Tag Archives: rain

It’s raining, it’s pouring

Not really.

But it did rain and cats and dogs last night.  Good news.  Because just yesterday on the news we were informed that Colorado is officially in a draught and our summer watering laws are in effect.  Booooooo.

Gemma and I decided to find a puddle for splashing through right after breakfast.  This was all we could come up with…before the sun broke through and dried everything up.  Colorado, Geesh.


I Love the Rain

Ah, the rain.  Refreshing.



Averi J ~Gemma May and Guinivere

Who loves Picnik.com?  I do.  I do.  It is like Photoshop for dummies.  I just use the free version to change exposure and crop and add effects like vignettes or 1960s coloring.  Plus WORDS!  I love being able to add lots of words.  It is really easy.  If I can do it, anybody can!  I’ll share some fun little things soon.

Meanwhile, a song I enjoy.  On a true, spring rainy day.  Which is nice.

October Skies

l (a leaf falls) one li ness  e.e. cummings


My “leaf-is-falling-but-not-really” photoshoot in the backyard. ;p



It had actually already fallen.  I was just replicating it a little {camera in my right hand, leaf stem in my left}.

I quit watering the veggies when I went to Montana over a month ago.  I have been gathering regularly ever since, as the vegetable garden seeks to proliferate madly before the end.  Then the rainy nights came and they thought they had been asked to stay a while longer.  It pains me to tell them no, but I must.  Until the spring, my sweet veggies – just until the spring…

“Well, it’s a marvelous night for a Moondance

With the stars up above in your eyes

A fantabulous night to make romance

 ‘Neath the cover of October skies

And all the leaves on the trees are falling

To the sound of the breezes that blow

And I’m trying to please to the calling

Of your heart-strings that play soft and low

And all the night’s magic seems to whisper and hush

And all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush.”

 – Van Morrison, Moondance

FULL MOON on the 23rd!

Mrs. Verniece A. Robin

A mild and lovely 4th ~ which got a thorough summer soaking complete with rolling thunder around 9 o’clock in the evening, thereby ruining patriotic fireworks displays around the metro-area (the show may go on, check your local news agencies for possible events tonight), has become a bright, sunny, wet backyard morning.  The orange-bellied American robin prances around the yard and gardens with great satisfaction, having her fill of an insect-breakfast and refreshing sips from raindrop-covered leaves.

I’d really rather just enjoy the morning,” she gently resists me.  Dropping her eyes and brushing her apron demurely she explains, “I was not prepared to be photographed this morning.”

Oh well.  Ok.

Nonetheless ~ The leaves dance.  The flowers stand fully gratified with the evening’s gift.  The tomatoes swell.  All sparkles.  Everything is clean.  Pretty morning.  Quite nice.

God is closer than we think

“Rain” with Rob Bell.  Check it out here (11 minute video)

[This link no longer available] http://www.nooma.com/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=270&Mode=WMV&PMID=122

UPDATE:: This preview is available now, though:

Description: Things don’t always work out the way we want them to or the way we think they will.  Sometimes we don’t even see it coming.  We get hit with some form of pain out of nowhere leaving us feeling desperate and helpless.  That’s the way life is.  Still,  it makes us wonder how God can let these things happen to us.  How can God just stand by and watch us suffer?  Where is God when it really hurts?  Maybe God is actually closer to us than we think.  Maybe it’s when we’re in these situations, where everything seems to be falling apart, that God gets an opportunity to remind us of how much He really loves us.”

raining in peaceful valley

It’s worth watching to the end.  Try to imagine the view from the safest place of protection now, from the hiding place, so very close to His heart.

Be blessed in all things.  Jeanie


“For all that has been, Thanks!  To all that shall be, Yes!” (Dag Hammarskjold)