{Miscellaneous} Thoughts on the Thought Collage

Random thoughts…

I am so not keeping up my blog.  I have things to say.  I guess.  But juggling all different formats is weird.  With Twitter only requiring 140 characters, I am able to quickly say something, anything, to the world: boom!  Done.

Then I forget to blog.

I know something about a certain car commercial…

If you were wondering where Shaquille O’Neal was yesterday or where you can find Payton Manning today, you could ask me.  Because my nephew, Curtis, is at the shoot (he brought the cars).  I could tell you…if I wanted to.

I never use nor approve of the word “sucks”

But sometimes…

American Idol is agonizingly, disgustingly horrid beyond belief this year.  The judges are so awful.  Where oh where do I begin?  Randy seems sort of opinionlessly-pointless about anything at all.  Niki  Menaj is absolutely bi-polar-erratic in judgements.  One person forgets words, she nasally annoyingly whi-hi-hines out: Oh I love you-that endears you to me.  The next person forgets: Oh, you have insulted me and ticked me off.

Mariah is beautiful {earning her nice, big check} sitting there all diva-like with her hair sculpted into its glorious place (I do like her, really as she possesses pretty much the only true class to be found on this disappointing show) and Keith is adorable, naturally, but the contestants are just mortifying with the most deplorable social skills and world-view and the most utter self-absorption (more than usual) I have EVER seen.  It seems like all the talentless hacks are being let through purely for the freak-factor.  I HATE this show.  And I used to love it. Please cancel it so I don’t have to be this miserable ever ever ever ever ever again.  OMYGOSH!  Where is Simon???  For the love of God and all that is holy, Simon – come back, pul-eeze!!!

All the wonderful years of Idol joy, gone….yet, like a terrible wreck, I cannot just go by without looking…

PONDER THIS: {“The days are long, but the years are short.”}  ~Gretchen Rubin is cool.

Kiss-kiss, bebe  I adore

Malakai, my little angel bebe, is now 7 pounds, 2 ounces.  He is thriving on love, and his cheeks are getting chubby.

Tredessa snapped this last night.  He is 5 weeks old now. 

James Ryle posted this the other day

I invite you to begin reading your Bible as though you are taking a slow walk in a beautiful park — one filled with God’s presence. You will find that makes all the difference in your world!

Though I almost always jump head-long into those read-the-Bible-through-in-a-year incentives, after getting stuck on 2 chapters in Isaiah for three days, I thought this invitation sounded magnificent.

barr lake state park in colorado

Barr Lake State Park

I am reading through the NLT this year.  I have never read this version, even though it is part of my go-to-five on www.biblegateway.com.  LOVE parallels!  (New King James Version, New International Version, The Message, Amplified, New Living Translation, my favs)…

 Speaking of walking though a park…

I have had this recurring desire to go watch the sunrise at Barr Lake State Park, yes, right in the middle of winter!  Sadly, however, though the strong urge hits me in the evening, it isn’t strong enough at dark-thirty in the morning to cause me to get my buns out of bed and drive the 7 miles from my front door to the lake.  Yes, that is how atrociously lazy I am – I can’t bring myself to get bundled up and go seven miles.  Is that not terrible?

An actual Barr Lake State Park Sunrise:

barr lake colorado

Guess what is happening Friday?

Grandbebes!  A whole houseful of them!

Which brings us to THIS question:  I had one of the snapshots Stephanie did in December made into a gigantic 2′ x 3′ canvas (can you comprehend how much it is making me smile?).  I was just going to hang it bare like that, then realized that it would fit in this very ornate, old frame I have.  But of course, I’d paint the frame black or white…right?  Thoughts?  Advice?  Opinions?  Frame or not? Painting it or not???

Ok, so that is about it.  I hope you are not upset about how I am feeling abotut American Idol because I am not taking that back…

What random loveliness has been going on with YOU???


4 thoughts on “{Miscellaneous} Thoughts on the Thought Collage

  1. My Random Replies :)
    American Idol – Pain and Annoying
    Simon – Yes! Please! Need some true perspective. He would just tell Niki to Shut Up!
    American Idol – Freak Show just for Freak Show Sake.
    Kai- my little bundle :) such a doll and that face! Who couldn’t love that face??!!!
    Reading through the Bible – have done it, never have been good at it.
    Sunrise – I’m game, it is beautiful over there, but only with an Egg McMuffin in hand.
    Canvas – It makes me smile everytime I walk into the house :)

  2. Okay, so you asked. Random loveliness ….Our middle daughter Carla moved back in and I’m so enjoying her cause I know it won’t last long. So I’m enjoying her sweetness and presence.
    Bekki and I made a diaper cake for a cousin’s little one. Bekki decided what it needed was the orange feather she had drawn. That sounded okay but it also had brown monkey stickers with red bows on it. There is also a touch of purple on it. So the color scheme was a challenge. We used multi-colored cupcake ribbons and dotted ribbons with orange netting to cover all. Colors were out of my comfort zone but my sweet Bekki loved it.
    We had a snow day! Who doesn’t love a snow day? Pay without having to go to work. And Carla and Bekki were the icing on the cake or snow on the roof? lol Of course a snow day in Tennessee requires a lot less snow than I imagine Colorado does. What a fun day!
    I’m reading through the Bible too but after umpteen times of only getting through the first books. I started last summer with Deuteronomy and in the NT, Acts. I read Acts than read chronologically the rest of the NT circling back to Matthew. I’m now in I Chronicles. Goodness the Kings and Chronicles were like drudging through mud. Blood, wars, killings etc. Sorry Lord but Yuck! But what I’ve loved is that right in the midst of the gore there will be a bright spot of the Lord’s faithfulness or a person will be a follower of God after maybe 3 generations of his family were truly terrible unfaithful people. I’m enjoying it overall.
    There is a free magazine box at the allergist office. This week there was some lovely magazines and some very neat catalogs. I love that there are catalogs of clothes or home products that I would never have seen if some sweet soul hadn’t left them there. I do need to bring some of them back though. So easy to accumulate too many.
    And last Saturday Paul and I had to go down to the charming little town where we pay our property taxes and had a sweet relaxing day. The best part it was unplanned it just kind of unfolded. We went to a down home, small town cafe/diner. All the people were looking at us like “who is that?” We live on the edge of our county and go to the main city in the next county so we were strangers. Than we went thrifting at a perfectly delightful little shop. And afterward ice cream at the pharmacy. It is such a pretty little town. Gainesboro
    Oh one more. Carla and Paul’s impromptu tiny concert. Okay one or two songs. Carla on guitar and Paul on harmonica. So pretty. Thrilled my soul. See Carla is very shy about her guitar playing. She doesn’t know I sometimes listen in the hallway to her singing and playing. I’m praying God removes this shyness and her gifts will make room for her. So the concert was so lovely.
    As for American Idol. I so agree. I would add that Keith’s accent is nice to listen to. Did you know he and Niclole live in Nashville? I hear they are randomly seen just being regular people around town.

    So those dear friend were some random loveliness’s from my corner of the world.

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