrives.  Time will tell, time will tell.  But at the very least, we’ll have at least one new granbebe by spring.  :)

**another pretty little granddaughter…in French

5 thoughts on “We are halfway to une autre jolie petite-fille petite!**

  1. Wow……congratulations of the greatest kind. This had to be God to have 3 little girls like that in a row. We can’t wait till she is here, and we see the 3 together.

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