
I decided to do Twitter, to send myself, more than anyone else, encouraging messages about God’s faithfulness.

my new twitter
My first 4 tweets ever…started in November.

I never remember the terminology so I have been known to say something stupid like, “Oh, guess what I just ‘twittered’?”  And that is wrong.  I am not famous (or promoting anything) so there is no reason for anyone to follow my tweets, though good friends and family do so, of course, because they know I will like that.

But I enjoy it because I get to “hang out and listen” to people like Frank Viola, Rick Warren (who is admirable and just plain like-able, actually) and Max Lucado and a bunch of other tweeting-machines.  Some of these guys tweet so much, I wonder how they get anything else done.  I imagine an intern [insert thought-cloud here] following them around with a smart-phone, ready to tweet, at a moment’s notice, any amazing ponderance they have, every word that falls from their wise lips…

You KNOW how wordy I am

But it is also an exercise in brevity for me.  You cannot, under any circumstances, use more than 140 characters and so it forces me, as I meditate on the goodness of the Lord, to narrow it down to what I am really really really hearing/getting.  {NOTE:  If I were tweeting that and I really, truly believed there should be three “reallies” I’d have to shorten it to something like “reallyx3” so I could fit the rest of me message in.  :) }

the day the 7th grandson is being born
My 3 most recent tweets have a theme.  Two were written this very morning.  :)

It is just another way to use my words, however few, to record what I need to say,  what I need to hear, what I need to remember.  I tweet to myself to remind myself…

…whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

Philippians 4.8 NKJV

Follow, if you want!  I will follow you back.

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