Category Archives: 2 Mi Familia

All things family-related. My husband and me, the children we made, the grandbebes that thrill us now. Our whole great big, loud, messy family. Love! *sigh…

This woman.

My mamala.

mamala and me

She has been teaching me about childlike faith and following Jesus for 54 years,  6 weeks and 4 days.  Each time I get to see her,  I learn more about loving life and finding joy in the beauty around us.   Whether it’s a clear blue sky, a Cocker Spaniel’s floppy ears, hedgeballs (the woman can get some distance on those things, “bowling” them across the yard) or falling leaves ~ all of life is to be treasured, enjoyed and celebrated.

norma moslander with blake, her 11th great grandchild

This was the day mom met Blake , Elise-the-Niece’s baby boy, and my mom’s 11th great-grandchild.  they were fast friends.

To my mom, there is nothing that isn’t just {{wow-isn’t that wonderful!}} stunningly, marvelously, unbelievably fascinating.  She has 75 years and counting to back it up (even though, people, even though the beginnings were hard, tragic, even, the middle was challenging and the things she faces these days are heavy on the heart)!  Still, she can give you a million reasons to stay the course because God will be faithful.

I drink them up, all her reasons.  I soak her in.

Is it any wonder I still want to be just like my mom when I grow up?

Joyeux Anniversaire, Cher Blog


I started blogging in the dark ages with absolutely no technical no-how at all.  Everything changes and people are so much better at it, but I am still rattling around here in the dark yelling “Hellllllllp, Tristan,” to my long-suffering son-in-law with some regularity.  I mean, the whole blog crashed like 3 months ago and I am still puttering around some default template, unfixed, un-personalized.  Tsk.

www.jeanierhoades.comThis was the header when I first started, 11-29-06.  The leaves actually fell and swirled.

As I approach the date of the 7th (the 7th!!!) anniversary of my first dip into blogging waters, I am restless and embarrassed not to have gotten better at it.  It doesn’t feel like me right now.  It should be about something specific, right?  It shouldn’t be all over the map of serious-to-ridiculous, of well-formed thought-to-explosive opinions and stupid jokes, should it?  By now, I should have found my voice and my rhythm and a nice tidy package labeled “identity.”


my out.

Oh well.  That is why I named it after my favorite elementary school art unit: collage.  I named it Thought Collage because that meant I could cut colors and scraps and shapes and symbols and pictures from any and every area of the magazine of my very existence and paste it all together to say: Look.  I think this – all of it, even if it sometimes conflicts with itself.  All the pieces make up the whole.

Collage (From the French: coller, to glue, French pronunciation: ?[k?.la??]) is a technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.

brace yourself.

Worse yet, I am going to quote myself from these very blog pages over the next 10 days or so to celebrate this monumental anniversaire.  Yes, I am!  You’ll be forced to reread something I already said that I still like when I read it.


“It’s a trail of bright colored Play-Dough bits and crayon drawings of “piles of snow” and stickers and paint and Light-Saber battles with vacuum hoses and cookies and orange pop and more cookies and dancing to the Fiesta Latin music channel (learning to do the twist and to shake our booties) and announcing, “Watch Nonna, I’m gonna fly now” as we jump from 3 steps up and Nonna’s heart is temporarily arrested until the landing is obviously successful.

It’s Guini loving the most dangerous thing a one-year-old could love: neon-colored plastic jacks, which she likes to pull one by one from an old Quaker Oatmeal cannister and place on the floor and then immediately one by one they go back in. She actually squeals with delight as she pulls them out, dazzled over and over by the colors and we just watch her and she dazzles us.

It’s Hunter begging to be frightened again and again. He makes me put on the Darth Maul mask and chase him, but screams in utter terror when I truly surprise him and then lifts the mask to make sure: “Nonna?” Ok. Relief. It is just Nonna. Back to being chased. Then, time to cuddle and repeated requests to sing “Jingle-bells-all-the-way.” With Hunter, nothing is ever done once. If once was good, many times are better.

Gavin, Guini and Hunter

It’s Gavin “posing” me with a couple of stuffed animals as he cranks and adjusts Grandpa’s tripod, pretending there is a camera there. He tells me to wait “just one second” then instructs me, “Say cheese.” He squinches his eyes and I smile as he creates a clicking sound with his tongue and then he tilts his head and says, “Awwwwwe…” because I smiled so prettily. And as he thanks me for sitting still, I wish I were aiming a real camera back to capture this exact moment of pretend into which I was invited. And I force myself to see it deeply so I can never forget this February afternoon…

Being a mom was the most wonderful thing. Being a grandma, I am completely undone.”

It is proof beyond any possible reason: God is good and He rewards you even when you couldn’t possibly deserve it.  I am so thankful to have had this little bit of cyber-real estate where I have captured the great record of His faithfulness and find reminders of the glorious color of love and life I have experienced so far…

Come back tomorrow.  We’ll dig through the archives again!   :)


Happy Birthday, Jovanie~Marie!

What does Jovan mean?

(Hebrew) Yahweh is gracious, Yahweh is merciful.

This is very, very true.

jovan photo shoot

What does Jovan mean to us?

You are such a great daughter-in-law.  I mean, that sounds so legal, when really, when Rocky stood in the piercing rays of the setting sun that September evening and took you as his wife, we really, truly received you as a new daughter.  We are so pleased he made that choice 7+ years ago and as seasons and time pass, our gratefulness increases.

jovan and family

For you are the woman who sees our son and loves him, truly loves him.  You are his home and his rest, his peace and his joy.  You are gracious and you are mercy.  You live up to your name so well.

jovan and bailey

And you are the woman who has given us the three darling granddaughters, oh what joy they bring, each unique, so sweet.  And aren’t they beautiful like their mommy?  Averi Jadyn, firstborn, so wise and all-knowing, Amelie Belle with her engaging orneriness; and this gentle, most-contented baby-of-the-year, Bailey Sophia?

jovans daughters

And so, life is busy for your beautiful family.  And this has been a year of growth (new baby, expanding ministry opportunities), and of heart-breaking loss and surprise (being flooded out of your home and all the equipment and the studio, gone).  But wow- in everything, in EVERYTHING – watching you and Rocky deciding to give thanks and seeing the faithfulness of God just explode towards you in restoration and generosity.  The hard times are like a purifying fire, they’ll reveal what you’re really made of.  And it is delighting us to see, you and Rock are growing, shining, getting stronger and smarter and better and the graciousness and mercy is lighting the sky.  I wouldn’t wish bad things on you, but I am very proud of how you are handling them.

The revelation~I am SO blessed!

Remember that day in church a few years back, Jovan?  They were doing that sermon series on the Book of Ruth and while I had always enjoyed the story, that day a whole new piece of it just exploded into the atmosphere of my heart.  I realized I was the  Naomi and you were the Ruth and that I had indeed been a daughter-in-law who was better to me than seven sons (the seven brothers Rocky never got, haha) would have been…even though I always thought I wanted 8 sons for some strange reason.  Haha. 

The women said to Naomi: “Praise be to the Lord, who this day has not left you without a guardian-redeemer. May he become famous throughout Israel!  He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age. For your daughter-in-law, who loves you and who is better to you than seven sons, has given him birth.” The Bible, Ruth 4.14-15 niv

jovan and rocky

That sermon and that scripture passage just made me cry with gratitude!  True for Naomi.  True for me, too!

When Rocky was growing up and getting cuter by the minute, I was so surprised at all the girls who tried to catch his eye.  I started thanking God that I only had one son, because I could totally see the potential for disaster if I’d have had to bring more girls into this highly strong-woman’ed family.  But honestly, I wouldn’t mind having lots of daughter-in-laws if they were all just like you.

Then the elders and all the people at the gate said, “We are witnesses. May the Lord make the woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, who together built up the family… Through the offspring the Lord gives you by this young woman, may your family be like that of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah.”  The Bible, Ruth 4.11-12 niv

I wish all mother-and-daughter-in-laws had the chance to love and be loved like you and I have.  Wouldn’t the world be a much happier and lovelier place?  I know our family is blessed because of you, and you have brought so much to the familia…

jovan and jeanie

So, to put words together to celebrate your birth on that Halloween night twenty-something years ago is to thank God for His faithfulness, for His mercies that are new every morning, for the graciousness He showed us in sending you to us.

A blessing for each year:

jovan blessing

Totally wishing you an amazing year ~ Your adoring m-i-l**

The Evangeline Countdown

I suppose it is because we’ll soon have grandbebe #9 arriving, I guess that could explain it?  But I have been looking at photos of the current 8 great {mucho verklempt} and re-reading old blog posts where I oohed and ahhh-ed over them and wow, I have been adoring them for the past ten years, 5 months, and 10 days, give or take.  Oh, yes, I have.

This quote was from {{this post}}, way back when ~ when there were only three.  Wow, how my treasure has increased!


“Being a mom was the most wonderful thing.  Being a grandma, I am completely undone.”


in·clud·ed  in ‘ kloo-did/

adjective  adjective: included
contained as part of a whole being considered.
2 Chronicles 31.18 The Message

The official family tree included everyone in the entire congregation—their small children, wives, sons, and daughters. The ardent dedication they showed in bringing themselves and their gifts to worship was total—no one was left out.

room at the table

There is room at the table.

Who among us hasn’t experienced intense loneliness even in a crowd?  Who hasn’t peeked in to some one else’s life via social media in these minute-by-minute times,  or on a blog (even like mine, heaven forbid) we see pictures of celebrations, read family stories and see moments of glory (the only ones we generally share) –  and felt left out, experienced longing to be a part, to get to have a seat at that table?

Me, too.

That’s why I love the picture of the Good Shepherd preparing a table before us (Psalm 23).  In these days leading to the Thanksgiving celebration, as I ponder how to situate for 30 people I wholly adore, I cannot quit thinking about the joy the Father must have to invite us to be seated with Him.  Ephesians says we’re accepted in the Beloved, His sacrifice bought our ticket to be included in the family – a chair at the table awaits.

I sense God’s great love in extending Himself to us, an invitation written in blood.   And though we have so often ignored His pursuit, chasing after our own list of dreams and desires and for acceptance in places that will never satisfy our deepest heart’s desires, He prepares a table before us – He raises us up and seats us with Him (Eph. 2.6).  In heavenly places – now that is a place of honor, a major party where you’re a treasured guest!

Something about the thought of it – the table, all set in loving anticipation, is just stirring in my heart.  I have let the sacredness of a regular shared meal, in these crazy-busy days, the invitation for dinner to people I don’t know that well just pass by.  But I hear God calling me back to a time I wholly practiced the beauty of the sharing of a regular supper.  Oh good grief, He is killing me.  I am too old to think of fixing big meals again, right?  Yet, I want to reflect the heart of God, on earth as it is in heaven, as He prepares for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.  It’s a big deal.

I am picking up my library-borrowed copy of Shauna Niequest’s Bread and Wine today.  SO looking forward to it.  I have a feeling you’ll be hearing more about the family-table from me because this 1 minute and 52 seconds of video just fired. me. up!

1 John 1.4  Amplified

And we are now writing these things to you so that our joy [in seeing you included] may be full [and your joy may be complete].

We  have not been excluded from the festivities.  We are accepted and beloved.  Let’s share that amazing joy!

It’s a Skill, Like Anything

Houzz had the BEST article today (by Alison Hodgson, my FAV writer there).  It’s about “How to Build Your Housekeeping Muscle,” but honestly – it is just a great perspective on how to develop your abilities at anything you might find perplexing.

She shares an example of a man who has loaned lots of money to friends and relatives over the years and how he isn’t bothered by it because he just sees himself as some one who is really good at saving money, as in “skilled at it.”   His viewpoint took something we usually judge others about and turns not being very good at handling money from being some irreparable character flaw  (the writer’s profound revelation about this totally hit me) in them as people ~ to something we can, with a little effort, actually become skilled in ~ whether that includes housekeeping, or managing a budget well, or making new friends, or good communication, getting fit or whatever it is that perhaps has been pointed out to us as being a weakness or imperfection calling our very value into question.

While we are often quick to judge other people harshly for what we see as a major character impairment, a proof of a lack of development in who they should be as a person (#don’taskmehowIknow), maybe they are just good people who have not yet developed skills in certain areas – just. like. us.

I won’t tell on myself, but…

My mom was the most “distracted” housekeeper on the planet, which drove my perfectionist dad up the proverbial wall and caused him to rule the roost by making endless, demanding lists of to-do for every member of the family.  Even after I was married,  and moved hundreds of miles away, when we came for a visit, I was given a list!  OH-Yes,  he did!  :)  It’s an honor for me now, to get to be helpful to my parents, but in my early 20s I was probably pretty incredulous.  Haha.

Now, my dad is known to be highly competent and get-things-done-well NOW! and I like that.  He is a high-capacity leader, a pastor trusted for high-impact ministry and church growth.  But my mom is also known ~  as the woman who makes him bearable.  She is without guile in any way, so loving and non-judgemental.  She can make a lifelong-wholly-devoted friend from the most snarky and committed enemy.

There were church ladies and relatives who judged my mom’s housekeeping as inferior, but her character: above reproach.  There is not a person in the world who doesn’t want to be around her because of how she cheers them on and showers them with love.  Over time, she learned to follow my dad’s “guidance” and keeps a lovely home.  But she wasn’t born that way and she is in NO WAY deficient in her character!

comparison is the thief of joy quote

Source: here

It is interesting, I think, how we like to compare some one else’s weakness in skill against our own strength as though it automatically makes them flawed.  Or we do it to ourselves, thinking, “I wish I weren’t so awful at ______,” feeling doomed forever by some label (“I’m the messy one,” or “I’m the one who can’t do _____,” or “I’m the clumsy one,” etc).

So, the article:: This was just so thought-provoking to me, I wanted to thank Alison Hodgson and share it here.  Hope it gets you thinking, too, and giving yourself and others GRACE and great hope for the future.  Just simple tips to follow to get the skill you need to strengthen the area you feel condemned about, housekeeping or whatever else.

It is never too late to become the person you might have been…or to develop a skill that will help you to the end!

Your character is fine, you’re no villain or person of lack and nonsense.  You just need to adjust a bit.  Read these great tips!  Get hope!

A Reprint of my 2010 Halloween Tirade

Reprinted from my blog originally posted October 29, 2010 {{HERE}}

“I Loathe, Despise & Abominate Halloween” BUT wait:  I LOVE the trick-or-treaters!!! 

This is my nearly-2000-word {highly-opinionated} essay (w/no pictures) on WHY I hate Halloween~

I don’t hate little kids, all cute and dressed up coming to my door with an open bag.  That actually requires a lot of trust in this day and age and I look at it as a chance to bless the little children, a chance to be a nice neighbor.  Trick-or-treating does not bother me, really, because the kids (young kids only, please – you kids that are old enough to work – go buy your own dang candy) are just excited to get to wear a costume and eat more candy than they should.  I hate, literally loath, despise and abominate Halloween, but maybe for reasons different than you’d imagine…

The Horror of Retail {mwa, mwa, mwa….}

For 5 years I ran a retail party store.  Halloween was the BIG ONE.  It drove our sales for the year and I had to be number one (I just HAD TO!…and was!!, ok – strike that last prideful statement), so can you imagine my deep loathing for both milking-Halloween-for-all-it-was-worth for the money we could rake in and just hating the symbols that have come to represent it all?  I set everything and worked my head off (can you say 90+ hours a week during the evil-season??) to sell to people who would purchase useless styro-headstones, “bloody” goblets and giant fuzzy spiders.  Fog machines were the biggest rip-off and anything witchy-skeletony-or-ghoulish you could add double-D batteries to so it would light up or make some horrific noise were big sellers.

And then there were the costumes.  We sold all those crappy costumes plus face paint and fake blood, stitches, etc.

And people would FILL those carts and spend hundreds of dollars.  I both loved racking up the sales AND I disrespected seeing people waste that much money on something like Halloween, a “holiday” that really celebrates nothing that means eternal anything to me.

The worst part though?  The company “encouraged” (read: forced) us to “dress up” – the whole month of October!  It is fun for like, three days.  The other 28, not so much.   I have been a nun, a gypsy, a bunch of grapes.  There were platinum blond wigs, Cleopatra headdresses and hot pink beehives.  I was never “evil,” just dressed, all the while managing a hopping Halloween staff, chasing shoplifters, receiving Christmas and trying to make that transition as fast as humanly possible and just gritting my green-hick-farmer teeth to get through.

Suffice it to say I had more Halloween than I ever wanted and enough to last 37 people a lifetime.  Yuck.

The Great Halloween Debate

And to top it off, I have spent almost a lifetime in the middle of the great Halloween debate: Is it OK for Christians to Participate?? OR Is it an evil-pagan holiday dedicated to devil-worship that we should avoid at all costs?  I gotta tell you, I DO wish to avoid it all costs, but not for spiritual reasons, necessarily because the devil doesn’t own my days – not any of them.  Dare I say I think it falls under the Romans 14 directive for disputable matters?…I do.  Let the stoning begin…

Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so!

This year my home church decided not to have the Halloween alternative they usually have.  And nobody knows quite what to do.

When I was growing up (in my very Christian, very strict Pentecostal preacher’s home), our parents let us trick-or-treat.  In retrospect, that seems crazy.  I couldn’t cut my hair, wear make-up or listen to the radio, at least “legally”, but I got to trick-or-treat.  Strange.  The church hadn’t been super-sensitized to the meanings and origins of the day back then.  They still really thought it was just kids dressing up and getting lots of candy.  And even after it became a “test of righteousness” in Christian circles, the churches my dad pastored still usually offered an alternative like a “Harvest Fest” with fall activities and the kiddos dressing up.  I remember church bulletins reminding everyone that no “ghosts, ghouls or goblins” were allowed to attend, but costumes were welcomed.

Dave’s family was an absolutely-not Halloween family.  I was from the use-the-opportunity-to-witness stream.  My earliest memories are of my mom explaining to me that I had to do a “trick” to get a “treat,” and wow, was I ever willing!  My trick was always to sing a song of some sort and since we didn’t do secular music, my song always had something to do with Jesus.  The first year I could sing it all, I did – at every. single. house.     “…for the Bible tells me so.”  Deep breath, the person tries to give me candy, I whip my bag away from them , my mom reminds me, and whale on, “Yes, Jesus loves me!  Yes, Jesus loves me!…”  They were prisoners to the end.  But I would not take that candy until I had witnessed of the Lord’s love the full way through.

Pagan Roots

It seems H’ween has its roots in pagan Celtic festivals, the Druids dancing around bonfires and offering sacrifices to the spirit world for the harvest.  So actually – having a church “Harvest Festival” is not an improvement on Halloween, necessarily.  During the ancient pagan fetsival,  Candy Corn would begin to fall from the sky, just kidding…just checking to see if you are still reading.  ;p  Haha.

In the 8th century, the Pope moved All Saint’s Day to November 1, so October 31st became “All Hallows Eve” and most people think he did it to claim the 31st back for Christians, which frankly, I applaud.  What I bind on earth is bound both here and in heaven.  We do have some authority in Jesus’ Name, people!

I digress.

So, then there is a biblical scripture-storm that erupts annually against having any part.  One of the scriptures often cited is Ephesians 5.7-12 NLT:

7 Don’t participate in the things these people do. 8 For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! 9 For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true.

10 Carefully determine what pleases the Lord. 11 Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. 12 It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret.

Or, there is Deuteronomy 18.10-12 NLT

For example, never sacrifice your son or daughter as a burnt offering.  And do not let your people practice fortune-telling, or use sorcery, or interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, 11 or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord. It is because the other nations have done these detestable things that the Lord your God will drive them out ahead of you.

And there are lots of other verses that are used to promote total abstinence from any type of Halloween participation.  And they are important scriptures with definite guidelines for what we should and shouldn’t be participating in.  But I honestly don’t see them saying “Little kids dressing up and trick-or-treating is anti-scriptural.”  I just don’t.   My grandbebes, who will dress as Nacho Libre or a Strawberry or as princesses or Batman this year?  They will NOT be calling forth spirits of the dead or hosting seances.  We will not sacrifice them as burnt offerings.  They will  NOT participate in drunken parties and godlessness of that sort and I will teach them to speak up for righteousness through their vote as citizens and to protect the helpless and feed the hungry.  That is how they are being raised.  They are being raised to be who God created them to be (light!) and to do what God has ordained for them to do and to fulfill their destiny for God in their generation.  Period!

The devil doesn’t get my grandbebes.  I truly and humbly do not see trick-or-treating as the step into a dark realm.  If anything, I see it as “Hallowed,” like the old Pope wanted it to be because he went to enemy’s camp and took back what was stolen (know that song?  Don’t make me sing it here!).  My days are the LORD’S.   All of them!  And it is a great time to show our babies the difference between light and darkness by not worshipping death, not giving in to demonic influence and avoiding rebelliousness (which is as the sin of witchcraft and rarely gets corrected in Christendom).


You know what, though?  If you came from an occultic background where you used the 31st as part of demon worship and you have walked away from it being born into Christ and you have renounced that past – by all means, don’t participate.  It holds something for you it doesn’t for me. Don’t be enslaved into any bondage you have been delivered from again!  I would stand with you in that, and I mean that!  Or if you just have a strong conviction that you don’t want your family to participate, because to you, it seems like being part of an agreement with the world, part of this godless generation and you’d rather make a stand here – then make that stand.  I support you in that, but Romans 14, again {“disputable matters”}…

Accept other believers who are weak in faith, and don’t argue with them about what they think is right or wrong. For instance, one person believes it’s all right to eat anything. But another believer with a sensitive conscience will eat only vegetables. Those who feel free to eat anything must not look down on those who don’t. And those who don’t eat certain foods must not condemn those who do, for God has accepted them. Who are you to condemn someone else’s servants? Their own master will judge whether they stand or fall. And with the Lord’s help, they will stand and receive his approval.

Figure it out.  Study it through.  Pray.  Ask the Lord.  Listen.  And be obedient there and let’s not let a disputable matter polarize us as Christians, or get us fighting one another in scriptural-sword fighting.  Because?  Then the stupid-head devil wins.  Geesh, people – it is when he breaks our unity that we are trashed – not when some low-level demon flies around a room impressing the idiots who want that sort of thing.  RESIST HIM, seriously.  He HAS to flee!

I loathe, despise and abominate* Halloween because of how it separates us and causes holier-then-thou crap and we make each other the enemy instead of THE enemy.  And I hate all the blackness and darkness because I am of the Light, but oh, by the way, I shine ever so much more brightly in the dark places.  I say kick-him-in-the-butt and bless the little children when they come to your door: give the best candy, the biggest smile, the greatest encouragement and give ’em a God-bless-you, because that actually is within your power to do.  Heaven will hear and attend to your blessing!  May His will be done on earth as it is in heaven!  On Halloween, even!

‘Nuff said.

*In the book version of Meet Me in St Louis, the sisters show their distaste for things by saying “I hate, loathe, despise and abominate {fill-in-the-blank}”.  I think it is used a time or two in the Judy Garland movie, too.  It is a fav family quote.

“Live as people of light!”

RT @ pastormark via ryan may: “If you’re one of those Christians who is going to give out tracts for Halloween, also give enough candy to make a kid a diabetic!”  Haha!

So this Thursday, October 31, 2013?  I stand by it.  The devil can’t have that day or that night in my life, my neighborhood or in my family!  We are a holy people redeemed by the LORD!

OH, and…if you’d like to be really super missional this year (have they been talking to my mother???), THIS SITE has tons of ways to redeem Halloween and makie it a teaching and being-a-nice-Christian kind of thing!

To the mommies knee deep in kids and all they bring with them

In case I forgot to tell you~

Just in case I forgot to mention, now that my own kids are grown and I see the whole child-bearing/rearing years through misty-rose-colored glasses and tell you how my children were always cute, so sweet, and just always behaved – yes, well, in case I forget to tell you, while you’re mopping up spilled milk and changing the 37th diaper of the day and refereeing sibling spats (which sometimes accounts for 87.682% of your waking hours) and experiencing the inevitable law of physics which proves that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich will always, will always fall onto the kitchen floor with both pb and j splatting directly onto said floor, *splat*, and oh-my-goodness, nooooo-as you’re grabbing the craft scissors from big sister who just lopped off a handful of baby sister’s hair while little brother is throwing his cars into the toilet ~ yes, in case I might have forgotten to mention…

Well, I just thought that maybe a 50-something who is {way} past where you are (pregnant or w/newborn, pregnant and w/newborn, toddlers, pre-schoolers, school-kids,  etc~ in the house // yes, YOU, 20 or 30-something mommy) ~  maybe I could give you a few random encouragements for today?  Pull up a chair and let me just tell you…wait – ok, keep running, I’ll talk while you manage everything in the known universe!

You will make it. 

You can do this!  Those kids are going to bring you joy you never thought possible, but the joy will be amazingly-over-the-top sweet because they will also have challenged you beyond your limits and you’ll have wept from deepest places in worry or anxiety and there will be things that happen that you cannot control or fix and somewhere along the line most certainly you will have believed you are the worst mother in the world.  Yes, there will be those days.  Days when you think you are the worst mother and days when you actually are – a momster.  Don’t ask me how I know.  Really, please don’t ask.

I promise you this:

Your kids are perfectly normal.  Or at least a reasonable variation of normal.

God chose you, yes YOU to mommy the one(s) in your nest.  It wasn’t a mistake, not for you or for the child(ren).  You are the best woman for the job!

moms need a break

Yes, any vital life lesson will have to be taught an average of 2387 times – in. a. row.  That is just the average.  There is nothing wrong with Junior.  He just needs the steady, disciplined, day-in and day-out guidance which will finally sink in.  And before you go thinking he must be defective to take so long in the learning,  just think about some of the things God has had to teach you – over and over and over again.  See?

One day they’ll dress themselves (ready or not).  Sooner than you think the schedule can have more flexibility to it.  There’ll come a time when all the consistency and effort and strength you have exerted today, this past week, the last few months  will just morph into an easy rhythm of life and living (at least briefly).

One day the word “no” will start to evaporate from the minute by minute – from the kiddos and you.  There’ll come a time of yes!, I promise!


Hey, remember the 80s?  Me, neither.  I look fairly sane, though, don’t I?

Listen, I always say, “I raised 5 kids and I lived to tell it.”  I mean, I had 5 babies in less than 7 years and can barely remember the early 80s {{don’t try this at home}} and I can remember being tired, just bone-tired and sometimes overwhelmed to the point of asking God what on earth He was thinking entrusting me with these little people.   I’d never have made it through without help and compassion from friends.  I am so thankful for the “cloud of witnesses” that waved me on and gave advice or didn’t dare, but were proof I could be the mommy God thought I could be.  My mom did it and supported me.  Miss Faye from church who just so happened to have 4 daughters and 1 son like me (except hers were teenagers by then) was such an example, teaching me how to just relax and trust God and LOVE them, which covers a multitude of sins.  So thankful for women who showed the way.

Don’t go it alone.  get in a group for encouragement.  Find an older mom at church who can cheer you to the finish line she just got to not too long ago.  Because btw, Titus 2 already set a good example for that, we “olders” are supposed to teach you “youngers.”   :)  It is a major honor for me to get to impart from the experiences I’ve lived through.  It isn’t always easy to ask for advice and lots of times, we think we are beyond the advice of a previous generation, having found a better way, but I think you’ll find, if you open your heart, that your experiences and challenges are not so different from what some one my age or even older went through with their kids.  Partake of the wisdom available!

By looking at [the older women], the younger women will know how to love their husbands and children, be virtuous and pure, keep a good house, be good wives. Titus 2.4

ALL mommies have felt inadequate at times,  ~rushed, overwhelmed, overworked, unheard, unseen, unloving, raggedy.  All of us have felt like and probably been, at one point or another, the worst mom on the block.  It usually happens just before a glory moment when all the kids are clean at once and cuddling with you and you have that moment of Wow-I was born for this.  Those few seconds get us through, don’t they?

mom quote


The days are long, but the years are short.  It’s a marathon not a sprint.  Take a deep breath (especially if it seems like one of those really looooong days), and think about where you want to see each child in three or four years, what kind of human being you will have hoped you’ve raised.  And for that dream, which will quickly come to pass, keep at it!  Keep loving them and teaching them and raising them well and praying over them and saying the same things again and again if you must because it is the steady consistency of your message that will give them safety and disciplined hearts and minds and turn them into amazingly resourceful human beings who will change their world and bless nations!

And – in spite of us, sometimes, they just go right on ahead and turn out beautifully, as if deep inside, they knew what we were trying to do.  And they loved us for it and they became all God intended anyway.  I have proof of this {{aforementioned babies now 27-34 years old}}!

I am cheering you on!  If you’ve got ’em, raise ’em & love ’em – like nobody else can!

And in the cuteness category, Tara sent me this the other day and if you still need more hope for the journey, take it from Kid President: the secret to changing the world? – MOMS!!!

Have you checked out Stef’s blog yet?  She is a young mom who is writing amazing stuff {HERE}!  I wish I’d have been as smart when my kids were that little!

The three-inch universe

old baseball and quote
I grew up with Cardinal red pulsing through my veins.  The St. Louis Cardinals mean summer and October baseball.

They are in the World Series again.  The sky was bluer than blue today.  The leaves on the trees were at the zenith of their dazzling autumn colors in the briliant light of the blazing sun.

And the Cards are up 2-1 in the series.  Tonights’ win was weird (on an obstruction call), but we’ll take it.

WIN, St. Louis, win!