
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is the tree of life.”  Proverbs 3.12

The new President of the United States, Barack Obama, came to us with great excitement and a lot of fanfare this week.  His speech was amazing; the whole inauguration, very inspiring.  Everything feels exciting and new.  The word “hope” echoes from the hallways these days, as President Obama has energetically taken the bull by the horns these past few days.


A few minutes ago, without the media blitz characterizing the rest of this week and one day after the anniversery of Roe vs. Wade, the President ended the Bush administration’s ban on giving federal money to international groups that provide abortions.

“A White House spokesman, Bill Burton, said Obama signed an executive order on the ban, without coverage by the media, late Friday afternoon. That was in contrast to the midday signings with fanfare of executive orders on other subjects earlier in the week.”

See the article here:


I was hoping he wouldn’t make one of his first orders of business to devalue human life (I wrote about this earlier – the right for life and how weird it is that we will save every kind of living thing, but a human life).  Hope, for me, is certainly diluted, somewhat deferred.

Praying for the president…J

3 thoughts on “Hope

  1. Yes, I agree. Life is so precious. I don’t think the goverment should fund something a woman chooses to do. I feel if the women can make the choice she should pay for it. How is it any different from having an appendix removed. The goverment doesn’t pay for that.

  2. Saddened…just saddened and stunned that one of the first orders of business this “icon of hope” would see to do is reverse something of such great importance. I’m not sure how the words echoed on Innauguration Day “so help me God” go with the decision to devalue life.

    So help us, God!

  3. I have not paid enough attention this past week, evidently. After feeling the emotion of the people, the excitement in the air, the freshly blossoming new attitude, that hit me like a ton of bricks, I must say. After saying myself, “Maybe it WILL be different,” it registered somewhere deep, down inside that life, and the consecration of it, are no longer at the top of the agenda in this country that I love. It went along with my pure sickness at hearing that human trials are starting for embryonic stem cells.

    I pray that God restores wisdom and truth in this nation before we get far too far down this path to ever return.

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