Cake Buns

Baby Bottom Cake

Or Diaper Cake


Or Butt Cake

Or Can Cake


Or  Baby-buns Cake

Or Bottoms Up Cake


Or whatever.

5 pounds of MM Fondant (I am such a novice and not a sculptor, but people like fondant), over almond-bouquet buttercream over dark fudge chocolate cake (2-layer), filled with Oreo/chocolate-chip/milk-chocolate mousse.  Created the baby’s bum and chunky legs from Rice Krispie treats because the thought of wrapping cake pieces made me hyperventilate.  Averi’s feet were my inspiration.

Did it for Jovan, with love, as we anticipate new Baby Rhoades, to-be-born in 2 weeks. 

Ruth 4. 15 For [my] daughter-in-law, who loves [me] and who is better to [me] than seven sons….

Neither Tredessa nor Averi could resist tickling the feet.  The main cake, for size reference, is a 12″ cake, about 4″ high.  So the baby is sort of a month or so old maybe, but with big feet?  I don’t know…ever-so-slightly life-like in size…?

14 thoughts on “Cake Buns

  1. Clicking over to your website, two strong sensations overtook me in seeing the first pictures of your cake. I was startled (having not remembered that I was coming to your blog to re-look at the cake)…where is the other half of the baby?? The second strong sensation (being on day three of NO carbs or sugar of any kind) was…Yuuuuummmmmm! Why the cake startled me, I can not tell you, especially since I took all of those pictures and had to hold it all the way to the Dipernas. ??? Not enough sugar in my system. That MUST be it!


  3. Ah-mazing, you are! It was totally adorable and the toes were my favorite part! I would totally snack on some right now…

  4. It’s adorable!! Lainey’s had her feet on her birth announcement just like that. I’d post a picture, however, it’s on film…

    Thank goodness there’s a cake under the baby legs- it would be kind of disturbing to eat.

  5. Ack! How can a person EAT baby bum? Or baby feetses? Even if they ARE rice crispies? ROCKY!?!? Wow, though, Jeanie! So creative… such talent!

  6. These cakes were “Precious.! Did you “create those?” Man you could make bucks off of idea’s like that.!
    How about writing a book~~~complete with Pictures……recipe’s and directions?????? Make $$$,’s off of it.! ~~~~Mom

  7. I honestly sat there in complete disbelief for a second. I could NOT believe I was actually looking at a cake! But Jeanie, you are so very creative and talented and awesome, there is no reason for disbelief.

    This cake is amazing, could totally see it on one of those cake shows on TV.

    Remember us little people when you are famous, okay?


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