Little Monkeys

I awoke to 3, cold little girls who came to snuggle with me in bed.  All of us with frizzy hair and smiles on a Friday morning.  Gav and Hunter were already somewhere playing video games or something.

It was an impomptu sleepover after a family birthday celebration last night.  Not quite prepared for guests, what was for breakfast?  Eggs and cheese, corn muffins and sweet butter, popcorn, chocolate-toffee candy from IKEA, lollipops and peach-white grape juice.  Naturally.

I called them all “little monkeys” and was besieged as five grandbebes jumped all over me making loud oo-oo-ah-ah monkey noises and tickling me – which is absolutely not allowed.  They make me laugh.

The hair-train (Averi was doing mine).  :)

 Good day, sunshine.

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