Happy 3rd Anniversary, Rocky & Jovan!


It was crisp black lines and soft, silk blue and monograms and crystally-light drapes.  It was bubbles and blue Mustangs and tuxedos and loveliness.  Barefoot flowergirls, curled hair cascading down their backs and ring-bearers raced to the finish line.  The black, menacing sky broke forth into a yellow blaze of western-sun glory just as the bride, on her father’s arm, entered to be seen by her groom.  There was a 5-tier cake, each a unique and specially-chosen flavor with gourmet fillings, embellished with the palest blue and thousands of edible pearls.  There was candlelight.  Friends and family filled every space, the dancing was exhuberant and chocolate fountains flowed.

My favorite part of Rocky and Jovan’s wedding day?  The vows they wrote to each other, so sweet and loving and true. A close second would be that Jovan and I tested at least 17 buttercream recipes and hit upon the perfect one.   My favorite part since?  Their commitment to passing on family traditions and their gift of time, the time they give us on holidays and holy days, the special events and times that make family and keep the legacy going.


Rocky and Jovan got married three years ago on September 15, 2006.  Congratulations and Happy Anniversary you two beautiful people.  Life has changed since then.  Rocky + Jovan brought us Averi-baby and will bring me another grandbebe in the spring!  This is a thrilling and good thing.

Love you so much, my son and his love…mom

pictured: Rocky and Jovan with Averi, taken by Ellie Pickett; The “Rock-vans” at Heaven Fest, taken by Kori Verspohl

6 thoughts on “Happy 3rd Anniversary, Rocky & Jovan!

  1. Happy anniversary!!
    My highlights from the wedding:

    -My legs were eaten up with hundreds of bug bites from Venezuela
    -I ran out of gas on the way to the rehearsal and was late
    -Tire blew on my way to the WEDDING and I was late for pictures/had to do my make-up in the car waiting for a ride

    But the best highlight was that I had the honor of being the Maid of Honor for my best friend and best brother’s wedding:)

    I love you guys!

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