Don’t ask. Really. You shouldn’t. OK, then. Fine. I’ll tell you.
It has just been one of those [fill in the blank] kind of days, you know??? First [fill in the blank] happened. And that was on top of [fill in the blank] which just exacerbated [fill in the blank], if you know what I mean.
Then [fill in the blank] didn’t cooperate with me.
Then [fill in the blank] let me down.
Then, I started feeling [fill in the blank] for myself.
Oh, but, there was more [fill in the blank] than you can believe. Oh yes. My computer [fill in the blank]. AND I had a [fill in the blank] blog problem. Like who needs all this [fill in the blank]?!?
Plus, I, alone, was responsible for [fill in the blank] and [fill in the blank] AND [fill in the blank]! I mean, what the [fill in the blank]?
Do I look like I have [fill in the blank] written on my forehead?
It would be better for everyone if they didn’t mention [fill in the blank]ing hormonal [fill in the blank]. Really. Much safer!
So, anyway, I am stuck [fill in the blank]ing and I will continue to [fill in the blank], but I won’t be [fill in the blank].
So, just excuse me for [fill(ing) in the blank]!
Some things are better left unsaid…Jeanie
NOTE TO SELF: I feel better already-just leaving some things blank.
NOTE TO FRIENDS: All prayer greatly appreciated.
P.S. A few weeks ago we were all laughing at the 30+-year-old “Jesus is My Friend” contemporary Christian video, thinking we are so much cooler these days. David Crowder has a bit of fun with it and thus:
The Smile of the day comes from Joel-the-bass-player’s blog: