Tag Archives: david

Prayer for the Nation

It’s November 4.  It’s election day.  Before we go to bed tonight, we will most likely know who our next president will be and we’ll spend the next several days sorting out who all got elected and where and the talking heads will tell us what they think the next 4 years will look like.  It would be easy to fall in to fear on a day like this.  We become so impassioned about our candidate, so certain he or she is the only way and must certainly be God’s way.  I wrote about it before.

Now don’t kill me for saying this, but: the collective vote of the people is NOT always the right one, the best choice for the nation.  But it is the choice we have made, collectively.  And since we want our democratic society, we have to roll with happens – that is part of getting to participate in the process.  This makes Christians who rip leadership apart instead of praying for them humbly, just as guilty and stupid as the celebrities who claim they’ll leave the country if their candidate doesn’t win the election.

What?  No democracy?!?  Saul and David are good indicators of this.  When God alone wanted to rule His people, they wanted a king (to be like other nations).  So, God let them have the one they wanted.  He was tall and good looking and popular and a warrior.  He was the obvious choice.  And God used Saul, in spite of himself.  But he was never God’s choice (because God knows the heart) and Saul’s actions exposed the deep lack of character inside.  Whereas, David wasn’t the obvious choice, but God knew he had the right heart to lead the people.

But in the end?  Still – God’s people!  His. 

I voted.  And tomorrow, come what may, the Word still calls me to pray:

“I urge then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we made lead peaceful and quiet lives in all godiness and holiness.”  1 Tim. 2.1-2

So, I pray for all of our leaders, both freshly elected and remaining:

  • I pray for the leaders of my nation to come to the light. Isaiah 60.3
  • God, let our leaders be just and let them rule in the fear of the Lord.  2 Samuel 23.3
  • May we, as a nation, praise You, Lord, for Your merciful kindness and truth.  Psalm 117
  • Turn our leader’s hearts to fear You, Lord.  Proverbs 21.1
  • God, I pray that we, as a nation, will make a joyful noise to You and serve You with great gladness!  Psalm 110.1-2
  • Uproot the wicked from our land, Lord.  Proverbs 2.22
  • We pray that our nation will submit to the reign and rule of Christ.  Daniel 7.14
  • May Your governement and peace continually increase in my nation.  Isaiah 9.7
  • I make supplication, petition, prayer, intercession and give thanks for ALL the people of my nation and especially today for all the leaders of this nation.  1 Timothy 2.1-2
  • Hear us from heaven, we ask, as we humbly pray and call out to You.  We repent of our wickedness, God. Forgive our sins.  Heal our land.
  • Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Amen.

God bless America!…Jeanie

NOTE TO COUSIN DIANA:  Happy Birthday!

David – a Word Mosaic

Shepherd boy, anointed and chosen, leader, giant-slayer, fugitive, covenant friend, musician-Psalmist, worshipper, lust-driven, adulterer, murderer, father, lover, warrior, king.  A man after God’s own heart.

So good.  So terrible.  So high, so low.  So called, so errant.  And yet, God didn’t leave him.  God doesn’t leave us.