Slain in the Rain

We Pentecostals have this thoroughly unusual phenomenon sometimes called being “slain in the Spirit.”

Oh, it takes getting used to, this thing of seeing people being in a prayer line and when touched, they fall, usually backwards.  And I have seen it “done” so badly, as an attempt to get the Holy Spirit moving.  I feel sorry for evangelists and preachers who feel the need to push that, almost demand it.

The Bible doesn’t even use the term “slain in the Spirit,” that experience in which a believer senses such a strong Presence of God the Holy Spirit that they end up flat on the floor.  But there are implied passages of scripture, here are a few

Numbers 22:31
Ezekiel 1:28; 3:23
Matthew 28:4
John 18:6
Romans 8:17,18; 10:17
Acts 22:7
Revelation 1:17

For pragmatic, non-Charismatic-types, wow, they love to hate this.  And it is very ethereal and mysterious, to be sure.  But I have been there, yes me, on the floor.  I have actually been “pushed” by preachers who needed to prove they had power and even pulled backwards by a zealous “catcher,” whose name I would love to reveal, but will not, because that isn’t very Christlike.  And I have also seriously been “caught up” so much in a nearness to Jesus that I somehow was on the floor in worship, the most rested possible state, I tell ya.  And there is something there, in spite of those who get weird with it or take advantage of freedoms.

This morning in the beautiful sunshine, I saw my flat-leafed sedum, the variety of which I cannot recall, after a nighttime rain.  Heavy with sparkly drops-like-diamonds, there it was, stretched out flat and wet.  Usually quite upright and full, round and puffy, it was looking for all the world healthy and revived, and just blessed, so very blessed – and flattened, too.  And we need that sometimes, ya know?  We need a Paul-on-the-road-to-Damascus encounter that knocks us off our high-horse and a washing with the water of the Word, a rain like grace, to just flatten us, cover us, for our own good!

I am willing to pray for you to be flattened, knocked right down for a good dose of God’s life-changing Presence (it happened for Paul!).  If you want.  Let me know.  8)

3 thoughts on “Slain in the Rain

  1. Every now and then you have a post that completely resonates with me…and this is one of them! The Spirit leaves you wanting for more.
    My favorite part- “We need a Paul-on-the-road-to-Damascus encounter that knocks us off our high-horse and a washing with the water of the Word, a rain like grace, to just flatten us, cover us, for our own good!” I do want it! And I want it for everyone else, too. Good one Jeanie!

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