
I am obviously on my post-hf file clean-up-mode.  :)

In the wee hours of Dec. 26, 2011, I awakened to this little prose-y type thing  going through my mind.  I have had the draft hanging around forever.  I always feel silly writing such not-good-poetry.  I am more suited to Dr. Seuss, who could say anything he wanted and just make up words to rhyme if need be.

This does and does not rhyme.  It does and does not have rhythm.  But it is what I heard in my heart that early morning and what I got from it was: Let what has to happen, happen.  Eyes will cry and noses will sniffle and bodies will wear out and get tired and it is perfectly normal and ok and when you’re happy you should sing and when you’re sad you should mourn.  God made you  and gets you, anyway.  So let yourself off the hook.  Just let it be.

With  trepidation and feeling a little silly, I present: {let}.

Let the fish, swim

The bird, fly

The dog bark.


Let the heart cry

The ear, hear

The nose twitch

The soul, sigh.


Just let it be.


Let the knee bow,

Declare, wow!

God is good.

I am just me.


He knows what I am made of.  So let it be.


Let the happy sing,

The sad, mourn

The confused find,

The broken, mend.


O, wounded, heal

Frightened aimless, find.

Disenfranchised,  be revived.

Let it happen as it must.


Let the seed die,

The sprout emerge,

The sun bring warmth

To shine on fruit.


Let time stand still

Make room to feel.

Let the cup be filled

Let the heart be healed.


Let you be you.  Let God be God.  Let life be life.  And get on with it.


2 thoughts on “{let}

  1. And there was another author that didn’t worry about the rhyming either but got the point across…
    There us a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, a time to uproot. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build. A time to weep and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance…
    You get my point
    You are great, honey. Xxoo

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