Gemma May – My Birthday Girl is 5 Years Old!!

oops…publishing this a day late :(

O Gemma May – the smiles you do bring!

FIVE kisses

Five hugs

Five wishes

And five lady-bugs just for you!

Gem-Gem, joy-girl.  I love your smile.  I love your sweet, lilty voice.  I love that even when you run and jump into my arms with abandoned glee, you remember to pose in case some one is auditioning you.  You are are outgoing, the bright light, the joyful sun, the happy-maker.  You are gentle and sweet to the core.  I treasure the school-time and o-though I celebrate your birthday, I am already jealous of your Kindergarten teacher.  I love you bunches, sweet-pea.

You are my sweetie-pie.

Everything you do, you do with joy.  Do you know how unusually amazing that is?

Here are some Bible words for you on the occasion of your 5th birthday:

Praise the Lord, Sweet-pea!  Live   your life praising Him with all you have got in you!

And sing to Him, too.  Make up all kinds of new songs and sing them to all the people around you!

Just rejoice in God because He created you and He sure did a great job, don’tcha think?  So, be joyful in your King.  You’re His little princess.  Make Him happy by your dancing and get out all the instruments you can find and play them for Him.  Because that sure does make the Lord happy.  When you are careful and respectful to Him, He makes you even more beautiful and saves you from your enemies.

Twirl around, Gemma May and be joyful in God’s glory shining right on you.  Even when you go to bed, you should sing really loud to God once in a while (like your mommy did when she was a little girl).  But – be sure it is ok with mommy and daddy!  :)

Speak some really great words about God.  Let those wonderful words come right out of your mouth about Him.  Just praise the Lord, Gemma.  Praise the Lord a whole bunch!

Psalm 149, paraphrased, naturally


Be still, my heart

Happy Birthday, my Gemma, my joy.  Your Nonna loves you.

4 thoughts on “Gemma May – My Birthday Girl is 5 Years Old!!

  1. What a beautiful, sweet little 5 year old. Gemma May, never quit smiling. It is so cute and contagious. Hope you birthday was great !!!

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