Tag Archives: answered prayer

Everybody has a Story

This is a BEFORE and AFTER video, an extreme makeover that counts.

Before watching-keep in mind that this video is a  local church thing and was originally used before taking an annual offering, I think.   But no matter how you watch it-it is powerful.   It’s basically a bunch of people lining up to give their “cardboard testimonies” on one side of a piece of cardboard telling who they once were.   The other side proclaims who they are now in Christ.   I cry everytime I watch it and it inspires me to look at people, really look at them – even when they are being the most annoying of Christians and wonder “What is your story, anyway?   How did Jesus Christ change you?   What did He rescue you from?”  

The two that get me the most are the brain tumor and the couple who couldn’t have children.  

I am trying to think about what mine  might be.  

Maybe, side one: rule-following, religious, pious, rage-filled church girl.   Side two: exposed, accepted in the Beloved, dancing and singing, joyous worshipper.

Where were you when He found you?