Category Archives: 2 Mi Familia

All things family-related. My husband and me, the children we made, the grandbebes that thrill us now. Our whole great big, loud, messy family. Love! *sigh…

If you could hear what I hear…

Do you hear what I hear?

The sun is shining bright.  All six of my grandbebes are in the backyard using their “outdoor” voices (loosely translated as “loud”), and they are playing, they tell me, “family.”

The trees are lit and sparkly in the sun, too and there are Nativity sets and Santa Claus’s everywhere.  Dave has been playing Bing on the stereo, for we want them to know the music that will stand the test of time at Christmas.

The house is festive and Christmas is just 18 days away.

But the sound I am loving is not the music, nor the bells of Christmas.  Not this morning.

It is the back door open wide and 6 little children I love like crazy just running like banshees and yelling and laughing and falling down and oops…some one did something that caused an abrupt moment of silence followed by, Oh noooo…but as suddenly as the break in the madness came, it dissipates into raucous laughter and banshee-running-hollering again.  Music to my ears.

And it sounds so good.  So very good.

Merry Christmas, friends and familia! xxoo

Wow-we’re old

Ok, we did this.  We had five kids and lived to tell about it.  In fact, we had all five in slightly less than 7 years and at one point in our lives we had FIVE teen-agers in the house.  This should not even be a challenge at all, right?

my god were we burgled?

Tonight – tha annual grandbebe Christmas sleep-over.  Ay-yi-yi.  The oldest 5 came.  They are 9-8-7-5-and-4 and faster than speeding bullets.  Faster than a lot of speeding bullets.

The cartoon above?  Us.  No doubt about it.

Happy 1st Anniversary, Ryan and Tredessa!

A year ago today…a YEAR AGO today.  Already?

It seems just a couple of months back, but it has been a year.  It has been a whole year since two families got together and laughed and loved and took a gazillion photogrpahs and hand-designed-and-crafted a million of the most intricate wedding details ever.

Like your sisters before you, there was not a lot of time between the will-you???-YES!!!  part and the actual walking down the aisle, but you had a vision and it was family and heirlooms and close friends and individuality, and sacred (those vows!) and silly (permanent marker all over that groom) and wow it was sweet.  It is a day I treasure and I think the whole family feels the same.  I would love to be in that barn again tonight under all the twinkle lights, dancing and rejoicing and reprising the family rendition of “Dance Me to the End of Love.”  Haha.That darn “such great times” was supposed to have been deleted before I saved this image.  Grrrr.  But you can see what I meant.  And they were great times!!!
Happy Anniversary, my loves.  The wedding was wondrous, the life is sweet.  I love that you have each other.  I bless your lives and love and marriage and now: get me a bunch of grandbebes, please!  :)

The engagement video

Just ONE of many little wedding videos

Merry Gentlemen and ladies and friends and family

Dave’s first stage-performed play (that HE has written) is coming up soon – 5 days!!!  We are so lucky and grateful for all the people who have worked to put this together.  AND it is pretty exciting to see posters in store windows and on coffee shop bulletin boards!  Have you seen them???


There will be 2 performances and a lot of our kids and grandbebes are involved and the niece and great-niece, too.  Plus the greatest friends on earth, acting and taking tickets and building sets and helping us spread the word.

So if you see this and you are in the area, you should come!  Friday November 30 at 7 om or Saturday December 1 at 7 pm.  The cost is $5 per person (children under three are free) and a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Adams County Cold Weather Care program (Mission: To provide life saving shelter and support to individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Adams County).  You can buy your tickets online ( or at the door.

Be watching the local newspaper for an article this week!

The location is the totally cool Armory @ Brighton.  Here is how to get here, 300 Strong Street:

Plus LIVE music by some pretty cool-awesome-amazing musicians, if we do think so!    :)

FABULOUS way to kick off your Christmas season, I promise!  Please plan to come and tell everyone you know about it.  And LIKE the FB page and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Have a lovely Thanksgiving Day, my friends and family!

The biggest meal of the year.

I find it crazy the amount of food we gobble-gobble up on Thanksgiving.  But there is something so ingrained about it, isn’t there?  I was watching an old movie the other day and they mentioned the Thanksgiving meal: there was turkey and ham and stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy and cranberry, too.  For all the dishes that come and go, the menu doesn’t stray too much.  Even when we get crazy and add Cajun or Mexican sides (or even go vegetarian), it is pretty hard for most people I know to do away with these traditional fixings all together.

My own very cosmopolitan and trend-setting children by day, at Thanksgiving, are among the most traditional in their desires.  They will gather here today, Dave and Tara and Hunter magoo, Steph and Tris and the three Kelley kids (Guini, as always, will have first dibs on the wishbone), Tredessa and Ryan (this is their first Thanksgiving as a married couple, because the wedding was 2 days after Thanksgiving last year).  Rocky and Jovan and the 2 little girlies will be here and Stormie and Saber-the-German (Shepherd) and The Garcias and Leif (Ryan’s younger brother) will join us, too.

And as I stood at the counter this morning chopping vegetables and mixing ingredients in a quiet, sunny kitchen (Christmas music drifting in from the room where Dave is rearranging every piece of furniture we own to accommodate our little table for 23), I just found myself loving that we go to the trouble anyway.  There is something in the ritual of it, in fixing this huge meal that reminds us of the sacred and sweet and all the blessings we have had and all the blessings that will come to be.  And it is just this bountiful moment in time to thank God for all of it.

In everything GIVE THANKS for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.  1 Thessalonians 5. 18

And standing there, knowing we will have more than we need to eat and eat too much, I remembered all the Thankskgivings of my life (there have been more than 50, now) and how the crowd has changed so much.  All the Grandmas and Grandpas are gone now.  Some of the aunts and uncles have passed, too.  I remember thinking as a kid they were all trying to starve me to death because the meal was never ready “on time,” but when finally we could eat, ooooooh-delish!  Then later: mommy, my tummy hurts, I ate too much (Tara was 4 the first time this happened to her).  How glorious to have all the pumpkin pie I could ever want (and my mom always made THE BEST pumpkin pie, until Stormie came along).

thanksgiving chalkboard

I thank God for it all, the family I was born into and all the times they crammed all of us into tiny house with tables and tables and food and we ate all day long (pre-microwave, people!).  Mostly at Grandma Bakers, we also met Aunt Sue’s once.  But Aunt Rosie’s quite a bit, too…Aunt Rosie introduced me to the romantic notion of one very long table for all of us eat together – no kid table!  I am doing that for my grandbebes now.  They like it!  And I love that the aunts and uncles and all the cousins would descend from near and far because even though we were wall-to-wall people, the importance of all of us together saying “Thank-you, Lord,” was valued.  Stop life and say thanks – this was the message imparted to my heart.  We may not have a lot, we are just regular people, but we are blessed and we say thanks to You, Lord.

Oh my, in spite of their humanness and mistakes and oddities as a family (plentiful, for sure), oh how I cherish the fact that they all helped me settle on the solid foundation that is Jesus Christ.

Then there were the years the extended family times dissipated as grandparents died, and  my siblings and I, with our growing families, would gather with my parents (the new matriarch and patriarch).  The last time were all together for Thanksgiving was 1991, I believe.  That era ended too soon as we were living all over the nation, but we’d always touch base and today I think of each of them with so much love my heart actually hurts.  Happy Thanksgiving, my brothers  (by birth and the one we got when my sister married you) and my little sister and all my beautiful sisters by God’s design (and marriage to my little brothers).  Happy Thanksgiving to the nieces and nephews and to the whole big, colorful family I married into.  Be blessed, I decree it.

in everything give thanks decor cut outs

And how blessed and grateful I am to get to have this Thanksgiving feast with my own babies and their families today.  The little cousins will file away so many details of this day as trivial: running up and down the stairs, playing dress-up, maybe coloring and painting together or playing a board game.  They will eat and eat and be back in an hour for more.  They will go home totally unaware that in 40 or 50 years they will be standing at their kitchen counter assembling food on a sunny morning for a Thanksgiving meal for their beloveds and suddenly the memories in sharp detail, of being at Nonna’s house so many Thanksgivings past, will suddenly rush back in “like waves  upon the shore” and they will, like I am today, thank God for all the Thanksgiving Thursdays family gathered just to show gratefulness.  And they will know that is it good to give thanks unto the Lord.

 Psalm 71.17-19

Since my youth, God, you have taught me,

and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds.

Even when I am old and gray,

do not forsake me, my God,

till I declare your power to the next generation,

your mighty acts to all who are to come.

Your righteousness, God, reaches to the heavens,

you who have done great things.

Who is like you, God?

My intent in writing this blog, when I began it a thousand words ago, was to say this (I am so wordy, huh?) in ONE paragraph:  Happy Thanksgiving, from our family to yours.  Like all families, the treasure must be guarded and tended like a garden to make sure it lives and thrives.  We are just normal people with issues and oddities, too.  But today, we gather in His name to tell Him we are grateful.  This foundation is firm.  So, I pray you will be blessed and happy in all things today, just as I am praying for my family.

I simply cannot help being so graphomaniacal.  Just can’t. xxoo

Happy Thanksgiving.


Tara’s song

Tara may or may not have remembered to tell us (she did not) that Megan Isaacson recorded her song, “Broken,” last year (may be purchased on Amazon here) and now CNBC has asked Tara’s permission to use some of it on a story they are doing.


It is an amazing song.  I totally remember when she came in and just sang it in my family room (September 2009), no instruments – it was heaven coming to earth in the purest prayer ~ a really honest and good prayer of surrender.

Stephanie has sung it live, Rocky has, Tara and Rocky have sung it, Tara and Dave, a bunch of different worship leaders have used it.  But I didn’t know it had ever, finally gotten recorded (yeah, Megan Isaacson!).  Still waiting on Tara and Dave to record it, too!

My daughter, Tara, the songwriter.  :)

We are halfway to une autre jolie petite-fille petite!**

Rocky’s mom {me} started with 3 girls (before the infamous Rocky himself showed up).  Jovan’s mom had 3 girls.  It is familiy tradition!  :)

Another grandbebe of the sugar-and-spice-and-everything-nice pursuasion!

But now the question is, will she be grandbebe #7 or #8?  It all depends, for Dave & Tara (all systems go and ready) could end up adopting before this little Rhoades-etta arrives.  Time will tell, time will tell.  But at the very least, we’ll have at least one new granbebe by spring.  :)

**another pretty little granddaughter…in French