Prayer: Distinguish Me

On going into the very Promised Land of God, Moses said to the Lord:

“If Your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here…How will anyone know that You are pleased with me and Your people unless You go with us?   What else will distinguish me and Your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” Ex. 33.15-16

So, I pray:

Distinguish me, Lord – not by making me better at something than some one else or giving me wealth or fame or position or title or things.   Sanctify me and set me apart for Your holy will, for Your Name and Your fame, Lord, for Your acclaim on the earth.   Distinguish me  by Your Presence – that You will be seen wherever I go,  a forgiven woman, set free and  living in grace.

“Grace. The empowering Presence of God, enabling me to be what He called me to be and to do what He called me to do.” –  James Ryle  

Distinguish me as Yours…Jeanie

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