The Transformers (Optimus Prime) Cake

 Optimus Prime     Optimus Prime toy

Gavin wanted a Transformers Birthday Party.   All I really know about Transformers is the song, “Transformers, more than meets the eye!”   and that the “characters” are twistable and change from thing to another.   So, when I heard he wanted Optimus Prime and I did a Google search, I saw the images above: one a cartoon rendering from the original show (so I am told) and the other a plastic toy version.   I knew I wanted the cake to stand up and I was secretly hoping it would have moveable parts and actually transform, but alas…

Optimus Prime Cake 2008

Ultimately – I decided on Rice Krispie Treats instead of cake.   Hard to believe, but true: this “cake” contains the better part of 9 pounds of Rice Krispie treats, 6 pounds of buttercream (to make the fondant stick), and almost 12 pounds of my newly discovered marshmallow fondant, all on a plywood base “black-topped” with fondant.

Gav and Optimus

I planned.   I toiled.    I tried to get a grip on this Optimus Prime guy, whom I had never actually seen, and just couldn’t.   But still, I charted out a plan, came up with a design and prayed for the best.   Meanwhile, as i was talking to my parents on the phone, Dave just started building, piling the fat-free cereal treats, gluing them with buttercream and sculpting on the fondant.   Optimus got bigger and bigger and way out of my control.   Dave took over.   He was building a model, in essence.

On Saturday morning Dave did allow Stephanie and I to add a few accessories and buttons and whistles to his figure, but it was mostly Dave.   When he needed more fondant, it was all me, but this cake is Dave’s deal for Gavin!  

Yikes!   Let us get back to basics, people!…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF: Get a grip on my limitations, for the love of Pete!   Simple, simple, s-i-m-p-l-e!

pictured: Optimus cartoon; Optimus toy; Dave’s Cake, Gavin with his birthday cake

11 thoughts on “The Transformers (Optimus Prime) Cake

  1. This cake was AMAZING!!! Loved it, loved it, loved it! Thank you so much for doing this for my 5 year old’s party – it will never be forgotten;o) And yes, we will be eating rice crispie treats for the next 3 weeks (poor us!) ;o)

  2. You never heard of The Transformers! Well then again I am a bit of a cartoon freek. It was one of the best cartoons out there. You and Dave did an awesome job! When I first saw it I was thinking how on earth did she get the cake to stand? But as I read on, rice krispy treats of course. You’ve used them before, I had just forgoten.
    Girl, you amazy me! When Gavin starts school and has all his little buddys over for a birthday party, you are going to have LOTS of parents asking you to make there kids cakes!
    Love, love, love all your cakes! Cant wait to see what’s next…you know June 9th is my birthday… hmmmm… Just kidding! really.

  3. Jeanie, you are amazing! But how have you never heard of transformers? There was a movie out for them last year! The cake looks amazing. I may have to beg you to help me when Alyssa turns one!

  4. What a cake!! It’s more than meets the eye.( thats Transformer talk to all you aren’t cool like me) Does it fold down into a semi????

  5. You have been blogging like crazy! I wonder if everyone got to see this cake or not? It seems like there are usually more comments, and especially on something this cool!;o)

  6. Stephanie K: Don’t worry about people not seeing this cake on the blog, I found it with a Google search for Optimus Prime Cake. We are trying to make one for my friend’s birthday party this saturday, and we never thought about using Rice Krispie Treats! We may consider doing that. This turned out great!


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