Good Advice

Who would give bad advice anyway?


I don't remember where this came from, but I love it:

"Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth.  Oh, nevermind.  You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded.  But trust me, in twenty years you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall, in a way you can't grasp now, how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked.  You're not as fat as you imagine.

Get plenty of calcium.  Be kind to your knees – you'll miss them when they're gone."

Here, here!  So true, so true!…Jeanie

NOTE TO SELF:  Love today.  Hard to believe, but in ten years I'll long for it.  How I do miss my knees!

Pictured: my daughters

7 thoughts on “Good Advice

  1. So true! I miss being able to were heels. They just KILL my feet. But I still try. Your girls are BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy those heels while you can!

  2. Yeah, I thought you were in this picture holding Guini!  hmmm….. If you were going to photoshop this, you should have fixed my eyes – I look as  though I'm demon-possessed!;o)

  3. Your daughters are beautiful, just like their mother.  So true, we can only look back and remember those days when we were young and yes Pearl, we could wear heels.  I really miss those days.

  4. I believe you WERE in this pic??? Wasn't this at Maggiano's Little Italy? And even though you cut yourself out of the picture, all of my girls are beauties, including you honey. You are still the hot number I married 26 years ago! I love all of the women in my household and with Guini and Gemma and a new little Rhoades girl arriving soon, we are starting on another generation of adorables… Maybe I'll market a doll called, "Adorables" based on my grandchildren. They've got to be more popular than Bratz! They probably already have, "Adorables"… But not like mine!

  5. What a tremendous legacy you and Dave have!  I'm always inspired when I am around your children (daughters and sons, by birth and through marriages) because they reflect what you and Dave have poured your life into and it's a very sweet reflection – of their earthly parents and Heavenly Father!  Thanks for blessing all of us through your children.  Love to you both.

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