Nativity Photo Shoot – next…

The Pictures we didn’t use, part 2

CLICK HERE for part 1


These are pictures of the beloved grandbebes and some longsuffering farm animals on a Saturday in November as we thought ahead to this year’s family Christmas cards.  They so willingly go along with doing this.  Though Hunter did ask, “Is this the last time we are ever going to do this?”  I am certain I erupted in uncontrollable laughter as I explained to him, “No Hunter.  You’ll pretty much be doing this ever year of your life until you have given me great-grandbebes who can take over!”

His reply?  “Oh.”


The kids love the animals, especially these mild-mannered miniature donkeys.


Wrex Phipps makes this all happen for us.  LOVE the Wrex.  His dad and mom {Bill and Robin} were visiting from Nebraska and helped, too!


Our three little angels: Averi, almost 3; Gemma May 3 1/2; Amelie Belle (who is celebrating her first Christmas this year), 8 months.


The costumes are homemade and hot-glued.  And there is glitter.  I love glitter!


Sawyer was baby Jesus!  Hunter is 6, Gavin is 7.  “Mary,” played by Guinivere, is 5.


There were 3 or 4 cameras going, and a digital video made that day.  The whole thing start to finish was probably not more than 7 minutes and the poor kids probably didn’t know who on earth to look at as all of the adults (a bunch of us!) kept saying “Look here! Smile!  Hunter!  Gavin-watch over here!”  But they endure.  They thrill us and we love all the pictures you don’t use on the card just as much!

THE Card!  Stormie put it together for us (with the photos Tre took)

We are simply having a wonderful Christmas day.  Hope you are, too!

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