The Husband. The Friend and Lover.

Our first kiss was like,  fireworks ~ angel choirs ~ intoxicating ~ dizzying.  I am sorry to tell you I cannot really let you re-live that moment with Dave and I, for it was ours alone.  And to talk about it too much would embarrass our children and probably make you blush, but suffice it to say, once our lips met (and many, many times since), I was thoroughly, head-over-heels, giddy, heart-palpitating, screaming inside, flipped out in-love, forever.

And I remember how he reeled me in and made me a Dave-fan for life.  I was serious, untrusting, broken in lots of areas.  I was ready to try to hold him at arm’s length and test his love, his loyalty – dare him to try and stay.  And he?  Would playfully and persistently stay close and relentlessly charm and comfort until he could coax a relaxed smile from me – the one that only came because I knew I could count on him for always.


He is my Valentine.

2 thoughts on “The Husband. The Friend and Lover.

  1. For always…
    Thank you, honey.
    I remember that also and without any embarrassment I would do it all over again.
    Long live Kool Aid, pretzels, blueberry pie and Man’s Favorite Sport! (blueberry pie was later)
    I love you

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