I wasn’t allowed to listen to this kind of music when I was a kid. This was “hard rock” to me in the early 70’s and I was, you know, the preacher’s daughter. So, I am not going to try to explain how I still know every word and the entire arrangement of this little Osmond treasure. Huh-uh. Never-you-mind about that. Just watch. Check out those great [Mormon] moves and listen for the whoop, now!
NOTE: Yes, there was some Puppy Love over Donny and he had to sing Go Away Little Girl to me in a way that I would understand his agony in our relationship (and naturally They Tried to Tell Us We were Too Young), but my true love and total allegience remained with David {I Think I Love You} Cassidy at all times. This is a true statement.
SHhhh…please don’t tell my parents. ; )